blob: bae54068e303e6f989a244367b79e5145875aeff [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import re
import hashlib
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import attr
from recipe_engine import recipe_test_api
from recipe_engine.post_process_inputs import Command
from import job
from import build as build_pb
from import common
class LedTestApi(recipe_test_api.RecipeTestApi):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(LedTestApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# The ModuleTestData system provided by the recipe engine essentially gives
# us a `dict` that gets passed to the module's __init__ method during test
# mode.
# Every invocation of mock gets a new key (an integer), and the Led recipe
# api instance will get the merged set of all mock invocations, which it
# then sorts to recover the invocation order of mock statements.
# NOTE: Ideally this would reflect the order of _concatenation_, but
# recipe_engine's limitations around ModuleTestData make this difficult.
self._mock_edit_key = 0
def _singleton_mod_data(self, key, val):
ret = recipe_test_api.TestData(None)
ret.mod_data['led'][key] = val
return ret
def mock_get_builder(self, job_def, project=None, bucket=None, builder=None):
"""Mocks the initial job.Definition for the given `led get-builder` call.
This can be used with increasing specificity; If project, bucket and builder
are all empty/None, this will set the default job.Definition for ALL builds.
If project is set, but bucket and builder are not, then it sets the default
for the project, etc.
The most specific mock always wins. No merging happens; when a get-builder
step is run, it will look in order for:
* builder/$project/$bucket/$builder
* builder/$project/$bucket
* builder/$project
* builder
And stop at the first one it finds.
It's not valid to set `builder` but leave project or builder None. Likewise
it's not valid to set `bucket` but leave project None. These will raise
ValueError in your GenTests function.
If a get-builder command is un-mocked, the default is an empty
No matter what, the led module will update the project/bucket/builder fields
of the returned job.Definition during simulation. It's recommended that you
omit these from `job_def` for clarity in your tests.
* job_def (job.Definition|None) - The initial job value. If `None`, then
this marks the builder as non-existent, and the `led get-builder` call
will be simulated to have an exit code of 1.
* project (str|None) - The LUCI project this builder belongs to.
* bucket (str|None) - The Buildbucket bucket this builder is in.
* builder (str|None) - The name of the builder.
Returns TestData which can be added to a recipe test case.
assert isinstance(job_def, (job.Definition, type(None)))
ret = None
if not project and (bucket or builder): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(
"`project` is empty, but bucket or builder are set: %r/%r" %
(bucket, builder))
if not bucket and builder: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(
"`bucket` is empty, but builder is set: %r" % (builder,))
if job_def is not None:
ret = job.Definition()
key = '/'.join(
token for token in
['get:buildbucket/builder', project, bucket, builder]
if token)
return self._singleton_mod_data(key, ret)
def mock_get_build(self, job_def, build_id=None):
"""Mocks the initial job.Definition for the given `led get-build` call.
* job_def (job.Definition|None) - The initial job value. If `None`, then
this marks the builder as non-existent, and the `led get-builder` call
will be simulated to have an exit code of 1.
* build_id (int|None) - The buildbucket build ID for the build or None
to provide the default basis for all get-build calls.
Returns TestData which can be added to a recipe test case.
assert isinstance(job_def, (job.Definition, type(None)))
ret = None
if job_def is not None:
ret = job.Definition()
key = 'get:buildbucket/build'
if build_id:
key += '/%d' % (build_id,)
return self._singleton_mod_data(key, ret)
def mock_get_swarm(self, job_def, task_id=None):
"""Mocks the initial job.Definition for the given `led get-swarm` call.
* job_def (job.Definition|None) - The initial job value. If `None`, then
this marks the builder as non-existent, and the `led get-builder` call
will be simulated to have an exit code of 1.
* task_id (str|None) - The swarming task ID for the build or None to
provide the default basis for all get-swarm calls.
Returns TestData which can be added to a recipe test case.
assert isinstance(job_def, (job.Definition, type(None)))
ret = None
if job_def is not None:
ret = job.Definition()
key = 'get:swarming/task'
if task_id:
key += '/%s' % (task_id,)
return self._singleton_mod_data(key, ret)
StopApplyingMocks = object()
class _MockEditData:
# Callable[
# [job.Definition, List[string], string],
# Union[None, StopApplyingMocks]
# ]
func = attr.ib()
# The build_id to restrict this editor to
build_id = attr.ib(default=None) # Union[None, str]
# The command filter to restrict this editor to
# Tok = Union[re.RegexObject, str]
cmd_filter = attr.ib(default=None) # Union[None, Tok, Sequence[Tok]]
def mock_edit(self, mutate_function, build_id=None, cmd_filter=None):
"""Mock allows you to provide a transformation function for led
NOTE: If you're adding a mock for led behavior, it may be worth upstreaming
into the standard_mock_functions() function on this TestApi if it is
sufficiently general.
The function `mutate_function` will take as its arguments the current
led job.Definition proto message, the current led command and the current
working directory, and is expected to mutate this message however your test
needs. If the function returns StopApplyingMocks, then no more mock
functions will be applied to the build message.
If `build_id` is provided, your mutate_function will only be called if the
current job.Definition is for:
* A buildbucket builder with BBAgentArgs.Build.Builder equal to
e.g. `led get-builder project/bucket:builder` ->
build_id == "buildbucket/builder/$project/$bucket/$builder"
* A buildbucket job with equal to `build_id`.
e.g. `led get-build 1234567` ->
build_id == "buildbucket/build/1234567"
* A swarming task with the task ID equal to `build_id`.
e.g. `led get-swarm deadbeef` ->
build_id == "swarming/deadbeef"
If `cmd_filter` is provided, your mutate_function will only be called if the
led command arguments match:
`cmd_filter in post_process_inputs.Command(led arguments)`
This means that the following match `['led', 'edit', '-p', 'foo=bar']`:
* 'edit'
* re.compile('.*=.*')
* ['led', 'edit']
* ['-p', re.compile('foo=.*')]
NOTE: For a given test case, the mock functions will apply in the order that
they were CREATED (NOT the order they were concatenated into the test case).
This is due to recipe engine limitations. For example:
mock1 = api.led.mock_edit(some_function)
mock2 = api.led.mock_edit(some_cool_function)
mock3 = api.led.mock_edit(some_other_function)
mock3 + mock1) # These evaluate in the order (mock1, mock3)
All functions whose `build_id` and `cmd_filter` match will be executed,
unless one of them returns StopApplyingMocks.
By default, the following actions are mocked by default:
* Editing property values.
* Editing the recipe input source (i.e. hash, cipd package information).
* Editing the recipe bundle (digest is based on the current working
directory of the led command).
* Editing the CLs attached to the build.
* Editing the task name attached to the build.
key = 'edit:%d' % (self._mock_edit_key,)
self._mock_edit_key += 1
return self._singleton_mod_data(
key, LedTestApi._MockEditData(mutate_function, build_id, cmd_filter))
def _derive_build_ids(build):
"""Because users can set any fields on `build`, it may have multiple IDs."""
ret = set()
if build.swarming.task.request_uuid:
ret.add('swarming/' + build.swarming.task.request_uuid)
% (,))
ret.add('buildbucket/builder/%s/%s/%s' % (,,
return ret
def _transform_build(cls, build, cmd, mock_edit_data, cwd):
ret = job.Definition()
build_ids = cls._derive_build_ids(ret)
cmd_checker = Command(cmd)
for edit_data in mock_edit_data:
if edit_data.build_id and edit_data.build_id not in build_ids:
if edit_data.cmd_filter and edit_data.cmd_filter not in cmd_checker:
if edit_data.func(ret, cmd, cwd) is cls.StopApplyingMocks:
return ret
def get_arg_values(cmd, flag):
"""A cheapo way to return all the flag values in `cmd`.
This will skip any subcommand and then look for the following variants:
* '-flag' 'value'
* '--flag' 'value'
* '-flag=value'
* '--flag=value'
If `flag` is a boolean, just ignore the returned 'value'.
This will not evaluate any arguments past the first token matching '--'.
If the very last element of cmd matches `flag`, the value will be None.
This is a "test quality" parser; you can probably succeed in tricking it.
Returns the list of values found, in the order they were found. If no values
were found, returns an empty list.
flag = flag.lstrip('-') # strip down to just the letters
flag_prefixes = ('-'+flag, '--'+flag)
# Trim the command to exclude '--' and anything after it, if present.
cmd = cmd[:cmd.index('--')]
except ValueError:
# advance i to start at the index of the first flag
i = 0
for tok in cmd:
if tok.startswith('-'):
i += 1
ret = []
while i < len(cmd):
tok = cmd[i]
next_tok = cmd[i+1] if i+1 < len(cmd) else None
i += 1
if tok in flag_prefixes:
i += 1
if '=' not in tok:
tok, val = tok.split('=', 1)
if tok in flag_prefixes:
return ret
def standard_mock_functions(cls):
"""This returns several standard mock functions which are ALWAYS active
for the led module in simulation mode (i.e. they are always applied
def _apply_properties(build, cmd, _cwd):
to_set = {}
vals = [(val, False) for val in cls.get_arg_values(cmd, 'p')]
vals.extend((val, True) for val in cls.get_arg_values(cmd, 'pa'))
for arg_value, sloppy_parse in vals:
if '=' not in arg_value: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(
"led edit -p mock: value %r missing '='" % (
prop_name, prop_value = arg_value.split('=', 1)
to_set[prop_name] = json.loads(prop_value)
except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except
if sloppy_parse:
to_set[prop_name] = prop_value
else: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(
"led edit -p mock: could not decode %r as JSON value: %s" % (
prop_value, ex))
for k, val in to_set.items():[k] = val
def _edit_input_recipes(build, cmd, _cwd):
rbhs = cls.get_arg_values(cmd, 'rbh')
if rbhs:
rbh = rbhs[-1]
digest, size_bytes = rbh.split('/')
_set_cas_user_payload(build, digest, int(size_bytes))
rpkg = cls.get_arg_values(cmd, 'rpkg')
if rpkg: = rpkg[-1]
rver = cls.get_arg_values(cmd, 'rver')
if rver: = rver[-1]
def _edit_name(build, cmd, _cwd): = cls.get_arg_values(cmd, 'name')[-1]
def _edit_recipe_bundle(build, _cmd, cwd):
# We use the cwd path as a proxy for the recipes contained in that path.
build, hashlib.sha256(cwd.encode()).hexdigest(), 1337)
def _set_cas_user_payload(build, hash, size_bytes):
agent =
agent.purposes['kitchen-checkout'] = (
build_pb.BuildInfra.Buildbucket.Agent.PURPOSE_EXE_PAYLOAD)['kitchen-checkout'].cas.digest.hash = hash['kitchen-checkout'].cas.digest.size_bytes = size_bytes
def _edit_gerrit_cl(build, cmd, _cwd):
# This mimics the implementation in `led`.
# Make sure your fake URLs look like:
# https://<gerrit_host>/c/<project/path>/+/<change>
# https://<gerrit_host>/c/<project/path>/+/<change>/<patchset>
# And you'll be fine.
raw = cmd[-1]
parsed = urlparse(raw)
toks = [x for x in parsed.path.split('/') if x]
if not toks or toks[0] != 'c': # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("%r: empty/old/bad gerrit URL" % (raw,))
toks = toks[1:] # remove "c"
idx = toks.index('+')
project_toks, change_patch_toks = toks[:idx], toks[idx+1:]
except ValueError: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("%r: could not split on `+`" % (raw,))
if not project_toks: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("%r: missing project" % (raw))
gerrit_change = common.GerritChange(
host=parsed.netloc, project='/'.join(project_toks))
gerrit_change.change = int(change_patch_toks[0])
gerrit_change.patchset = (
int(change_patch_toks[1]) if len(change_patch_toks) > 1 else 1337)
bp =
if '-remove' in cmd:
to_remove = []
for i, change in enumerate(bp.input.gerrit_changes):
if change == gerrit_change:
for idx in reversed(to_remove):
del bp.input.gerrit_changes[idx]
if '-no-implicit-clear' not in cmd:
del bp.input.gerrit_changes[:]
return [
cls._MockEditData(_apply_properties, cmd_filter=[
'edit', Ellipsis, re.compile(r"--?pa?(=.*)?"),
cls._MockEditData(_edit_input_recipes, cmd_filter=[
'edit', Ellipsis, re.compile(r"--?r(bh|pkg|ver)(=.*)?"),
cls._MockEditData(_edit_name, cmd_filter=[
'edit', Ellipsis, re.compile(r"--?name(=.*)?"),
cls._MockEditData(_edit_recipe_bundle, cmd_filter=[
cls._MockEditData(_edit_gerrit_cl, cmd_filter=[
cls._MockEditData(_edit_gerrit_cl, cmd_filter=[