blob: 9a119937472905034004caa390907d7b8e2ff7fe [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""All functions related to manipulating paths in recipes.
Recipes handle paths a bit differently than python does. All path manipulation
in recipes revolves around Path objects. These objects store a base path (always
absolute), plus a list of components to join with it. New paths can be derived
by calling the .join method with additional components.
In this way, all paths in Recipes are absolute, and are constructed from a small
collection of anchor points. The built-in anchor points are:
* `api.path.start_dir` - This is the directory that the recipe started in.
it's similar to `cwd`, except that it's constant.
* `api.path.cache_dir` - This directory is provided by whatever's running the
recipe. Files and directories created under here /may/ be evicted in between
runs of the recipe (i.e. to relieve disk pressure).
* `api.path.cleanup_dir` - This directory is provided by whatever's running the
recipe. Files and directories created under here /are guaranteed/ to be
evicted in between runs of the recipe. Additionally, this directory is
guaranteed to be empty when the recipe starts.
* `api.path.tmp_base_dir` - This directory is the system-configured temp dir.
This is a weaker form of 'cleanup', and its use should be avoided. This may
be removed in the future (or converted to an alias of 'cleanup').
* `api.path.checkout_dir` - This directory is set by various checkout modules
in recipes. It was originally intended to make recipes easier to read and
make code somewhat generic or homogeneous, but this was a mistake. New code
should avoid 'checkout', and instead just explicitly pass paths around. This
path may be removed in the future.
from __future__ import annotations
import collections
import enum
import ntpath
import os
import posixpath
import re
import tempfile
from typing import Any, Callable, Literal
from recipe_engine import recipe_api, recipe_test_api
from recipe_engine import config_types
from . import test_api
class FileType(enum.Enum):
FILE = 1
CheckoutPathName = 'checkout'
CheckoutPathNameType = Literal['checkout']
NamedBasePathsType = CheckoutPathNameType | Literal[
def _cast_to_path_impl(path_mod, strpath: str) -> config_types.Path:
"""This is the core implementation of 'cast_to_path'.
This exists outside of PathApi, because it's also used to rationalize
UnvalidatedPaths in path_set.
The `path_mod` argument is always effectively either the
ntpath or posixpath module via either fake_path.__getattr__ in the path_set
case, or directly via PathApi._path_mod in the testing/production case.
Unfortunately, this is not currently expressible as a type annotation, because
modules are not allowed as types (even though logically they are representable
as a Protocol).
This converts the string path to a Path using the current real/simulated
platform's implementation of splitdrive to form a ResolvedBasePath on the
'drive', with the rest of the path being split into pieces using the default
config_types.Path constructor logic (i.e. using platform-aware path slash).
drive, path = path_mod.splitdrive(strpath)
# NOTE( - this should switch to isabs when we change
# config_types.Path to pathlib.Path. Currently isabs does the wrong thing with
# testing path roots like [CACHE], and ntpath.abspath won't add a fake drive
# (meaning that abspath(strpath) == strpath is not a good check.
if path_mod.sep == '\\':
if not drive:
raise ValueError(
f'Cannot use {strpath!r} with cast_to_path - not absolute.')
if not strpath.startswith('/'):
raise ValueError(
f'Cannot use {strpath!r} with cast_to_path - not absolute.')
return config_types.Path(config_types.ResolvedBasePath(drive), path)
class path_set:
"""Implements a set which contains all the parents folders of added
This all boils down to a flat, sorted, list of (strpath, kind) pairs, where kind
is reductively just FILE or DIRECTORY. This is a far cry from a real
filesystem. See
The initial set of paths is populated via the PathTestApi's files_exist and
dirs_exist module data. These can either be regular config_types.Path
instances, based on a ResolvedBasePath or on a CheckoutBasePath, OR they can
be UnvalidatedPath instances, which path_set will validate and cast into
a config_types.Path prior to ingestion.
Paths based on CheckoutBasePath will be held in limbo in the _checkout_paths
attribute until the recipe assigns a concrete Path for checkout_dir, at which
point these buffered Paths will now spring into existence. This is definitely
abstraction-breaking, but some downstream recipes depend on this behavior, so
it will all need to be untangled carefully.
# BUG( Expand this to be a full fakey filesystem, including file
# contents and file types. Coordinate with the `file` module.
def __init__(self, path_mod: fake_path,
test_data: recipe_test_api.ModuleTestData):
# path_set is only ever used in the testing paths, so we know _path_mod is
# always a fake_path.
self._path_mod: fake_path = path_mod
# _checkout_paths are buffered until `mark_checkout_dir_set` has been called,
# at which point we know it's acceptable to render these Paths to strings.
self._checkout_paths: list[tuple[config_types.Path, FileType]] = []
initial_paths: list[tuple[config_types.Path, FileType]] = []
for filepath in test_data.get('files_exist', ()):
if isinstance(filepath, test_api.UnvalidatedPath):
filepath = _cast_to_path_impl(path_mod,
assert isinstance(filepath, config_types.Path), (
f'path.files_exist module test data contains non-Path {type(filepath)}'
initial_paths.append((filepath, FileType.FILE))
for dirpath in test_data.get('dirs_exist', ()):
if isinstance(dirpath, test_api.UnvalidatedPath):
dirpath = _cast_to_path_impl(path_mod,
assert isinstance(dirpath, config_types.Path), (
f'path.files_exist module test data contains non-Path {type(dirpath)}'
initial_paths.append((dirpath, FileType.DIRECTORY))
# An entry in self._paths means an object exists in the mock filesystem.
# The value (either FILE or DIRECTORY) is the type of that object.
self._paths: dict[str, FileType] = {}
for path, kind in initial_paths:
if not isinstance(path, config_types.Path): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(
'String paths to `api.path.exists` in GenTests are not allowed.'
' Use one of the _dir properties on `api.path` to get a Path, or '
' use `api.path.cast_to_path`.')
if isinstance(path.base, config_types.CheckoutBasePath):
self._checkout_paths.append((path, kind))
self.add(path, kind)
def mark_checkout_dir_set(self) -> None:
"""This is called by PathApi once when checkout_dir is initially assigned to
a concrete Path.
Note that a side-effect of the assignment in PathApi is updating the
CheckoutBasePath._resolved class variable, which makes it possible to render
the Paths in _checkout_paths to strings.
for path, kind in self._checkout_paths:
self.add(path, kind)
def _is_contained_in(self, path: str, root: str, match_root: bool) -> bool:
"""Returns True iff `path` is contained in `root`.
Returns `match_root` if `path` == `root`.
if not path.startswith(root):
return False
if len(path) == len(root):
return match_root
# Note - this prevents simple lexical failures such as
# "/a/bcdef" in "/a/b"
# (both have the prefix "/a/b", but "/a/bcdef" is not contained in "/a/b")
return path[len(root)] == self._path_mod.sep
def add(self, path: str | config_types.Path, kind: FileType):
"""Marks the existence of `path`.
This also implicitly marks all parent directories of `path` to also exist
(as type DIRECTORY).
sPath: str = str(path)
prev_path: str|None = None
while sPath != prev_path:
self._paths[sPath] = kind
prev_path, sPath = sPath, self._path_mod.dirname(sPath)
kind = FileType.DIRECTORY
def copy(self, source: str | config_types.Path,
dest: str | config_types.Path) -> None:
"""Copies the existence criteria of all known paths contained in `source` to `dest`.
This also implicitly marks all parent directories of `path` to also exist
(as type DIRECTORY).
source, dest = str(source), str(dest)
to_add: dict[str, FileType] = {}
for p in self._paths:
if self._is_contained_in(p, source, match_root=True):
to_add[p.replace(source, dest)] = self._paths[p]
for path, kind in to_add.items():
self.add(path, kind)
def remove(self, path: str | config_types.Path, filt: Callable[[str],
bool]) -> None:
"""Removes existence criteria for `path`, and any other paths it contains.
`filt` is a required filter function. It will be called for each path
contained in `path`, and if it returns True, the path will be removed from
this path_set's existence list.
path = str(path)
match_root: bool = True
if path[-1] == self._path_mod.sep:
match_root = False
path = path.rstrip(self._path_mod.sep)
kill_set: set[str] = set(
p for p in self._paths
if self._is_contained_in(p, path, match_root) and filt(p))
for entry in kill_set:
del self._paths[entry]
def contains(self, path: str) -> bool:
return path in self._paths
def kind(self, path: str) -> FileType:
return self._paths[path]
class fake_path:
"""Standin for os.path when we're in test mode.
This class simulates the os.path interface exposed by PathApi, respecting the
current platform according to the `platform` module. This allows us to
simulate path functions according to the platform being tested, rather than
the platform which is currently running.
def __init__(self, is_windows: bool,
test_data: recipe_test_api.ModuleTestData):
self._pth = ntpath if is_windows else posixpath
self._mock_path_exists = path_set(self, test_data)
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any:
return getattr(self._pth, name)
def mock_add_paths(self, path: config_types.Path, kind: FileType) -> None:
"""Adds a path and all of its parents to the set of existing paths."""
assert kind in FileType
self._mock_path_exists.add(path, kind)
def mock_copy_paths(self, source: str, dest: str) -> None:
"""Duplicates a path and all of its children to another path."""
self._mock_path_exists.copy(source, dest)
def mock_remove_paths(self, path: str, filt: Callable[[str], bool]) -> None:
"""Removes a path and all of its children from the set of existing paths."""
self._mock_path_exists.remove(path, filt)
# NOTE: These have `path: str` instead of config_types.Path because the
# api._path_mod type is the intersection of (os.path && fake_path) - even if
# these are strictly defined as config_types.Path, it will not enable better
# type checking, because os.path is not defined in terms of
# config_types.Path.
def exists(self, path: str) -> bool: # pylint: disable=method-hidden
"""Returns True if path refers to an existing path."""
return self._mock_path_exists.contains(path)
def isdir(self, path: str) -> bool:
return self.exists(path) and self._mock_path_exists.kind(
path) == FileType.DIRECTORY
def isfile(self, path: str) -> bool:
return self.exists(path) and self._mock_path_exists.kind(
path) == FileType.FILE
# This matches:
# RECIPE[some_pkg::some_module:recipe_name]
# and friends at the beginning of a string.
ROOT_MATCHER = re.compile(r'^[A-Z_]*\[[^]]*\]')
def normpath(self, path: str) -> str:
"""Normalizes the path.
This splits off a recipe base (i.e. RECIPE[...]) so that normpath is
only called on the user-supplied portion of the path.
real_normpath = self._pth.normpath
m = self.ROOT_MATCHER.match(path)
if m:
prefix =
rest = path[len(prefix):]
if rest == '':
# normpath turns '' into '.'
return prefix
return prefix + real_normpath(rest)
return real_normpath(path)
def abspath(self, path: str) -> str:
"""Returns the absolute version of path."""
return self.normpath(path)
def realpath(self, path: str) -> str:
"""Returns the canonical version of the path."""
return self.normpath(path)
class PathApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
_paths_client: recipe_api.PathsClient | recipe_api.UnresolvedRequirement = recipe_api.RequireClient(
# This is the literal string 'checkout'.
# This is only being added as an intermediate step to removing the
# dictionary-like API from the path module, and will be removed in the near
# future. Do not use this.
# Use the .checkout_dir @property directly, instead.
CheckoutPathName = CheckoutPathName
# This is a frozenset of all the named base paths that this module knows
# about.
NamedBasePaths = frozenset([
def __init__(self, path_properties, **kwargs):
self._start_dir: str
self._temp_dir: str
self._home_dir: str
# These are populated in __init__ OR in initialize, but the rest of the
# module will always see them as populated values.
self._cleanup_dir: str = ""
self._cache_dir: str = ""
# checkout_dir can be set at most once per recipe run.
self._checkout_dir: config_types.Path|None = None
# Used in mkdtemp and mkstemp when generating and checking expectations.
self._test_counter: collections.Counter = collections.Counter()
if not self._test_data.enabled: # pragma: no cover
self._path_mod = os.path
# HACK: config_types.Path._OS_SEP is a global variable.
# This gets reset by config_types.ResetGlobalVariableAssignments()
config_types.Path._OS_SEP = self._path_mod.sep
for key in ('temp_dir', 'cache_dir', 'cleanup_dir'):
value = path_properties.get(key)
if value and not os.path.isabs(value):
raise ValueError(
f'Path {value!r} in path module property {key!r} is not absolute')
# These we can compute without _paths_client.
self._home_dir: str = self._path_mod.expanduser('~')
self._temp_dir = path_properties.get('temp_dir', tempfile.gettempdir())
# These MAY be provided via the module properties - if they are, set them
# here, otherwise they will be populated in initialize().
if cache_dir := path_properties.get('cache_dir'):
self._cache_dir = cache_dir
if cleanup_dir := path_properties.get('cleanup_dir'):
self._cleanup_dir = cleanup_dir
assert not isinstance(self._test_data, recipe_test_api.DisabledTestData)
for key in ('temp_dir', 'cache_dir', 'cleanup_dir'):
if value := path_properties.get(key): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(
f'Base path mocking is not supported - got {key} = {value!r}')
# HACK: The platform test_api sets specifically for the
# path module when users use in their tests.
# This is dirty, but it avoids a LOT of interdependency complexity.
_test_platform = self._test_data.get('', 'linux')
self._cache_dir = '[CACHE]'
self._cleanup_dir = '[CLEANUP]'
self._home_dir = '[HOME]'
self._start_dir = '[START_DIR]'
self._temp_dir = '[TMP_BASE]'
is_windows = _test_platform == 'win'
# HACK: config_types.Path._OS_SEP is a global variable.
# This gets reset by config_types.ResetGlobalVariableAssignments()
config_types.Path._OS_SEP = '\\' if is_windows else '/'
# NOTE: This depends on _OS_SEP being set.
self._path_mod = fake_path(is_windows, self._test_data)
def initialize(self):
"""This is called by the recipe engine immediately after __init__(), but
with `self._paths_client` initialized.
if not self._test_data.enabled: # pragma: no cover
# These paths can only be set with _paths_client, so we do them here in
# initialize().
self._start_dir = self._paths_client.start_dir
if not self._cache_dir:
self._cache_dir = os.path.join(self._start_dir, 'cache')
# If no cleanup directory is specified, assume that any directory
# underneath of the working directory is transient and will be purged in
# between builds.
if not self._cleanup_dir:
self._cleanup_dir = os.path.join(self._start_dir, 'recipe_cleanup')
def _ensure_dir(self, path: str) -> None: # pragma: no cover
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
def assert_absolute(self, path: config_types.Path | str) -> None:
"""Raises AssertionError if the given path is not an absolute path.
* path - The path to check.
if self.abspath(path) != str(path):
raise AssertionError('%s is not absolute' % path)
def mkdtemp(self, prefix: str = tempfile.template) -> config_types.Path:
"""Makes a new temporary directory, returns Path to it.
* prefix - a tempfile template for the directory name (defaults to "tmp").
Returns a Path to the new directory.
assert isinstance(prefix, str), f'Prefix is not a string: {type(prefix)}'
if not self._test_data.enabled: # pragma: no cover
cleanup_dir = str(self.cleanup_dir) + self.sep
new_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix, dir=cleanup_dir)
assert new_path.startswith(cleanup_dir), (
f'{new_path=!r} -- {cleanup_dir=!r}')
temp_name = new_path[len(cleanup_dir):]
self._test_counter[prefix] += 1
temp_name = f'{prefix}_tmp_{self._test_counter[prefix]}'
temp_dir = self.cleanup_dir / temp_name
self.mock_add_paths(temp_dir, FileType.DIRECTORY)
return temp_dir
def mkstemp(self, prefix: str = tempfile.template) -> config_types.Path:
"""Makes a new temporary file, returns Path to it.
* prefix - a tempfile template for the file name (defaults to "tmp").
Returns a Path to the new file.
NOTE: Unlike tempfile.mkstemp, the file's file descriptor is closed. If you
need the full security properties of mkstemp, please outsource this to e.g.
either a resource script of your recipe module or recipe.
assert isinstance(prefix, str), f'Prefix is not a string: {type(prefix)}'
if not self._test_data.enabled: # pragma: no cover
cleanup_dir = str(self.cleanup_dir) + self.sep
fd, new_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=prefix, dir=cleanup_dir)
assert new_path.startswith(cleanup_dir), (
f'{new_path=!r} -- {cleanup_dir=!r}')
temp_file = self.cleanup_dir / new_path[len(cleanup_dir):]
self._test_counter[prefix] += 1
temp_file = self.cleanup_dir.joinpath(
self.mock_add_paths(temp_file, FileType.FILE)
return temp_file
def abs_to_path(self, abs_string_path: str) -> config_types.Path:
"""Converts an absolute path string `abs_string_path` to a real Path
object, using the most appropriate known base path.
* abs_string_path MUST be an absolute path
* abs_string_path MUST be rooted in one of the configured base paths known
to the path module.
This method will find the longest match in all the following:
* module resource paths
* recipe resource paths
* repo paths
* home_dir
* start_dir
* tmp_base_dir
* cleanup_dir
# assume [START_DIR] == "/basis/dir/for/recipe"
api.path.abs_to_path("/basis/dir/for/recipe/some/other/dir") ->
Raises an ValueError if the preconditions are not met, otherwise returns the
Path object.
if isinstance(abs_string_path, config_types.Path):
return abs_string_path
ap = self.abspath(abs_string_path)
if ap != abs_string_path:
raise ValueError("path is not absolute: %r v %r" % (abs_string_path, ap))
# try module/recipe/repo resource paths first
sPath, path = self._paths_client.find_longest_prefix(
abs_string_path, self.sep)
if path is None:
to_try = [
for path in to_try:
# checkout_dir can be None, skip it
if path:
sPath = str(path)
if abs_string_path.startswith(sPath):
path = None
if path is None or sPath is None:
raise ValueError("could not figure out a base path for %r" %
sub_path = abs_string_path[len(sPath):].strip(self.sep)
return path.joinpath(*sub_path.split(self.sep))
def __contains__(self, pathname: NamedBasePathsType) -> bool:
"""This method is DEPRECATED.
If `pathname` is "checkout", returns True iff checkout_dir is set.
If you want to check if checkout_dir is set, use
`api.path.checkout_dir is not None` or similar, instead.
Returns True for all other `pathname` values in NamedBasePaths.
Returns False for all other values.
In the past, the base paths that this module knew about were extensible via
a very complicated 'config' system. All of that has been removed, but this
method remains for now.
if pathname == self.CheckoutPathName:
return bool(self._checkout_dir)
return pathname in self.NamedBasePaths
def __setitem__(self, pathname: CheckoutPathNameType,
path: config_types.Path) -> None:
"""Sets the checkout path.
DEPRECATED - Assign directly to `api.path.checkout_dir` instead.
The only valid value of `pathname` is the literal string CheckoutPathName.
if pathname != self.CheckoutPathName:
raise ValueError(
f'The only valid dynamic path value is `{self.CheckoutPathName}`. '
f'Got {pathname!r}. Use `api.path.checkout_dir = <path>` instead.'
self.checkout_dir = path
def checkout_dir(self) -> config_types.Path|None:
"""Returns the Path which was assigned to this checkout_dir property."""
if cdir := self._checkout_dir:
# If the checkout_dir is already set, just return it directly.
return cdir
# In this case, the checkout_dir is not yet set, but it could be later.
return config_types.Path(config_types.CheckoutBasePath())
def checkout_dir(self, path: config_types.Path) -> None:
"""Sets the global variable `api.path.checkout_dir` to the given path.
if not isinstance(path, config_types.Path):
raise ValueError(
f'api.path.checkout_dir called with bad type: {path!r} ({type(path)})')
if isinstance(path.base, config_types.CheckoutBasePath):
raise ValueError(
f'api.path.checkout_dir cannot be rooted in checkout_dir: {path!r}')
if (current := self._checkout_dir) is not None:
if current == path:
raise ValueError(
f'api.path.checkout_dir can only be set once. old:{current!r} new:{path!r}')
self._checkout_dir = path
# HACK: config_types.CheckoutBasePath._resolved is a global variable.
# This gets reset by config_types.ResetGlobalVariableAssignments().
config_types.CheckoutBasePath._resolved = path
if self._test_data.enabled:
assert isinstance(self._path_mod, fake_path)
# We can always ignore checkout_dir warnings from this method because all
# uses of this method produce PATH_GETITEM_DEPRECATED warnings. When those
# get fixed, callers will be accessing api.path.checkout_dir directly and
# will then hit the CHECKOUT_DIR_DEPRECATED warning.
def get(self, name: NamedBasePathsType, *,
skip_deprecation=False) -> config_types.Path:
"""Gets the base path named `name`. See module docstring for more info.
DEPRECATED: Use the following @properties on this module instead:
* start_dir
* tmp_base_dir
* cache_dir
* cleanup_dir
* home_dir
* checkout_dir (but use of checkout_dir is generally discouraged - just
pass the Paths around instead of using this global variable).
if not skip_deprecation:
match name:
case 'cache':
return self.cache_dir
case 'checkout':
return self.checkout_dir
case 'cleanup':
return self.cleanup_dir
case 'home':
return self.home_dir
case 'start_dir':
return self.start_dir
case 'tmp_base':
return self.tmp_base_dir
raise ValueError(f'Unable to api.path.get({name!r}) - unknown base path.')
def __getitem__(self, name: NamedBasePathsType) -> config_types.Path:
"""Gets the base path named `name`. See module docstring for more info.
DEPRECATED: Use the following @properties on this module instead:
* start_dir
* tmp_base_dir
* cache_dir
* cleanup_dir
* home_dir
* checkout_dir (but use of checkout_dir is generally discouraged - just
pass the Paths around instead of using this global variable).
return self.get(name, skip_deprecation=True)
def start_dir(self) -> config_types.Path:
"""This is the directory that the recipe started in. it's similar to `cwd`,
except that it's constant for the duration of the entire program.
If you want to modify the current working directory for a set of steps,
See the 'recipe_engine/context' module which allows modifying the cwd safely
via a context manager.
return config_types.Path(config_types.ResolvedBasePath(self._start_dir))
def home_dir(self) -> config_types.Path:
"""This is the path to the current $HOME directory.
It is generally recommended to avoid using this, because it is an indicator
that the recipe is non-hermetic.
return config_types.Path(config_types.ResolvedBasePath(self._home_dir))
def tmp_base_dir(self) -> config_types.Path:
"""This directory is the system-configured temp dir.
This is a weaker form of 'cleanup', and its use should be avoided. This may
be removed in the future (or converted to an alias of 'cleanup').
return config_types.Path(config_types.ResolvedBasePath(self._temp_dir))
def cache_dir(self) -> config_types.Path:
"""This directory is provided by whatever's running the recipe.
When the recipe executes via Buildbucket, directories under here map to
'named caches' which the Build has set. These caches would be preserved
locally on the machine executing this recipe, and are restored for
subsequent recipe exections on the same machine which request the same named
By default, Buildbucket installs a cache named 'builder' which is an
immediate subdirectory of cache_dir, and will attempt to be persisted
between executions of recipes on the same Buildbucket builder which use the
same machine. So, if you are just looking for a place to put files which may
be persisted between builds, use:
As the base Path.
Note that directories created under here /may/ be evicted in between runs of
the recipe (i.e. to relieve disk pressure).
return config_types.Path(config_types.ResolvedBasePath(self._cache_dir))
def cleanup_dir(self) -> config_types.Path:
"""This directory is guaranteed to be cleaned up (eventually) after the
execution of this recipe.
This directory is guaranteed to be empty when the recipe starts.
return config_types.Path(config_types.ResolvedBasePath(self._cleanup_dir))
def cast_to_path(self, strpath: str) -> config_types.Path:
"""This returns a Path for strpath which can be used anywhere a Path is
If `strpath` is not an absolute path (e.g. rooted with a valid Windows drive
or a '/' for non-Windows paths), this will raise ValueError.
This implicitly tries abs_to_path prior to returning a drive-rooted Path.
This means that if strpath is a subdirectory of a known path (say,
cache_dir), the returned Path will be based on that known path. This is
important for test compatibility.
return self.abs_to_path(strpath)
except ValueError:
return _cast_to_path_impl(self._path_mod, strpath)
def pardir(self) -> str:
"""Equivalent to os.pardir."""
return self._path_mod.pardir
def sep(self) -> str:
"""Equivalent to os.sep."""
return self._path_mod.sep
def pathsep(self) -> str:
"""Equivalent to os.pathsep."""
return self._path_mod.pathsep
def abspath(self, path: config_types.Path | str):
"""Equivalent to os.abspath."""
return self._path_mod.abspath(str(path))
def basename(self, path: config_types.Path | str):
"""Equivalent to os.path.basename."""
return self._path_mod.basename(str(path))
def dirname(self, path: config_types.Path | str) -> config_types.Path | str:
"""For "foo/bar/baz", return "foo/bar".
This corresponds to os.path.dirname().
The type of the return value matches the type of the argument.
path: path to take directory name of
Returns dirname of path
if isinstance(path, config_types.Path):
return self.abs_to_path(self._path_mod.dirname(str(path)))
# If path is not a Path object it's likely a string. Leave return value as a
# string.
return self._path_mod.dirname(str(path))
def join(self, path, *paths):
"""Equivalent to os.path.join.
Note that Path objects returned from this module (e.g.
api.path.start_dir) have a built-in join method (e.g.
new_path = p.joinpath('some', 'name')). Many recipe modules expect Path
objects rather than strings. Using this `join` method gives you raw path
joining functionality and returns a string.
If your path is rooted in one of the path module's root paths (i.e. those
retrieved with api.path.something), then you can convert from a string path
back to a Path with the `abs_to_path` method.
return self._path_mod.join(str(path), *[str(p) for p in paths])
def split(self, path):
"""For "foo/bar/baz", return ("foo/bar", "baz").
This corresponds to os.path.split().
The type of the first item in the return value matches the type of the
path (Path or str): path to split into directory name and basename
Returns (dirname(path), basename(path)).
dirname, basename = self._path_mod.split(str(path))
if isinstance(path, config_types.Path):
return (self.abs_to_path(dirname), basename)
# If path is not a Path object it's likely a string. Leave both elements in
# return tuple as strings.
return (dirname, basename)
def splitext(
self, path: config_types.Path | str
) -> tuple[config_types.Path | str, str]:
"""For "foo/bar.baz", return ("foo/bar", ".baz").
This corresponds to os.path.splitext().
The type of the first item in the return value matches the type of the
path: Path to split into name and extension
(name, extension_including_dot).
name, ext = self._path_mod.splitext(str(path))
if isinstance(path, config_types.Path):
return (self.abs_to_path(name), ext)
# If path is not a Path object it's likely a string. Leave both elements in
# return tuple as strings.
return (name, ext)
def realpath(self, path: config_types.Path | str):
"""Equivalent to os.path.realpath."""
return self._path_mod.realpath(str(path))
def relpath(self, path, start):
"""Roughly equivalent to os.path.relpath.
Unlike os.path.relpath, `start` is _required_. If you want the 'current
directory', use the `recipe_engine/context` module's `cwd` property.
return self._path_mod.relpath(str(path), str(start))
def normpath(self, path):
"""Equivalent to os.path.normpath."""
return self._path_mod.normpath(str(path))
def expanduser(self, path): # pragma: no cover
"""Do not use this, use `api.path.home_dir` instead.
This ONLY handles `path` == "~", and returns `str(api.path.home_dir)`.
if path == "~":
return str(self.home_dir)
raise ValueError("expanduser only supports `~`.")
def exists(self, path):
"""Equivalent to os.path.exists.
The presence or absence of paths can be mocked during the execution of the
recipe by using the mock_* methods.
return self._path_mod.exists(str(path))
def isdir(self, path):
"""Equivalent to os.path.isdir.
The presence or absence of paths can be mocked during the execution of the
recipe by using the mock_* methods.
return self._path_mod.isdir(str(path))
def isfile(self, path):
"""Equivalent to os.path.isfile.
The presence or absence of paths can be mocked during the execution of the
recipe by using the mock_* methods.
return self._path_mod.isfile(str(path))
def mock_add_paths(self, path: config_types.Path,
kind: FileType = FileType.FILE) -> None:
"""For testing purposes, mark that |path| exists."""
if self._test_data.enabled:
assert isinstance(self._path_mod, fake_path)
self._path_mod.mock_add_paths(path, kind)
def mock_add_file(self, path: config_types.Path) -> None:
"""For testing purposes, mark that file |path| exists."""
self.mock_add_paths(path, FileType.FILE)
def mock_add_directory(self, path: config_types.Path) -> None:
"""For testing purposes, mark that file |path| exists."""
self.mock_add_paths(path, FileType.DIRECTORY)
def mock_copy_paths(self, source: config_types.Path,
dest: config_types.Path) -> None:
"""For testing purposes, copy |source| to |dest|."""
if self._test_data.enabled:
assert isinstance(self._path_mod, fake_path)
self._path_mod.mock_copy_paths(source, dest)
def mock_remove_paths(
path: config_types.Path,
should_remove: Callable[[str], bool] = lambda p: True) -> None:
"""For testing purposes, mark that |path| doesn't exist.
path: The path to remove.
should_remove: Called for every candidate path. Return True to remove this
if self._test_data.enabled:
self._path_mod.mock_remove_paths(path, should_remove)
def eq(self, path1: config_types.Path, path2: config_types.Path) -> bool:
"""Check whether path1 points to the same path as path2.
DEPRECATED: Just directly compare path1 and path2 with `==`.
return path1 == path2
def is_parent_of(self, parent: config_types.Path,
child: config_types.Path) -> bool:
"""Check whether child is contained within parent.
DEPRECATED: Just use `parent in child.parents`.
return parent in child.parents