
Recipes are a Python3 framework for writing Continuous Integration scripts (i.e. what you might otherwise write as a bash script). Unlike bash scripts, they are meant to:

  • Be testable
  • Be cross-platform
  • Allow code-sharing
  • Be locally runnable
  • Integrate with the LUCI UI (i.e. to display subprocesses as “steps”, and other UI attributes (step color, descriptive text, debugging logs, etc.)
For a more detailed guide to writing recipes, see the recipe walkthrough.
For more implementation details, please see implementation_details.


Chromium previously used BuildBot for its builds, which stored the definition of a builder's actions as ‘Build Factories’ on the service side, requiring service redeployment (including temporary outages) in order to make changes to them. Additionally the build factories produced all steps-to-be-run at the beginning of the build; there was no easy way to calculate a future step from the results of running an intermediate step. This made it very difficult to iterate on the builds.

We initially introduced a protocol to BuildBot to allow a script running in the build to control the presentation of the build on BuildBot (i.e. telling the service that new steps were running and their status, etc.). For a while a couple sub-teams used bash scripts to execute their builds, manually emitting the signalling protocol interspersed with stdout. This provided the ability to de-couple working on what-the-build-does from the running BuildBot service, allowing changes to the build without redeployment of the service.

Recipes were the evolution of these bash scripts; they are written in Python3, allow code sharing across repos, have a testing mechanism, etc. Arguably, recipes have too many features at present, but we're hard at work removing them where we can, to keep them simple :-)


This user guide will attempt to bootstrap your understanding of the recipes ecosystem. This includes the setup of a recipe repo, user of the script, and the development flow for writing and testing recipes and recipe modules.

Runtime dependencies

Recipes depend on a few tools to be in the environment:

  • python: Currently recipes rely on Python 3.8 via vpython3.
  • vpython3: This is a LUCI tool to manage Python3 VirtualEnvs. Recipes rely on this for the recipe engine runtime dependencies (like the python protobuf libraries, etc.)
  • cipd: This is a LUCI tool to manage binary package distribution.

Additionally, most existing recipes depend on the following:

  • luci-auth - This is a LUCI tool to manage OAuth tokens; on bots it can mint tokens for service accounts installed as part of the Swarming task, and on dev machines it can mint tokens based on locally stored credentials (i.e. run luci-auth login to locally store credentials).

Recipe repo setup

A recipe repo has a few essential requirements:

  • It is a git repo.
  • It contains a file called //infra/config/recipes.cfg. For historical reasons, this is a non-configurable path.
  • It contains the recipes, recipe_modules, and/or recipe_proto folders (in the recipes_path folder indicated by recipes.cfg. By default they are located at the base of the repository).
  • It contains a copy of in its recipes_path folder.

The config file recipes.cfg

The recipes.cfg file is a JSONPB file, which is defined by the recipes_cfg.proto protobuf file.

Its purpose is to tell the recipe engine about this repo, and indicate any other repos that this repo depends on (including precise dependency pins). All recipe repos will need to depend on the ‘recipe_engine’ repo (the repo containing this user guide).

As part of this config, the repo needs an id, which should match the LUCI-config project id for the repo; this id will show up when other recipe repos depend on your repo.

Example recipes.cfg.

The recipes folder

The recipes folder contains a collection of python files and subfolders containing python files, as well as subfolders containing JSON ‘expectation’ files. Recipes are named by their file path (minus the .py extension).

A recipe in a subfolder includes that subfolder in its name; so /path/to/recipes/subdir/ would have the name “subdir/recipe”.

Example recipes folder.

The recipe_modules folder

The recipe_modules folder contains subfolders, one per module. Unlike recipes, the module namespace is flat in each repo. A recipe module directory contains these files:

  • Contains the DEPS, PROPERTIES, etc. declarations for the recipe_module.
  • Contains the implementation of the recipe module.
  • Contains the implementation of the recipe module's fakes.

Example recipe_modules folder.

The recipe_proto folder

See Working with Protobuf files for details on this folder and its contents.

The script

The script is the entry point to the recipe_engine and to running your recipe. Its primary functionality is to clone a copy of the recipe_engine repo (matching the version in your recipes.cfg file), and then invoke the main recipe_engine code with whatever command line you gave it.

This script invokes the recipe engine with vpython3, which picks up a python VirtualEnv suitable for the recipe engine (it includes things like py-cryptography and the protobuf library).

There are a couple of important subcommands that you'll use frequently:

  • run: This command actually executes a single recipe.
  • test: This command runs the simulation tests and trains the generated file as well as simulation expectation files. This also has a ‘debug’ option which is pretty helpful.

Less often-used:

  • autoroll: Automatically updates your recipes.cfg file with newer versions of the dependencies there. This rolls the recipes.cfg version. and also runs simulation tests to try to detect the largest ‘trivial’ roll, or the smallest ‘non-trivial’ roll.
  • manual_roll: Updates your recipes.cfg file with the smallest valid roll possible, but doesn‘t do any automated testing. It’s useful for when you need to manually roll recipes (i.e. the automated roll doesn't find a valid trivial or non-trivial roll, due to API changes, etc.).
  • bundle: Extracts all files necessary to run the recipe without making any network requests (i.e. no git repository operations).

And very infrequently used:

  • doc: Shows/generates documentation for the recipes and modules from their python docstrings. However the test train subcommand will generate Markdown automatically from the docstrings, so you don't usually need to invoke this subcommand explicitly.
  • fetch: Explicitly runs the ‘fetch’ phase of the recipe engine (to sync all local git repos to the versions in recipes.cfg). However, this happens implicitly for all subcommands, and the bundle command is a superior way to prepare recipes for offline use.
  • lint: Runs some very simple static analysis on the recipes. This command is mostly invoked automatically from PRESUBMIT scripts so you don't need to run it manually.

It also has a couple tools for analyzing the recipe dependency graph:

  • analyze: Answers questions about the recipe dependency graph (for use in continuous integration scenarios).

Overriding dependencies

If you're developing recipes locally, you may find the need to work on changes in multiple recipe repos simultaneously. You can override a dependency for a recipe repo with the -O option to, for any of its subcommands.

For example, you may want to change the behavior of the upstream repo and see how it affects the behavior of the recipes in the dependent repo (which presumably depends on the upstream repo). To do this you would:

$ # Hack on the upstream repo locally to make your change
$ cd /path/to/dependent/repo
$ ./ -O upstream_id=/path/to/upstream/repo test train
<uses your local upstream repo, regardless of what recipe.cfg specifies>

This works for all dependency repos, and can be specified multiple times to override more than one dependency.

The run command

TODO(iannucci) - Document

The test command

TODO(iannucci) - Document

The autoroll command

TODO(iannucci) - Document

The manual_roll command

Updates your repo's recipes.cfg file with the smallest valid roll possible. This means that for all dependencies your repo has, the smallest number of commits change between the previous value of recipes.cfg and the new value of recipes.cfg.

This will print out the effective changelog to stdout as well, for help in preparing a manual roll CL.

You can run this command repeatedly to find successive roll candidates.

The bundle command

TODO(iannucci) - Document

Writing recipes

A “recipe” is a Python3 script which the recipe engine can run and test. This script:

  • Must have a RunSteps function
  • Must have a GenTests generator
  • May have a DEPS list
  • May have a PROPERTIES declaration
  • May have a ENV_PROPERTIES declaration

Recipes must exist in one of the following places in a recipe repo:

  • Under the recipes directory
  • Under a recipe_modules/*/examples directory
  • Under a recipe_modules/*/tests directory
  • Under a recipe_modules/*/run directory

Recipes in subfolders of these are also permitted. Recipes in the global recipe directory have a name which is the path of the recipe script relative to the recipe folder containing it. If the recipe is located under a recipe module folder, the name is prepended with the module's name and a colon. For example:

//recipes/                      ->  "something"
//recipes/sub/                  ->  "sub/something"
//recipe_modules/foo/tests/     ->  "foo:tests/something"
//recipe_modules/foo/run/sub/   ->  "foo:run/sub/something"

Here's a simple example recipe:

DEPS = [

def RunSteps(api):
  # This runs a single step called "say hello" which executes the `echo`
  # program to print 'hello' to stdout. `echo` is assumed to be resolvable
  # via $PATH here.
  api.step('say hello', ['echo', 'hello'])

def GenTests(api):
  # yields a single test case called 'basic' which has no particular inputs
  # and asserts that the step 'say hello' runs.
  yield (
    + api.post_check(lambda check, steps: check('say hello' in steps))

For a more detailed guide to writing recipes and recipe modules, see the walkthrough


The RunSteps function has a signature like:

 # RunSteps(api[, properties][, env_properties])
 # For example:

 # Neither PROPERTIES or ENV_PROPERTIES are declared
 def RunSteps(api):

 # PROPERTIES(proto message)
 def RunSteps(api, properties):

 # PROPERTIES(proto message) and ENV_PROPERTIES(proto message)
 def RunSteps(api, properties, env_properties):

 # ENV_PROPERTIES(proto message)
 def RunSteps(api, env_properties):

 # (DEPRECATED) Old style PROPERTIES declaration.
 def RunSteps(api, name, of, properties):

Where api is a python object containing all loaded DEPS (see section on DEPS below), and the properties arguments are loaded from the properties passed in to the recipe when the recipe is started.

The RunSteps function may invoke any recipe module it wants via api (at its most basic, a recipe would run steps via api.step(...) after including ‘recipe_engine/step’ in DEPS).

Additionally, the RunSteps function can return a summary and status of the build. This is done by returning a RawResult object, which can be done like this:

# Import proto that has RawResult object
from PB.recipe_engine.result import RawResult
# Import proto that has Status object
from import common

def RunSteps(api):
  # Run some recipe step
    api.step('do example', ...)
    return RawResult(
      summary_markdown='Ran the example!',
  except api.step.StepFailure:
    # The example will output json in the form of `{"error": string}`
    step_json = api.step.active_result.json.output
    return RawResult(
Currently (as of 2019/06/24) the Recipe Engine still uses the @@@annotation@@@ protocol which prevents the summary_markdown field from propagating on SUCCESS statuses. So, you can set summary_markdown in all cases from the recipe, but it will only be visible on the build in conjunction with non-SUCCESS status value.


The GenTests function is a generator which yields test cases. Every test case:

  • Has a unique name
  • Specifies input properties for the test
  • Specifies input data for recipe modules
    • e.g. ‘paths which exist’ for the recipe_engine/path module, what OS and architecture the recipe_engine/platform module should simulate, etc.
  • Specifies the behavior of various steps by name (i.e. their return code, the output from placeholders)
  • Assertions about steps which should have run (or should not have run) given those inputs.
  • Filters for the ‘test expectation’ of the test case to omit details from the test expectations which aren't relevant to the test case.

Each test case also produces a test expectation file adjacent to the recipe; the final state of the recipe execution in the form of a listing of the steps that have run. The test expectation files are written to a folder which is generated by replacing the ‘.py’ extension of the recipe script with ‘.expected/’.


The DEPS section of the recipe specifies what recipe modules this recipe depends on. The DEPS section has two possible forms, a list and a dict.

As a list, DEPS can specify a module by its fully qualified name, like recipe_engine/step, or its unqualified name (for modules in the same recipe repo as the recipe) like step. The ‘local name’ of an entry is the last token of the fully qualified name, or the whole name for an unqualified name (in this example, the local name for both of these is just ‘step’).

As a dict, DEPS maps from a local name of your choosing to either the fully qualified or unqualified name of the module. This would allow you to disambiguate between modules which would end up having the same local name. For example {'my_archive': 'archive', 'archive': 'recipe_engine/archive'}.

The recipe engine, when running your recipe, will inject an instance of each DEPS'd recipe module into the api object passed to RunSteps. The instance will be injected with the local name of the dependency. Within a given execution of a recipe module instances behave like singletons; if a recipe and a module both DEPS in the same other module (say ‘tertiary’), there will only be one instance of the ‘tertiary’ module.


Recipe code has a couple ways to observe the input properties. Currently the best way is to define a proto message and then set this as the PROPERTIES value in your recipe:

# my_recipe.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package recipes.repo_name.my_recipe;
message InputProperties {
  int32 an_int = 1;
  string some_string = 2;
  bool a_bool = 3;

message EnvProperties {
  int32 SOME_ENVVAR = 1;    // All envvar keys must be capitalized.
  string OTHER_ENVVAR = 2;

Then import the new proto message in the recipe.

from import InputProperties
from import EnvProperties

# Setting this here makes it available in the
# parameters of RunSteps(...)
PROPERTIES = InputProperties
ENV_PROPERTIES = EnvProperties

# More information on the RunStep signature can
# be found in the RunSteps section above
def RunSteps(api, properties, env_properties):
  # properties and env_properties are instances of their respective proto
  # messages.
  # example use case
  if properties.a_bool:
    # do something
  elif properties.some_string == 'something important':
    if env_properties.SOME_ENVVAR == 0:
      # do something else

The properties can be set during testing by using the properties dependency. This enables the ability to test different parts of the run step in the recipe.

from import InputProperties
from import EnvProperties

DEPS = [

PROPERTIES = InputProperties
ENV_PROPERTIES = EnvProperties

def RunSteps(api, properties, env_properties):
  # properties and env_properties are instances of their respective proto
  # messages.
  # example use case
  if properties.a_bool:
    # do something
  elif properties.some_string == 'something important':
    if env_properties.SOME_ENVVAR == 0:
      # do something else

# This tests the above code
def GenTests(api):
  yield (
    api.test('properties example') +
        some_string='something important',
    ) +

In a recipe, PROPERTIES is populated by taking the input property JSON object for the recipe engine, removing all keys beginning with ‘$’ and then decoding the remaining object as JSONPB into the PROPERTIES message. Keys beginning with ‘$’ are reserved by the recipe engine and/or recipe modules.

The ENV_PROPERTIES is populated by taking the current environment variables (i.e. os.environ), capitalizing all keys (i.e. key.upper()) then decoding that into the ENV_PROPERTIES message.

The other way to access properties (which will eventually be deprecated) is directly via the recipe_engine/properties module. This method is very loose compared to direct PROPERTIES declarations and can lead to difficult to debug recipe code (i.e. different recipes using the same property for different things, or dozens of seemingly unrelated places all interpreting the same property, different default values, etc.). Additionally, does not allow access to environment variables.

There's another way to define PROPERTIES which is deprecated, but it has no advantages over the proto method, and will (hopefully) be deleted soon.

Writing recipe_modules

TODO(iannucci) - Document

See the relevant section in the walkthrough.


In a recipe module‘s, you may specify PROPERTIES and ENV_PROPERTIES the same way that you do for a recipe, with the exception that a recipe module’s PROPERTIES object will be decoded from the input property of the form "$recipe_repo/module_name". This input property is expected to be a JSON object, and will be decoded as JSONPB into the PROPERTIES message of the recipe module.

For legacy reasons, some recipe modules are actually configured by top-level (non-namespaced) properties. To support this, recipe modules may also specify a GLOBAL_PROPERTIES message which is decoded in the same way a recipe's PROPERTIES message is decoded (i.e. all the input properties sans properties beginning with ‘$’).


# recipe_modules/something/my_proto.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package recipe_modules.repo_name.something;
message InputProperties {
  string some_string = 1;
message GlobalProperties {
  string global_string = 1;
message EnvProperties {
  string ENV_STRING = 1;  // All envvar keys must be capitalized.

from PB.recipe_modules.repo_name.something import my_proto

PROPERTIES = my_proto.InputProperties

# Note: if you're writing NEW module code that uses global properties, you
# should strongly consider NOT doing that. Please talk to your local recipe
# expert if you're unsure.
GLOBAL_PROPERTIES = my_proto.GlobalProperties
ENV_PROPERTIES = my_proto.EnvProperties

from recipe_engine.recipe_api import RecipeApi

class MyApi(RecipeApi):
  def __init__(self, props, globals, envvars, **kwargs):
    super(MyApi, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    self.prop = props.some_string
    self.global_prop = globals.global_string
    self.env_prop = envvars.ENV_STRING

In this example, you could set prop and global_prop with the following property JSON:

  "global_string": "value for global_prop",
  "$repo_name/something": {
    "some_string": "value for prop",

And env_prop could be set by setting the environment variable $ENV_STRING.

Accessing recipe_modules as python modules

While recipe modules provide a way to share ‘recipe’ code (via DEPS), they are also regular python modules, and occasionally you may find yourself wishing to directly import some code from a recipe module.

You may do this by importing the module from the special RECIPE_MODULES namespace; This namespace contains all reachable modules (i.e. from repos specified in your recipes.cfg file) sub namespaced by repo_name and module_name. This looks like:

from RECIPE_MODULES.repo_name.module_name import python_module
from RECIPE_MODULES.repo_name.module_name.python_module import Object

etc. Everything past the RECIPE_MODULES.repo_name.module_name bit works exactly like any regular python import statement.

Writing recipe_module

The config subsystem of recipes is very messy and we do not recommend adding additional dependencies on it. However some important modules (like gclient in depot_tools) still use it, and so this documentation section exists.

We‘re looking to introduce native protobuf support as a means of fully deprecating and eventually removing, so this section is very sparse without a “TODO” to document it more. I’ll be adding additional documentation for it as strictly necessary.


If you need to extend the configurations provided by another recipe module,

  1. That other module MUST export it's CONFIG_CTX in

    from .config import TheConfigRoot as CONFIG_CTX

  2. Write your extensions in a file ending with in your recipe module and then import that other module‘s CONFIG_CTX to add additional named configurations to it (yes, this has very messy implications). You can import the upstream module’s CONFIG_CTX by using the recipe module import syntax. For example, importing from the ‘gclient’ module in ‘depot_tools’ looks like:

    from RECIPE_MODULES.depot_tools.gclient import CONFIG_CTX

How recipes execute

TODO(iannucci) - Document

For more details, see

Engine Properties

engine_properties.proto defines a list of properties that dynamically adjust the behavior of recipe engine. These properties are associated with key $recipe_engine in the input properties.

How recipe simulation tests work

TODO(iannucci) - Document

Protobufs in tests

Because PROPERTIES (and friends) may be defined in terms of protobufs, you may also pass proto messages in your tests when using the properties recipe module.

For example:

# global properties used by this recipe
from import InputProps

# global properties used by e.g. 'bot_update'
from PB.recipe_modules.depot_tools.bot_update.protos import GlobalProps

# module-specific properties used by 'cool_module'
from PB.recipe_modules.my_repo.cool_module.protos import CoolProps

DEPS = [


def RunSteps(api, props):

def GenTests(api):
  yield (
          # The dollar sign is a literal character and must be included.
          '$my_repo/cool_module': CoolProps(...),

Recipe and module ‘resources’

Recipes and Recipe modules can both have “resources” which are arbitrary files that will be bundled with your recipe and available to use when the recipe runs. These are most typically used to include additional python scripts which will be invoked as steps during the execution of your recipe or module.

A given recipe “X” can store resource files in the adjacent folder “X.resources”. Similarly, a recipe module “M” can have a subdirectory “resources”.

To get the Path to files within this folder, use api.resource("filename"). This method supports multiple path segments as well, so something like api.resource("subdir", "filename") works as well.

As an example, you might run a python script like:

# If this is the recipe file "//recipes/" then this would run
# "//recipes/hello.resources/", and with the vpython spec
# "//recipes/hello.resources/.vpython3".
api.step("run my_script", ["vpython3", "-u", api.resource("")])

These resources should be considered implementation details of your recipe or module. It's not recommended to allow outside programs to use these resources except via your recipe or module interface.

Structured data passing for steps

TODO(iannucci) - Document

Build UI manipulation

TODO(iannucci) - Document

Testing recipes and recipe_modules

TODO(iannucci) - Document

Issuing warnings in recipe modules

While recipe modules provide a way to share code across different repos (via DEPS), it also means that changing the behavior of a recipe module may potentially break recipes or recipe modules in downstream repos which depend on it. Figuring out all such recipes or recipe modules requires substantial effort.

Recipes have a “warnings” feature that allows recipe authors to better alert downstream consumers about upcoming breaking changes in a recipe module. The recipe engine will issue notifications for all warnings hit during the execution of simulation tests (i.e. test run or test train). The engine groups the notifications by warning names.

Defining a warning

A warning is defined in the file recipe.warnings under the recipe folder in a repo. recipes.warnings is a text proto formatted file of DefinitionCollection Message in warning.proto. Example as follows:

google_issue_default {
  host: ""
warning {
  description: "The `badarg` argument on mymodule.swizzle is deprecated and replaced with swizmod."
  deadline: "2020-01-01"
  google_issue { id: 123456 }
warning {
  # You can also write multiple line description
  description: "Deprecating MyModule in recipe_engine."
  description: "Use the equivalent MyModule in infra repo instead."
  description: "" # blank line
  description: "MyModule contains infra specific logic."
  deadline: "2020-12-31"
  google_issue { id: 987654 }
  google_issue { id: 654321 }

The google_issue_default will populate the host field of google_issue, and the combination of these messages will produce bug links like:


The name of the warning must be unique within the recipes.warnings file. The recipe engine will take the warning name and generate a fully-qualified warning name of “$repo_name/$warning_name”. This implies that multiple repos could define warnings with the same repo-local name, since the engine will always qualify them by the repo names (which already must be globally unique).

Issuing a warning

A warning can be either issued in the recipe module code or for an entire recipe module.

To issue warnings in your module code, declare a dependency to recipe_engine/warning module via your module's DEPS first and then call the issue method at the location where you want the warning to be issued. E.g.

class MyModuleAPI(RecipeApi):
  def swizzle(self, arg1, arg2, badarg=None):
    if badarg is not None:
      # the code will continue executing
      # ...

To issue warnings for the entire recipe module, set a WARNINGS variable in the of the targeted recipe module. E.g.

# ${PATH_TO_RECIPE_FOLDER}/recipe_modules/my_module/
DEPS = [
  # DEPS declaration


Running a simulation test for warnings

If the recipe code within a repo hits any issued warnings, the test summary will contain output like:

                Found 5 call sites and 0 import sites
  The `badarg` argument on mymodule.swizzle is deprecated and replaced with swizmod
Deadline: 2020-01-01

Bug Link:
Call Sites:
  /path/to/recipe/folder/recipes/ (and 234, 456)
  /path/to/recipe/folder/recipe_modules/B/ (and 789)

             WARNING: recipe_engine/MYMODULE_DEPRECATION
                Found 0 call sites and 2 import sites
  Deprecating MyModule in recipe_engine.
  Use the equivalent MyModule in infra repo instead.

  MyModule contains infra specific logic.
Deadline: 2020-12-31

Bug Links:
Import Sites:

All issued warnings will be grouped by their fully qualified names. All information in the definition will be displayed to provide more context about each warning followed by Call Sites or Import Sites (could possibly have both). Only Call Sites or Import Sites from the repo where simulation test runs will be shown.

Call Sites: If a warning is issued in a function or method body of a recipe module during a test run, Call Sites is all the unique locations where that function/method are called. In other word, the direct outer frame of the frame where warning is issued.

Import Sites: If a warning is issued for the entire recipe module via the WARNING variable, Import Sites is the list of recipes and recipe modules which have declared a dependency on that module.

Advanced features of warnings

Escaping warnings

The recipe engine also provides a way to exclude code in a function from being attributed to the call site for certain warnings. This is achieved by applying the @recipe_api.escape_warnings(*warning_regexps) decorator to that function. Each regex is matched against the fully-qualified name of the issued warning.

For example, the following code snippet attributes warning FOO from recipe_engine repo or any warnings that ends with BAR emitted by method_contains_warning to the CALLER of cool_method, instead of to cool_method itself. Note that multiple frames in the call stack could be escaped in this fashion, the recipe engine will walk the stack until it finds a frame which is not escaped.

from recipe_engine import recipe_api

class FooApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):

  # escape_warnings decorator needs to be the innermost decorator
  @recipe_api.escape_warnings('^recipe_engine/FOO$', '^.*BAR$')
  def cool_method(self):
    # warning will be issued in the following call

There is also a shorthand decorator (@recipe_api.escape_all_warnings) which escape the decorated function from all warnings.

CLI options for warnings

TODO(yiwzhang) - Document when CLI options are ready

IDE setup

This section will discuss various affordances that the Recipe ecosystem exposes to make IDE development of recipes easier.

See Also: Debugger Configuration


NOTE: Windows platforms may require additional permissions (e.g. Developer Mode or SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege).

Recipes use pinned virtual environments described in the .*.vpython3 files in this repo. These files are interpreted by vpython3, which transforms them into a VirtualEnv, using a pinned version of python, and pinned versions of all dependencies (e.g. google.protobuf, gevent, etc.).

As a convenience, running recipe commands (such as fetch) will generate symlinks under .recipe_deps/_venv to the virtualenv. The .recipe_deps folder will be right next to your repo's copy of the file. The available virtualenvs are normal, vscode and pycharm, each corresponding to the respective vpython3 environment. (Note: to get the vscode and pycharm environments respectively, you need to run with these protocols selected by the RECIPE_DEBUGGER environment variable. See the Debugger Configuration section).

You can use these virtualenvs to enter the recipe engine's pinned python environment, but you can also configure your IDE/editor environment to use these environments by default.

You can configure pyright (e.g. in pyproject.toml) to set .recipe_deps as venvPath and _venv as the venv configuration:

venvPath = ".recipe_deps/_venv"
venv = "normal"

NOTE: Any time the recipe_engine‘s .vpython3 files change, the values of these symlinks will be regenerated. Depending on the IDE this may mean that the IDE will need to be restarted, in case it’s cacheing an old value of the symlink. The .vpython3 files change fairly infrequently, however.


The CLI includes a subcommand to enter the debugger for a single recipe + test case:

./ debug [recipe_name[.test_name]]

If you do not include a recipe name and test name (that is, just ./ debug), then the tool will try to find a recently failed test case, and run that. If there are no recently failing test cases, then the tool will instead print all available recipes to stdout.

If you omit the test_name, the tool will debug the first test case for the recipe.

For reference, recipes inside of modules are always spelled module_name:path_to/recipe. So if you have a module “my_module” and it has a test recipe “tests/”, this recipe name is my_module:tests/some_feature.

Finally, the tool will execute RunSteps with the mocks from the selected test case. As you step through with the debugger, calls to api.step will return the mocked step_data defined by the test case.

By default (without configuring a Remote Debugger - see the Debugger Configuration section), the debug command will use pdb. In this mode, pdb will break at the very top of the selected recipe file (allowing you to debug import statements, or set breakpoints in e.g. GenTests), and it will break again at the very top of RunSteps after loading the selected test case. In the event of a crash, it will also load the crash for postmortem debugging.

Note that you can add standard python3 breakpoint() calls to add additional breakpoints directly in the code, too.

Debugging other commands

By default, only the debug command attaches the debugger, but you can actually attach a debugger for ANY subcommand by setting the environment variable RECIPE_DEBUG_ALL=1 in addition to the RECIPE_DEBUGGER environment variable (see Debugger Configuration).

Debugger Configuration (VSCode, PyCharm)

The recipe engine also implements support for remote debuggers.

To use this, set up your debugging server as usual, and then set the following environment variable like:


Valid protocols are vscode, pycharm and pdb (though pdb will not work with test {run, train} due to multiprocess usage). If host is omitted or blank, it defaults to “localhost”. If port is omitted, it defaults to 5678 (which is the default for both IDEs).

Under the hood, vscode uses the debugpy library, and pycharm uses pydevd-pycharm - Other editors which can use these remote debugging protocols can also integrate using the RECIPE_DEBUGGER environment variable (I have personally gotten vscode to work using nvim-dap in NeoVim).

The versions of these libraries are pinned in the .vscode.vpython3 and .pycharm.vpython3 files, respectively.

Detecting memory leaks with Pympler

To help detect memory leaks, recipe engine has a property named memory_profiler.enable_snapshot. It is false by default. If it is set to true, the recipe engine will snapshot the memory before each step execution, compare it with the snapshot of previous step and then print the diff to the $debug log stream. This feature is backed by Pympler and the output in debug log will look like as follows:

 types |   # objects |   total size
====== | =========== | ============
  list |        5399 |    553.40 KB
   str |        5398 |    323.04 KB
   int |         640 |     15.00 KB

Working with Protobuf files

The recipe engine facilitates the use of protobufs with builtin protoc capabilities.

Due to the nature of .proto imports, the import lines in the generated python code and the layout of recipes and modules (specifically, across multiple repos), is a bit more involved than just putting the .proto files in a directory, running protoc and calling it a day.

Where Recipe Engine looks for .proto files

Recipe engine will look for proto files in 3 places in your recipe repo:

  • Mixed among the recipe_modules in your repo
  • Mixed among the recipes in your repo
  • In a recipe_proto directory (adjacent to your ‘recipes’ and/or recipe_modules directories)

For proto files which are only used in the recipe ecosystem, you should put them either in recipes/* or recipe_modules/*. For proto files which originate outside the recipe ecosystem (e.g. their source of truth is some other repo), place them into the recipe_proto directory in an appropriate subdirectory (so that protoc will find them where other protos expect to import them).

Protos in recipe modules

Your recipe modules can have any .proto files they want, in any subdirectory structure that they want (the subdirectories do not need to be python modules, i.e. they are not required to have an file). So you could have:


The ‘package’ line in the protos MUST be in the form of:

package "recipe_modules.repo_name.module_name.path.holding_file";

So if you had .../recipe_modules/foo/path/holding_file/file.proto in the “build” repo, its package must be Note that this is the traditional way to namespace proto files in the same directory, but that this differs from how the package line for recipes works below.

The proto files are importable in other proto files as e.g.:

import "recipe_modules/repo_name/module_name/path/to/file.proto";

The generated protobuf libraries are importable as e.g.:


Protos in the recipes folder

Your recipes may also define protos. It‘s required that the protos in the recipe folder correspond 1:1 with an actual recipe. The name for this proto file should be the recipe’s name, but with ‘.proto’ instead of ‘.py’. So, you could have:


If you need to have common messages which are shared between recipes, put them under the recipe_modules directory.

The ‘package’ line in the proto MUST be in the form of:

package "";

So if you had a proto named .../recipes/path/to/file.proto in the “build” repo, its package must be “”.

Note that this includes the proto file name!

This is done because otherwise all (unrelated) recipe protos in the same directory would have to share a namespace, and we'd like to permit common message names like Input and Output on a per-recipe basis instead of RecipeNameInput, etc.

The proto files are importable in other proto files as e.g.:

import "recipes/repo_name/path/to/file.proto";

The generated protobuf libraries are importable as e.g.:


The special case of recipe_engine protos

The recipe engine repo itself also has some protos defined within it's own recipe_engine folder. These are the proto files here.

The proto files are importable in other proto files as e.g.:

import "recipe_engine/file.proto";

The generated protobuf libraries are importable as e.g.:

import PB.recipe_engine.file

The recipe_proto folder

The ‘recipe_proto’ directory can have arbitrary proto files in it from external sources (i.e. from other repos), and organized using that project's folder naming scheme. This is important to allow external proto files to work without modification (due to import lines in proto files; if proto A imports “”, then protoc needs to find “something.proto” in the “” subdirectory).

Note that the following top-level folders are reserved under recipe_proto. All of these directories are managed by the recipe engine (as documented above):

  • recipe_engine
  • recipe_modules
  • recipes

These are ALSO reserved proto package namespaces, i.e. it's invalid to have a proto under a recipe_proto folder whose proto package line starts with ‘recipes.’.

It's invalid for two recipe repos to both define protos under their recipe_proto folders with the same path. This will cause proto compilation in the downstream repo to fail. This usually just means that the downstream repo needs to stop including those proto files, since it will be able to import them from the upstream repo which now includes them.

Using generated protos in your recipes and recipe modules

Once the protos are generated, you can import them anywhere in the recipe ecosystem by doing:

# from recipe_proto/
from import proto_name

# from recipe_engine/proto_name.proto
from PB.recipe_engine import proto_name

# from repo_name.git//.../recipe_modules/module_name/proto_name.proto
from PB.recipe_modules.repo_name.module_name import proto_name

# from repo_name.git//.../recipes/recipe_name.proto
from import recipe_name


TODO(iannucci) - Document


TODO(iannucci) - Document


TODO(iannucci) - Document

Recipe Philosophy

TODO(iannucci) - Document

  • Recipes are glorified shell scripts
  • Recipes should be functions (small set of documented inputs and outputs).
  • Recipe inputs should have predictable effects on the behavior of the Recipe.

To document/discuss:

  • Structured data communication to/from steps
  • When to put something in a helper script or directly in the recipe


recipe repo: A git repository with an infra/config/recipes.cfg file.

recipe: An entry point into the recipes ecosystem, each recipe is a Python file with a RunSteps function.

recipe_module: A piece of shared code that multiple recipes can use.

DEPS: An list of the dependencies from a recipe to recipe modules, or from one recipe module to another.

repo_name: The name of a recipe repo, as indicated by the repo_name field in it's recipes.cfg file. This is used to qualify module dependencies from other repos.

properties: A JSON object that every recipe is started with; These are the input parameters to the recipe.

output properties: Similar to input properties but writeable. These properties are viewable in the LUCI UI and can be read by other systems that ingest LUCI builds.

PROPERTIES: An expression of a recipe or recipe module of the properties that it relies on.