blob: d03ca823573c94a899b2e654eff8244759cbdcb1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import datetime
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from import common as common_pb2
# UTC datetime corresponding to zero Unix timestamp.
EPOCH = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
def parse_http_host_and_path(url):
parsed = urlparse(url)
if not parsed.scheme:
parsed = urlparse('https://' + url)
if (parsed.scheme in ('http', 'https') and
not parsed.params and
not parsed.query and
not parsed.fragment):
return parsed.netloc, parsed.path
return None, None
def parse_gitiles_repo_url(repo_url):
host, project = parse_http_host_and_path(repo_url)
if not (host and project and '+' not in project.split('/')):
raise ValueError('invalid repo_url %s' % (repo_url,))
project = project.strip('/')
if project.startswith('a/'):
project = project[len('a/'):]
if project.endswith('.git'):
project = project[:-len('.git')]
return host, project
def is_sha1_hex(sha1):
return sha1 and re.match('^[0-9a-f]{40}$', sha1)
def tags(**tags):
"""Helper method to generate a list of StringPair messages.
This method is useful to prepare tags argument for ci/try_build above and
schedule methods in the
* tags: Dict mapping keys to values. A value can be a list of values in
which case multiple tags for the same key will be created.
List of common_pb2.StringPair messages.
messages = []
for key, values in tags.items():
if not isinstance(values, list):
values = [values]
for value in values:
messages.append(common_pb2.StringPair(key=key, value=value))
return messages