blob: 5ef23d64c6a8025058b79d0670780f1fa51c3e5c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
DEPS = [
def RunSteps(api):
# Nest all steps below this.
with api.step.nest('complicated thing'):
with api.step.nest('first part'):
api.step('wait a bit', ['sleep', '1'])
# Prefix the name without indenting.
with api.context(name_prefix='attempt number'):
step_result = api.step('one', ['echo', 'herpy'])
expected_name = 'complicated thing.attempt'
assert step_result.step['name'] == expected_name, step_result.step['name']
api.step('two', ['echo', 'derpy'])
# Outer nested step's status should not inherit from inner.
with api.step.nest('inherit status') as nest_step:
with api.step.nest('inner step') as other_nest_step:
other_nest_step.presentation.status = api.step.EXCEPTION
assert nest_step.presentation.status == api.step.SUCCESS, \
# Change outer status after nesting is complete.
with api.step.nest('versatile status') as nest_step:
with api.step.nest('inner step'):
with api.step.nest('even deeper'):
nest_step.presentation.status = api.step.FAILURE
assert nest_step.presentation.status == api.step.FAILURE, \
api.step('simple thing', ['sleep', '1'])
def GenTests(api):
yield api.test('basic')