blob: 28759e455bf10ca821bdd719f9fe2e1dde92b3b5 [file] [log] [blame]
# to be run from a clone of
# This first one rewrites the parent information, fixes the author email
# addresses, and prunes out large swaths of the committed repos, to make the
# tree-filter below faster.
# This should be processing just over 9000 commits.
if [ ! "$FILTERDIR" ]; then
echo '$FILTERDIR is not set'
git --no-replace-objects filter-branch -f --prune-empty --index-filter ". $FILTERDIR/" --env-filter ". $FILTERDIR/" --parent-filter ". $FILTERDIR/" -- 70d6a3c2d97de862e9f678745d0763b14d385c18~..HEAD
# This saves the previously filtered history to filtered1, in case you want to
# run the tree-filter below multiple times (e.g. in case you're modifying the
# tree filter to get a better result).
git update-ref refs/heads/filtered1 HEAD
# /STAGING is used to mv files during the tree-filter phase. Since this is
# dangerous, it's commented out.
# Actually rewrite all the trees. This should be processing ~5000 commits.
git --no-replace-objects filter-branch -f --prune-empty --tree-filter ". $FILTERDIR/ 2> /dev/null"