blob: f24ad7a261f5e6db873036bab8f967d372bbd0b2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
from typing import Generator
from PB.recipe_modules.recipe_engine.defer.tests import (
properties as properties_pb2
from recipe_engine import post_process, recipe_test_api, step_data
DEPS = [
PROPERTIES = properties_pb2.ResultInputProps
class ResultTestError(Exception):
def RunSteps(api, props):
def _fake_step():
with api.context(infra_steps=props.infra_steps):
api.step('step', ['cmd'])
if props.exception:
raise ResultTestError()
return 5
deferred = api.defer(_fake_step)
if deferred.is_ok():
api.step('is ok', None)
deferred.result(step_name=props.step_name or None)
api.step('step succeeded', None)
with api.step.nest('result') as pres:
pres.step_summary_text = repr(deferred.result())
def GenTests(api) -> Generator[recipe_test_api.TestData, None, None]:
def test(name, *args, status, step_name='result', retcode=0, **kwargs):
res = api.test(name, *args, status=status, **kwargs)
if status in ('FAILURE', 'INFRA_FAILURE'):
res += api.post_process(post_process.DoesNotRun, 'is ok')
res += api.post_process(post_process.DoesNotRun, 'step succeeded')
if step_name:
res += api.post_process(post_process.MustRun, step_name)
res += api.post_process(post_process.MustRun, 'is ok')
res += api.post_process(post_process.MustRun, 'step succeeded')
res += api.step_data('step', retcode=retcode)
res +=
properties_pb2.ResultInputProps(step_name=step_name, **kwargs))
if kwargs.get('exception', False):
res += api.expect_exception('ResultTestError')
res += api.post_process(post_process.DropExpectation)
return res
yield test('success', status='SUCCESS')
yield test('failure', status='FAILURE', retcode=1)
yield test('infra', status='INFRA_FAILURE', retcode=1, infra_steps=True)
yield test('exception', exception=True, status='INFRA_FAILURE')
yield test('noname', step_name=None, exception=True, status='INFRA_FAILURE')