blob: cfeb7589383186295d62be3f9f85c66093cea495 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Defines classes which the `step` module uses to describe steps-to-run to the
# TODO(iannucci): Simplify this.
import attr
from .attr_util import attr_type, attr_dict_type, attr_seq_type, attr_value_is
from ..types import FrozenDict, freeze, thaw
from ..util import InputPlaceholder, OutputPlaceholder, Placeholder, sentinel
class EnvAffix(object):
"""Expresses a mapping of environment keys to a list of paths.
This is used as StepConfig's "env_prefixes" and "env_suffixes" value.
mapping = attr.ib(factory=dict,
validator=attr_dict_type(str, str, value_seq=True))
pathsep = attr.ib(default=None, validator=attr_type((str, type(None))))
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
object.__setattr__(self, 'mapping', freeze(self.mapping))
class TriggerSpec(object):
"""TriggerSpec is the internal representation of a raw trigger step. You
should use the standard 'step' recipe module, which will construct trigger
specs via API.
# The name of the builder to trigger.
builder_name = attr.ib(validator=attr_type(str))
# The name of the trigger bucket.
bucket = attr.ib(default='', validator=attr_type(str))
# Key/value properties dictionary.
properties = attr.ib(factory=dict, validator=attr_type((dict, FrozenDict)))
# Optional list of BuildBot change dicts.
buildbot_changes = attr.ib(default=(), validator=attr_seq_type(dict))
# Optional list of tag strings.
tags = attr.ib(default=(), validator=attr_seq_type(str))
# If true and triggering fails asynchronously, fail the entire build.
critical = attr.ib(default=True, validator=attr_type(bool))
def _asdict(self):
d = dict((k, v) for k, v in attr.asdict(self).iteritems() if v)
if d['critical']:
return d
def _file_placeholder(base_placeholder_type):
"""Returns a attr validator for StepConfig.stdin/stdout/stderr."""
return [
attr_type((str, base_placeholder_type, type(None))),
'backed by a file',
lambda value: (
value is None or isinstance(value, str) or
value.backing_file is not Placeholder.backing_file
class StepConfig(object):
"""StepConfig is the representation of a raw step as the recipe_engine sees
it. You should use the standard 'step' recipe module, which will construct
and pass this data to the engine for you, instead. The only reason why you
would need to worry about this object is if you're modifying the step module
# The list of name pieces for this step. Every piece indicates a level of
# nesting. So, ('foo', 'bar') would be the step 'bar' nested under the parent
# 'foo'.
name_tokens = attr.ib(validator=attr_seq_type(basestring))
# List of args of the command to run. Acceptable types: Placeholder or any
# str()'able type.
cmd = attr.ib(
converter=(lambda value: [
itm if isinstance(itm, Placeholder) else str(itm)
for itm in value
validator=attr_seq_type((str, Placeholder)))
# Absolute path to working directory for the command.
cwd = attr.ib(
validator=attr_type((str, type(None))))
# Overrides for environment variables
# Each value is % formatted with the entire existing os.environ. A value of
# `None` will remove that envvar from the environ. e.g.
# {
# "envvar": "%(envvar)s-extra",
# "delete_this": None,
# "static_value": "something",
# }
# The "env_prefixes" parameter contain values that transform an environment
# variable into a "pathsep"-delimited sequence of items:
# - If an environment variable is also specified for this key, it will be
# appended as the last element: <prefix0>:...:<prefixN>:ENV
# - If no environment variable is specified, the current environment's value
# will be appended, unless it's empty: <prefix0>:...:<prefixN>[:ENV]?
# - If an environment variable with a value of None (delete) is specified,
# nothing will be appeneded: <prefix0>:...:<prefixN>
# "env_suffixes" is identical, except that it appends instead of prepends to
# the envvar.
# NOTE: Always prefer env_prefixes and env_suffixes to manually substituting
# variables with %(envvar)s.
env = attr.ib(factory=dict, validator=attr_dict_type(str, (str, type(None))))
env_prefixes = attr.ib(factory=EnvAffix, validator=attr_type(EnvAffix))
env_suffixes = attr.ib(factory=EnvAffix, validator=attr_type(EnvAffix))
# If True, lets the step emit its own @@@annotations@@@.
# TODO(iannucci): Move this into an annotee wrapper command in the `step`
# module.
# NOTE: Enabling this can cause some buggy behavior. Use
# step_result.presentation instead. If you have questions, please contact
allow_subannotations = attr.ib(default=False, validator=attr_type(bool))
# The time, in seconds, that this step is allowed to run for before timing
# out.
timeout = attr.ib(
validator=attr_type((int, float, long, type(None))))
# Set of return codes allowed. If the step process returns something not on
# this list, it will raise a StepFailure (or InfraFailure if infra_step is
# True).
# Alternatively, the sentinel StepConfig.ALL_OK can be used to allow any
# return code.
ok_ret = attr.ib(default=(0,))
def _ok_ret_validator(self, attrib, value):
if value is self.ALL_OK:
attr_seq_type((int, long))(self, attrib, value)
# If True and the step returns an unacceptable return code (see `ok_ret`),
# this will raise InfraFailure instead of StepFailure.
infra_step = attr.ib(default=False, validator=attr_type(bool))
# Standard handle redirection.
# If None, stdin is closed and stdout/stderr are routed to the UI.
# These placeholders require a non-default implementation of `backing_file`.
stdin = attr.ib(default=None, validator=_file_placeholder(InputPlaceholder))
stdout = attr.ib(default=None, validator=_file_placeholder(OutputPlaceholder))
stderr = attr.ib(default=None, validator=_file_placeholder(OutputPlaceholder))
# A function returning recipe_test_api.StepTestData.
# A factory which returns a StepTestData object that will be used as the
# default test data for this step. The recipe author can override/augment this
# object in the GenTests function.
step_test_data = attr.ib(
'None or callable',
lambda value: value is None or callable(value)))
# DEPRECATED: Do not use this.
trigger_specs = attr.ib(default=(), validator=attr_seq_type(TriggerSpec))
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
object.__setattr__(self, 'name_tokens', tuple(self.name_tokens))
object.__setattr__(self, 'cmd', tuple(self.cmd))
object.__setattr__(self, 'trigger_specs', tuple(self.trigger_specs))
# if cmd is empty, then remove all values except for the few that actually
# apply with a null command.
if not self.cmd:
_keep_fields = ('name_tokens', 'cmd', 'trigger_specs')
for attrib in attr.fields(self.__class__):
if in _keep_fields:
# cribbed from attr/; the goal is to compute the attribute's
# default value.
if isinstance(attrib.default, attr.Factory):
if attrib.default.takes_self:
val = attrib.default.factory(self)
val = attrib.default.factory()
val = attrib.default
if attrib.converter:
val = attrib.converter(val)
object.__setattr__(self,, val)
if self.ok_ret is not self.ALL_OK:
object.__setattr__(self, 'ok_ret', frozenset(self.ok_ret))
object.__setattr__(self, 'env', freeze(self.env))
# Ensure that output placeholders don't have ambiguously overlapping names.
placeholders = set()
collisions = set()
ns_str = None
for itm in self.cmd:
if isinstance(itm, OutputPlaceholder):
key = itm.namespaces,
if key in placeholders:
ns_str = '.'.join(itm.namespaces)
if is None:
collisions.add("{} unnamed".format(ns_str))
collisions.add("{} named {!r}".format(ns_str,
if collisions:
raise ValueError(
'Found conflicting Placeholders: {!r}. Please give these placeholders'
' unique "name"s and access them like `step_result.{}s[name]`.'
.format(list(collisions), ns_str))
# Used with to indicate that all retcodes values are acceptable.
ALL_OK = sentinel('ALL_OK')
def name(self):
"""Returns a '.' separated string version of name_tokens for backwards
compatibility with old recipe engine code."""
# TODO(iannucci): Remove this method or make it use '|' separators
# instead.
return '.'.join(self.name_tokens)
def _asdict(self):
ret = thaw(attr.asdict(self, filter=(lambda attr, val: (
(val or ( in self._RENDER_WHITELIST)) and not in self._RENDER_BLACKLIST
if self.env_prefixes.mapping:
ret['env_prefixes'] = dict(self.env_prefixes.mapping)
if self.env_suffixes.mapping:
ret['env_suffixes'] = dict(self.env_suffixes.mapping)
if self.trigger_specs:
ret['trigger_specs'] = [ts._asdict() for ts in self.trigger_specs]
ret['name'] =
return ret