[Deadline] Add deadline and SIGTERM support to recipe_engine.

This makes the recipe engine react to, and manipulate,

The engine reserves .5s for itself from both the soft_deadline and
grace_period. On SIGTERM it activates a pressure-release valve of sorts
(GLOBAL_SHUTDOWN) which will immediately move all currently running
subprocesses to the SIGTERM-and-wait state. After `grace_period`
(as tracked by the `context` module) seconds, the processes move to

Due to historical reasons, the recipe engine currently must allow
grandchild processes to leak past the return of the launched process.
The most notable instance of this is the goma compiler daemon which
intentionally generates a leaked process. Because of this, processes which
successfully exit have their pgid saved to a global set of 'unkilled'
process groups, which will be killed `grace_period` seconds after
termination (or on the return from Engine.run_steps, whichever is sooner).

(In some future world where all builders use luciexe mode, the futures
module could be used to create a background green-thread which would allow
the goma compiler proxy to run as a normal subprocess with normal logging
output. At this point we could move the 'killpg' operation unconditionally
into the subprocess runner and get rid of the 'unkilled' set.)

Note also that recipe_engine does only primitive encapsulation for
Windows process groups and so cannot reliably emulate SIGKILL. The
engine could fix this in the future by doing the same Job Object
manipulation done by swarming's subprocess42, however.

R=tikuta, vadimsh, yiwzhang

Bug: 1127089
Change-Id: I22b7a48857fee5fc4ce220a3420ed390e2fbcf66
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/infra/luci/recipes-py/+/2438981
Reviewed-by: Yiwei Zhang <yiwzhang@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Yiwei Zhang <yiwzhang@google.com>
21 files changed
tree: 01e68399f46d69aa21c4322df9f472bb0d53c17f
  1. doc/
  2. infra/
  3. misc/
  4. recipe_engine/
  5. recipe_modules/
  6. recipe_proto/
  7. recipes/
  8. unittests/
  9. .gitattributes
  10. .gitignore
  11. .style.yapf
  12. .vpython
  14. codereview.settings
  17. OWNERS
  18. PRESUBMIT.py
  19. README.md
  20. README.recipes.md
  21. recipes.py


Recipes are a domain-specific language (embedded in python) for specifying sequences of subprocess calls in a cross-platform and testable way.

They allow writing build flows which integrate with the rest of LUCI.

Documentation for the recipe engine (including this file!). Take a look at the user guide for some hints on how to get started. See the implementation details doc for more detailed implementation information about the recipe engine.


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