blob: f90c3362908cb22f64690c64cef42636b230d6b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package recipe_engine;
// Result of running recipe tests.
message TestResult {
// Version of the format. Currently equal to 1.
// May change if a backwards-incompatible change must be done for the proto.
int32 version = 1;
// Whether the test results can be considered valid and complete
// (e.g. lack of internal failures).
bool valid = 2;
// Failure caused by incomplete code coverage.
message CoverageFailure {
// List of lines that lack code coverage.
repeated int64 uncovered_lines = 1;
// Map absolute native paths to detailed failure info.
map<string, CoverageFailure> coverage_failures = 3;
// Indicates recorded steps differ from results of actual recipe simulation.
// Contents of the diff are deliberately ommitted to keep output reasonably
// small.
message DiffFailure {
// Indicates one of the post-process checks has failed.
message CheckFailure {
// Name of the check.
string name = 1;
// Name of the function performing the check.
string func = 2;
// Positional arguments to the function.
repeated string args = 3;
// Keyword arguments to the function.
map<string, string> kwargs = 4;
// Filename where the check was added.
string filename = 5;
// Line number where the check was added.
int64 lineno = 6;
// Indicates recipe execution has crashed (in the user code).
message CrashFailure {
string error = 1;
// Indicates that the test was badly formed in some way.
message BadTestFailure {
string error = 1;
// An internal failure (either ctrl-c interruption, or an exception
// within test runner while running the test).
message InternalFailure {
message TestFailure {
oneof failures {
DiffFailure diff_failure = 1;
CheckFailure check_failure = 2;
InternalFailure internal_failure = 3;
CrashFailure crash_failure = 4;
BadTestFailure bad_test_failure = 5;
message TestFailures {
repeated TestFailure failures = 1;
// Maps test names to failure details.
// TODO(iannucci): this is crazy; it should be:
// message TestFailures {
// DiffFailure diff = 1;
// InternalFailure internal = 2;
// CrashFailure crash = 3;
// BadTestFailure bad_test = 3;
// repeated CheckFailure check = 4;
// }
// map<string, TestFailures> test_failures = 4;
// The current proto generates really obtuse JSONPB.
map<string, TestFailures> test_failures = 4;
// Module names completely lacking test coverage.
repeated string uncovered_modules = 5;
// Absolute native paths of unused recipe expectation files.
repeated string unused_expectations = 6;