blob: 2988ca0c808c068abc373728a5d416263bc0bf18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package recipe_engine.internal.test;
import "recipe_engine/warning.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
// Description of test to run (for runner subprocess))
// As a special case, if recipe_name and test_name are both empty, then the
// runner process should dump all global test state. This state is currently
// just collected warnings.
message Description {
// The fully qualified name of the recipe in the main repo:
// path/to/recipe
// module_name:path/to/recipe
string recipe_name = 1;
// The name of the test, as provided in GenTests (i.e. the name part of
// `api.test(name)`).
string test_name = 2;
// Result of running recipe tests (for the recipe engine's own 'test'
// integration testing).
message Outcome {
// The result of executing a single test.
message Results {
message Lines {
repeated string lines = 1;
oneof expectation_file {
// Indicates recorded steps differ from results of actual recipe
// simulation.
Lines diff = 1;
// In 'train' mode, one of these could be set depending on what action the
// test runner took.
bool removed = 2;
bool written = 3;
// Each Lines is a single failed post_process check.
repeated Lines check = 4;
// The recipe raised an exception from RunSteps which was either unexpected
// (the test case didn't declare it, or declared a different exception), or
// the test case expected an exception but one wasn't raised. Contains
// a human-readable error message about what happened.
repeated string crash_mismatch = 5;
// The test itself was bad (e.g. declared test data for a step which didn't
// run).
repeated string bad_test = 6;
// Error messages from internal failures.
repeated string internal_error = 7;
// Wall clock time of how long this test case took to execute.
// If tests are executed in parallel, this value may not directly correspond
// to how much actual 'work' was done in this test.
google.protobuf.Duration duration = 8;
// This is a set of all warning names encountered during test execution. See
// Outcome.warnings for all accumulated warning Causes.
repeated string warnings = 9;
// Warnings issued outside of the 'recipe code' environment (which should be
// captured by Outcome.warnings). Examples would be warnings about syntactic
// use in the recipe/module, usage of deprecated file-level APIs (e.g. from
// recipe_engine import ...), or warnings about the format of the test
// itself.
// TODO - fold these into Outcome.warnings, which is now global anyway.
repeated string global_warnings = 10;
// Maps full test names (i.e. 'recipe_name.test_case') to test result details.
map<string, Results> test_results = 1;
// Coverage percentage from 0 -> 100. Recipe tests consider anything less than
// 100% to be a failure.
// NOTE: This does not evaluate coverage for recipe modules which are
// completely uncovered. You also need to check the `uncovered_modules` field
// for this.
float coverage_percent = 2;
// Modules completely lacking any tests/recipes which could cover them at all.
repeated string uncovered_modules = 3;
// Absolute paths of expectation files which have no corresponding test cases.
repeated string unused_expectation_files = 4;
// Error messages from internal failures not associated with any individual
// test.
repeated string internal_error = 5;
// Warnings issued during test execution and its causes.
// This is currently issued as an Outcome.Results message all by itself as
// the very last Results which is triggered by the orchestrator sending an
// empty Description{}.
map<string, recipe_engine.Causes> warnings = 6;