| google_issue_default { |
| host: "crbug.com" |
| } |
| |
| warning { |
| description: "The cq module is deprecated." |
| description: "" |
| description: "Use the cv module instead." |
| deadline: "2024-07-01" |
| google_issue { id: 333811087 } |
| } |
| |
| warning { |
| description: "api.buildbucket.build_id is deprecated." |
| description: "" |
| description: "Use api.buildbucket.build.id instead." |
| deadline: "2024-06-01" |
| google_issue { id: 332774996 } |
| } |
| |
| warning { |
| description: "api.buildbucket.build_input is deprecated." |
| description: "" |
| description: "Use api.buildbucket.build.input instead." |
| deadline: "2024-06-01" |
| google_issue { id: 332774996 } |
| } |
| |
| warning { |
| description: "api.buildbucket.builder_id is deprecated." |
| description: "" |
| description: "Use api.buildbucket.build.builder instead." |
| deadline: "2024-06-01" |
| google_issue { id: 332774996 } |
| } |
| |
| warning { |
| description: "api.json.read() is deprecated." |
| description: "" |
| description: "Use api.file.read_json() instead." |
| deadline: "2024-06-01" |
| google_issue { id: 332774562 } |
| } |
| |
| warning { |
| description: "api.properties.legacy() is deprecated." |
| description: "" |
| description: "Instead of passing all of the properties as a blob, please" |
| description: "consider passing specific arguments to scripts that need them." |
| description: "Doing this makes it much easier to debug and diagnose which" |
| description: "scripts use which properties." |
| deadline: "2024-06-01" |
| google_issue { id: 332776173 } |
| } |
| |
| warning { |
| description: "Python2 is deprecated." |
| description: "" |
| description: "The indicated step is invoking vpython or python2." |
| description: "Please switch this to `vpython3` or `python3`." |
| } |
| |
| warning { |
| description: ".presentation on value yielded by api.step.nest() is deprecated" |
| description: "" |
| description: "Specifically, this is deprecated:" |
| description: "" |
| description: " with api.step.nest('foo') as foo:" |
| description: " foo.presentation.step_summary_text = '...'" |
| description: "" |
| description: "Instead, try the following:" |
| description: "" |
| description: " with api.step.nest('foo') as pres:" |
| description: " pres.step_summary_text = '...'" |
| deadline: "2024-06-01" |
| google_issue { id: 332773904 } |
| } |
| |
| warning { |
| description: "Accessors like api.path['start_dir'] are deprecated." |
| description: "" |
| description: "Use a member like api.path.start_dir instead" |
| deadline: "2024-05-15" |
| google_issue { id: 329113288 } |
| } |
| |
| warning { |
| description: "api.buildbucket.set_buildbucket_host() is deprecated." |
| description: "" |
| description: "Use api.buildbucket.host = '...' instead." |
| deadline: "2024-06-01" |
| google_issue { id: 332776145 } |
| } |
| |
| warning { |
| description: "api.path.checkout_dir is deprecated." |
| description: "" |
| description: "This value acts like a global variable and leads to very" |
| description: "confusing code. Instead of this, prefer the following (in order" |
| description: "from most to least desirable):" |
| description: "" |
| description: "1) Modify functions which inspect api.path.checkout_dir to" |
| description: "instead directly take the directory to operate on." |
| description: "" |
| description: "2) Modify functions to use the recipe_engine/context module's" |
| description: "cwd value. This can still be confusing if abused, because it" |
| description: "changes the behavior of the function based on the context from" |
| description: "which it's called. However, for some 'leaf' functions which are" |
| description: "just directly invoking a tool in a directory, this can be" |
| description: "acceptable. Unlike the checkout_dir value in path, the context" |
| description: "module keeps per-thread state, which means that concurrent" |
| description: "futures in the recipe will each see their own value as" |
| description: "appropriate for their own call stack." |
| description: "" |
| description: "3) Introduce your own 'global' path to a module that you own," |
| description: "and then use this. This doesn't solve the code clarity problem" |
| description: "directly, but can be a useful transition for code which heavily" |
| description: "relies on the existing checkout_dir within its own codebase." |
| description: "This will not solve the problem for common modules which use" |
| description: "the checkout_dir global variable without a way to explicitly" |
| description: "pass in a directory, however." |
| description: "" |
| description: "If you pick this third path, please consider making this global" |
| description: "only assignable once, and making it a hard error (e.g. raise" |
| description: "ValueError) if this is accessed prior to assignment." |
| deadline: "2024-06-15" |
| google_issue { id: 329113288 } |
| } |