blob: dc3130d58d38839dc23f2e3fce3848fa85f84d3c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import json
from recipe_engine import recipe_test_api
from .api import dumps, loads
class JsonTestApi(recipe_test_api.RecipeTestApi):
def dumps(*args, **kwargs):
"""Works like `json.dumps`."""
return dumps(*args, **kwargs)
def loads(data, **kwargs):
"""Works like `json.loads`, but strips out unicode objects (replacing them
with utf8-encoded str objects)."""
return loads(data, **kwargs)
def output(data, retcode=None, name=None):
"""Supplies placeholder data for a json.output. `data` should be a jsonish
python object (e.g. dict, list, str, bool, int, etc). It will be dumped out
with json.dumps and the step will be observed to return that dumped value.
return json.dumps(data), retcode, name
def invalid(self, raw_data_str, retcode=None, name=None):
"""Can be used to supply data for a json.output, except that it takes a raw
string rather than a json object."""
ret = recipe_test_api.StepTestData()
placeholder_data = recipe_test_api.PlaceholderTestData(
data=raw_data_str, name=name)
ret.placeholder_data[(self._module.NAME, 'output', name)] = placeholder_data
return ret
def output_stream(self, data, stream='stdout', retcode=None, name=None):
assert stream in ('stdout', 'stderr')
ret = recipe_test_api.StepTestData()
step_data = self.output(data, retcode=retcode, name=name)
setattr(ret, stream, step_data.unwrap_placeholder())
return ret