blob: eaad8b37960aa6c00cb258d42fba7904ee847680 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import json
from google.protobuf import json_format
from import invocation as invocation_pb2
from import test_result as test_result_pb2
class Invocation:
"""A ResultDB invocation with contents.
Reference: go/resultdb-concepts.
# A tuple of (attr, protobuf_type, serialization_key), where
# - attr is the name of Invocation attribute that stores the collection
# - protobuf_type is the collection element type
# - serialization_key: a dict key used in serialization format.
('test_results', test_result_pb2.TestResult, 'testResult'),
('test_exonerations', test_result_pb2.TestExoneration, 'testExoneration'),
def __init__(self, proto=None, test_results=None, test_exonerations=None):
assert proto is None or isinstance(proto, invocation_pb2.Invocation), proto
assert _all_of_type(test_results, test_result_pb2.TestResult), test_results
assert _all_of_type(test_exonerations, test_result_pb2.TestExoneration), (
self.proto = proto or invocation_pb2.Invocation()
self.test_results = test_results or []
self.test_exonerations = test_exonerations or []
def serialize(inv_bundle, pretty=False):
"""Serializes invocations to a string.
The format corresponds to the format used by rdb-ls, unless pretty is True.
inv_bundle: dict {inv_id: Invocation}.
pretty: if True, returns a better-looking output, but not supported by
lines = []
def add_line(inv_id, key, msg):
jsonish = {
'invocationId': inv_id,
key: json_format.MessageToDict(msg),
json.dumps(jsonish, sort_keys=True, indent=2 if pretty else None)
for inv_id, inv in sorted(inv_bundle.items()):
assert isinstance(inv, Invocation), inv
if inv.proto.ListFields(): # if something is set
add_line(inv_id, 'invocation', inv.proto)
for attr_name, typ, key in Invocation._COLLECTIONS:
for msg in getattr(inv, attr_name):
assert isinstance(msg, typ), msg
add_line(inv_id, key, msg)
return '\n'.join(lines)
def deserialize(data):
"""Deserializes an invocation bundle. Opposite of serialize()."""
ret = {}
def parse_msg(msg, body):
return json_format.ParseDict(
body, msg,
# Do not fail the build because recipe's proto copy is stale.
for line in data.splitlines():
entry = json.loads(line)
assert isinstance(entry, dict), line
inv_id = entry['invocationId']
inv = ret.get(inv_id)
if not inv:
inv = Invocation()
ret[inv_id] = inv
inv_dict = entry.get('invocation')
if inv_dict is not None:
# Invocation is special because there can be only one invocation
# per invocation ID.
parse_msg(inv.proto, inv_dict)
found = False
for attr_name, type, key in Invocation._COLLECTIONS:
if key in entry:
found = True
collection = getattr(inv, attr_name)
collection.append(parse_msg(type(), entry[key]))
assert found, entry
return ret
def _all_of_type(lst, type):
return not lst or all(isinstance(el, type) for el in lst)