Extract debug command from the test subcommand.


Bug: 910369
Change-Id: Ieb17c606172c76931e94ba81a444b6dc5d46ebd2
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/infra/luci/recipes-py/+/1611151
Commit-Queue: Robbie Iannucci <iannucci@chromium.org>
Auto-Submit: Robbie Iannucci <iannucci@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Andrii Shyshkalov <tandrii@chromium.org>
diff --git a/recipe_engine/internal/commands/debug.py b/recipe_engine/internal/commands/debug.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a207220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipe_engine/internal/commands/debug.py
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+'''Debug a recipe with the python debugger.
+Debugs a single recipe+test case combination; steps will behave the same way
+they do under test simulation for the given test case.
+import bdb
+import pdb
+import sys
+import traceback
+from ..test.execute_test_case import execute_test_case
+def add_arguments(parser):
+  """Implements the subcommand protocol for recipe engine."""
+  parser.add_argument(
+      'recipe_name', nargs='?', help='The name of the recipe to debug.')
+  parser.add_argument(
+      'test_name', nargs='?', help=(
+        'The name of the test case in GenTests to debug with. If ommitted '
+        'and there is exactly one test case for the recipe, will use that.'
+      ))
+  def _main(args):
+    if not args.recipe_name:
+      print 'Available recipes:'
+      for recipe in sorted(args.recipe_deps.main_repo.recipes):
+        print '  ', recipe
+      sys.exit(1)
+    recipe = args.recipe_deps.main_repo.recipes[args.recipe_name]
+    all_tests = recipe.gen_tests()
+    test_data = None
+    if len(all_tests) == 1 and not args.test_name:
+      test_data = all_tests[0]
+    else:
+      for test_data in sorted(all_tests, key=lambda t: t.name):
+        if test_data.name == args.test_name:
+          break
+      else:
+        print 'Unable to find test case %r in recipe %r' % (
+          args.test_name, args.recipe_name)
+        print 'For reference, we found the following test cases:'
+        for case in all_tests:
+          print '  ', case.name
+        sys.exit(1)
+    _debug_recipe(args.recipe_deps, recipe, test_data)
+  parser.set_defaults(func=_main)
+def _debug_recipe(recipe_deps, recipe, test_data):
+  """Debugs the given recipe + test case.
+  Args:
+    * recipe_deps (RecipeDeps)
+    * recipe (Recipe)
+    * test_data (TestData)
+  """
+  debugger = pdb.Pdb()
+  for func in [recipe.global_symbols['RunSteps']]:
+    debugger.set_break(
+        func.func_code.co_filename,
+        func.func_code.co_firstlineno,
+        funcname=func.func_code.co_name)
+  try:
+    def dispatch_thunk(frame, event, arg):
+      """Triggers 'continue' command when debugger starts."""
+      val = debugger.trace_dispatch(frame, event, arg)
+      debugger.set_continue()
+      sys.settrace(debugger.trace_dispatch)
+      return val
+    debugger.reset()
+    sys.settrace(dispatch_thunk)
+    try:
+      execute_test_case(recipe_deps, recipe.name, test_data)
+    finally:
+      debugger.quitting = 1
+      sys.settrace(None)
+  except bdb.BdbQuit:
+    pass
+  except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
+    traceback.print_exc()
+    print 'Uncaught exception. Entering post mortem debugging'
+    print 'Running \'cont\' or \'step\' will restart the program'
+    tback = sys.exc_info()[2]
+    debugger.interaction(None, tback)
diff --git a/recipe_engine/internal/commands/test/__init__.py b/recipe_engine/internal/commands/test/__init__.py
index 908375f..19753ed 100644
--- a/recipe_engine/internal/commands/test/__init__.py
+++ b/recipe_engine/internal/commands/test/__init__.py
@@ -83,13 +83,6 @@
     '--no-docs', action='store_false', default=True, dest='docs',
     help='Disable automatic documentation generation.')
-  helpstr = 'Run the tests under debugger (pdb).'
-  debug_p = subp.add_parser(
-    'debug', help=helpstr, description=helpstr)
-  debug_p.add_argument(
-    '--filter', action='append', type=_normalize_filter,
-    help=glob_helpstr)
   def _launch(args):
     from .cmd import main
     return main(args)
diff --git a/recipe_engine/internal/commands/test/cmd.py b/recipe_engine/internal/commands/test/cmd.py
index 82085ea..4b7575d 100644
--- a/recipe_engine/internal/commands/test/cmd.py
+++ b/recipe_engine/internal/commands/test/cmd.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
-import bdb
 import collections
 import contextlib
 import copy
@@ -17,7 +16,6 @@
 import json
 import multiprocessing
 import os
-import pdb
 import re
 import shutil
 import signal
@@ -35,12 +33,8 @@
 from .... import config_types
-from ...engine import RecipeEngine
-from ...engine_env import FakeEnviron
-from ...step_runner.sim import SimulationStepRunner
-from ...stream.invariants import StreamEngineInvariants
-from ...stream.simulator import SimulationAnnotatorStreamEngine
 from ...test import magic_check_fn
+from ...test.execute_test_case import execute_test_case
 from ..doc.cmd import regenerate_docs
@@ -68,7 +62,7 @@
 # These are modes that various functions in this file switch on.
+_MODE_TEST, _MODE_TRAIN = range(2)
 # Allow regex patterns to be 'deep copied' by using them as-is.
@@ -77,14 +71,10 @@
-def coverage_context(include=None, enable=True):
+def coverage_context(include=None):
   """Context manager that records coverage data."""
   c = coverage.coverage(config_file=False, include=include)
-  if not enable:
-    yield c
-    return
   # Sometimes our strict include lists will result in a run
   # not adding any coverage info. That's okay, avoid output spam.
   c._warn_no_data = False
@@ -208,50 +198,6 @@
     return os.path.join(self.expect_dir, name + '.json')
-def maybe_debug(break_funcs, enable):
-  """Context manager to wrap a block to possibly run under debugger.
-  Arguments:
-    break_funcs(list): functions to set up breakpoints for
-    enable(bool): whether to actually trigger debugger, or be no-op
-  """
-  if not enable:
-    yield
-    return
-  debugger = pdb.Pdb()
-  for func in break_funcs:
-    debugger.set_break(
-        func.func_code.co_filename,
-        func.func_code.co_firstlineno,
-        funcname=func.func_code.co_name)
-  try:
-    def dispatch_thunk(*args):
-      """Triggers 'continue' command when debugger starts."""
-      val = debugger.trace_dispatch(*args)
-      debugger.set_continue()
-      sys.settrace(debugger.trace_dispatch)
-      return val
-    debugger.reset()
-    sys.settrace(dispatch_thunk)
-    try:
-      yield
-    finally:
-      debugger.quitting = 1
-      sys.settrace(None)
-  except bdb.BdbQuit:
-    pass
-  except Exception:
-    traceback.print_exc()
-    print('Uncaught exception. Entering post mortem debugging')
-    print('Running \'cont\' or \'step\' will restart the program')
-    t = sys.exc_info()[2]
-    debugger.interaction(None, t)
 def _compare_results(train_mode, failures, actual_obj, expected,
   """Compares the actual and expected results.
@@ -304,7 +250,7 @@
   return 'D' if train_mode else 'F'
-def run_test(test_description, mode):
+def run_test(train_mode, test_description):
   """Runs a test. Returns TestResults object."""
   expected = None
   if os.path.exists(test_description.expectation_path):
@@ -312,7 +258,7 @@
       with open(test_description.expectation_path) as fil:
         expected = fil.read()
     except Exception:
-      if mode == _MODE_TRAIN:
+      if train_mode:
         # Ignore errors when training; we're going to overwrite the file anyway.
         expected = None
@@ -323,18 +269,16 @@
-  with maybe_debug(break_funcs, mode == _MODE_DEBUG):
-    (
-      actual_obj, failed_checks, crash_failure, bad_test_failures, coverage_data
-    ) = run_recipe(
-        test_description.recipe_name, test_description.test_name,
-        test_description.covers,
-        enable_coverage=(mode != _MODE_DEBUG))
+  (
+    actual_obj, failed_checks, crash_failure, bad_test_failures, coverage_data
+  ) = run_recipe(
+      test_description.recipe_name, test_description.test_name,
+      test_description.covers)
   failures = []
   status = _compare_results(
-      mode == _MODE_TRAIN, failures, actual_obj, expected,
+      train_mode, failures, actual_obj, expected,
   if bad_test_failures:
     status = 'B'
@@ -563,7 +507,7 @@
   return ret
-def run_recipe(recipe_name, test_name, covers, enable_coverage=True):
+def run_recipe(recipe_name, test_name, covers):
   """Runs the recipe under test in simulation mode.
   # TODO(iannucci): Implement a better flow for this returned data; interaction
@@ -581,33 +525,13 @@
   # Grab test data from the cache. This way it's only generated once.
   test_data = _GEN_TEST_CACHE[(recipe_name, test_name)]
-  step_runner = SimulationStepRunner(test_data)
-  annotator = SimulationAnnotatorStreamEngine()
-  stream_engine = StreamEngineInvariants.wrap(annotator)
-  props = test_data.properties.copy()
-  props['recipe'] = recipe_name
-  # Disable source manifest uploading by default.
-  if '$recipe_engine/source_manifest' not in props:
-    props['$recipe_engine/source_manifest'] = {}
-  if 'debug_dir' not in props['$recipe_engine/source_manifest']:
-    props['$recipe_engine/source_manifest']['debug_dir'] = None
-  with coverage_context(include=covers, enable=enable_coverage) as cov:
-    # run_steps shouldn't ever raise an exception (captured exceptions
-    # are reported in expectations and then returned as part of 'result')
-    environ = FakeEnviron()
-    for key, value in test_data.environ.iteritems():
-      environ[key] = value
-    result = RecipeEngine.run_steps(
-        _RECIPE_DEPS, props, stream_engine, step_runner, environ, '',
-        test_data=test_data, skip_setup_build=True)
+  with coverage_context(include=covers) as cov:
+    result, steps_ran, buffered_steps = execute_test_case(
+        _RECIPE_DEPS, recipe_name, test_data)
   coverage_data = cov.get_data()
-  steps_ran = step_runner.export_steps_ran()
-  raw_expectations = _merge_presentation_updates(
-      steps_ran, annotator.buffered_steps)
+  raw_expectations = _merge_presentation_updates(steps_ran, buffered_steps)
   bad_test_failures = _check_bad_test(
       test_data, steps_ran.keys(), raw_expectations.keys())
@@ -625,7 +549,7 @@
       test_data.expected_exception, raw_expectations)
   failed_checks = []
-  with coverage_context(include=covers, enable=enable_coverage) as cov:
+  with coverage_context(include=covers) as cov:
     result_data, failed_checks = magic_check_fn.post_process(
         raw_expectations, test_data)
@@ -860,20 +784,20 @@
-def run_worker(test, mode):
+def run_worker(train_mode, test):
   """Worker for 'run' command (note decorator above)."""
-  return run_test(test, mode)
+  return run_test(train_mode, test)
 def run_train(gen_docs, test_filter, jobs, json_file):
-  rc = run_run(test_filter, jobs, json_file, _MODE_TRAIN)
+  rc = run_run(test_filter, jobs, json_file, train_mode=True)
   if rc == 0 and gen_docs:
     print('Generating README.recipes.md')
   return rc
-def run_run(test_filter, jobs, json_file, mode):
+def run_run(test_filter, jobs, json_file, train_mode):
   """Implementation of the 'run' command."""
   start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
@@ -889,18 +813,9 @@
     print('ERROR: The following modules lack test coverage: %s' % (
-  if mode == _MODE_DEBUG:
-    results = []
-    for t in tests:
-      results.append(run_worker(t, mode))
-  else:
-    with kill_switch():
-      pool = multiprocessing.Pool(jobs)
-      # the 'mode=mode' is necessary, because we want a function call like:
-      #   func(test) -> run_worker(test, mode)
-      # if we supply 'mode' as an arg, it will end up calling:
-      #   func(test) -> run_worker(mode, test)
-      results = pool.map(functools.partial(run_worker, mode=mode), tests)
+  with kill_switch():
+    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(jobs)
+    results = pool.map(functools.partial(run_worker, train_mode), tests)
@@ -978,7 +893,7 @@
     unused_expectations = sorted(actual_expectations - used_expectations)
     if unused_expectations:
-      if mode == _MODE_TRAIN:
+      if train_mode:
         # we only want to prune expectations if training was otherwise
         # successful. Otherwise a failure during training can blow away expected
         # directories which contain things like OWNERS files.
@@ -1084,9 +999,7 @@
   if args.subcommand == 'diff':
     return run_diff(args.baseline, args.actual, json_file=args.json)
   if args.subcommand == 'run':
-    return run_run(args.filter, args.jobs, args.json, _MODE_TEST)
+    return run_run(args.filter, args.jobs, args.json, train_mode=False)
   if args.subcommand == 'train':
     return run_train(args.docs, args.filter, args.jobs, args.json)
-  if args.subcommand == 'debug':
-    return run_run(args.filter, None, None, _MODE_DEBUG)
   raise ValueError('Unknown subcommand %r' % (args.subcommand,))
diff --git a/recipe_engine/internal/test/execute_test_case.py b/recipe_engine/internal/test/execute_test_case.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3582ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipe_engine/internal/test/execute_test_case.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+def execute_test_case(recipe_deps, recipe_name, test_data):
+  """Executes a single test case.
+  Args:
+    * recipe_deps (RecipeDeps)
+    * recipe_name (str) - The recipe to run.
+    * test_data (TestData) - The test data to use for the simulated run.
+  Returns a 3-tuple of:
+    * The result of RecipeEngine.run_steps
+    * SimulationStepRunner.export_steps_ran()
+    * SimulationAnnotatorStreamEngine.buffered_steps
+  """
+  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
+  # Late imports to avoid importing 'PB'.
+  from ..engine import RecipeEngine
+  from ..engine_env import FakeEnviron
+  from ..step_runner.sim import SimulationStepRunner
+  from ..stream.invariants import StreamEngineInvariants
+  from ..stream.simulator import SimulationAnnotatorStreamEngine
+  step_runner = SimulationStepRunner(test_data)
+  annotator = SimulationAnnotatorStreamEngine()
+  stream_engine = StreamEngineInvariants.wrap(annotator)
+  props = test_data.properties.copy()
+  props['recipe'] = recipe_name
+  # Disable source manifest uploading by default.
+  if '$recipe_engine/source_manifest' not in props:
+    props['$recipe_engine/source_manifest'] = {}
+  if 'debug_dir' not in props['$recipe_engine/source_manifest']:
+    props['$recipe_engine/source_manifest']['debug_dir'] = None
+  environ = FakeEnviron()
+  for key, value in test_data.environ.iteritems():
+    environ[key] = value
+  result = RecipeEngine.run_steps(
+      recipe_deps, props, stream_engine, step_runner, environ, '',
+      test_data=test_data, skip_setup_build=True)
+  return result, step_runner.export_steps_ran(), annotator.buffered_steps