blob: 0547e8feb02092bc7620f925471f71a718492ff3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Proto-free, frozen version of Cause related messages in warning.proto.
These data classes can adapt from/to protobuf message and be used as intermidate
data model in recipe engine as they provide natural hashing ability for fast
import os
import inspect
from functools import cached_property
import attr
from PB.recipe_engine import warning as warning_pb
from ..attr_util import attr_type, attr_value_is, attr_list_type
from ...engine_types import freeze
class Frame:
"""Equivalent to warning_pb.Frame."""
# Absolute file path that contains the code object frame is executing.
file = attr.ib(
attr_value_is('an absolute path or empty string',
lambda val: os.path.isabs(val) or val == ''),
# Current line Number in the source code for the frame.
line = attr.ib(validator=attr_type(int), default=0)
def frame_pb(self):
"""The equivalent warning_pb.Frame proto message instance"""
return warning_pb.Frame(file=self.file, line=self.line)
def from_frame_pb(cls, frame):
"""Create a new instance from a warning_pb.Frame proto message."""
return cls(file=str(frame.file), line=frame.line)
def from_built_in_frame(cls, frame):
"""Create a new instance from built-in frame object."""
assert inspect.isframe(frame), 'Expect FrameType; Got %s' % type(frame)
return cls(
class CallSite:
"""Equivalent to warning_pb.CallSite."""
# The frame of the call site. The frame will have empty value for all its
# attributes if call site can't be attributed.
site = attr.ib(validator=attr_type(Frame))
# The call stack at the time warning is issued (optional)
call_stack = attr.ib(
def cause_pb(self):
"""The equivalent warning_pb.Cause proto message instance"""
ret = warning_pb.Cause()
for f in self.call_stack:
return ret
def from_cause_pb(cls, cause):
"""Create a new instance from a warning_pb.Cause proto message."""
return cls(
Frame.from_frame_pb(f) for f in cause.call_site.call_stack],
class ImportSite:
"""Equivalent to warning_pb.ImportSite"""
# Name of the repo that recipe or recipe module is in
repo = attr.ib(validator=attr_type(str))
# Name of recipe module
module = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.optional(attr_type(str)))
# Name of recipe
recipe = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.optional(attr_type(str)))
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
"""Check that exactly one of recipe or recipe module is present"""
if bool(self.module) == bool(self.recipe):
raise ValueError(
'Expect exactly one of recipe or recipe module presents. '
'Got module:%s, recipe:%s' % (self.module, self.recipe))
def cause_pb(self):
"""The equivalent warning_pb.Cause proto message instance"""
ret = warning_pb.Cause()
ret.import_site.repo = self.repo
if self.module:
ret.import_site.module = self.module
ret.import_site.recipe = self.recipe
return ret
def from_cause_pb(cls, cause):
"""Create a new instance from a warning_pb.Cause proto message."""
import_site = cause.import_site
return cls(
module=str(import_site.module) if import_site.module else None,
recipe=str(import_site.recipe) if import_site.recipe else None,