blob: b82d3feea164b464fa6c715166f64d71848cf8d3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Abstract stream interface for representing recipe runs.
We need to create streams for steps (and substeps) and also LOG_LINE steps.
LogDog will implement LOG_LINE steps as real logs (i.e. uniformly), but
annotations will implement them differently from normal logs, so we need
a way to distinguish.
StreamEngine will coordinate the multiplexing of streams. In the case of
annotations, this involves keeping track of the STEP_CURSOR and setting it
accordingly, as well as filtering @@@ lines.
Stream is a virtual well-behaved stream (associated with an Engine) which you
can just write to without worrying.
import json
import logging
import tempfile
import time
from .. import recipe_api
def output_iter(stream, it):
"""Iterates through each string entry in "it", writing it in full to "stream"
using "write_line".
This protects against cases where text can't be directly rendered by
"write_line", notably newlines. In this case, the text will be written via a
series of "write_line" calls, one for each line.
A minimum of one "write_line" will be called per item in "it", regardless of
that item's content.
stream (StreamEngine.Stream): The stream to output to.
it (iterable): An iterable that yields strings to write.
for text in it:
lines = (text.split('\n') if text else ('',))
for line in lines:
class StreamEngine(object):
class Stream(object):
def write_line(self, line):
raise NotImplementedError()
def write_split(self, string):
"""Write a string (which may contain newlines) to the stream. It will
be terminated by a newline."""
for actual_line in string.splitlines() or ['']: # preserve empty lines
def fileno(self):
"""If this has a real file descriptor, return it (int).
Otherwise return self."""
return self
def close(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def handle_exception(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
ret = self.handle_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
return ret
class StepStream(Stream):
def new_log_stream(self, log_name):
raise NotImplementedError()
def add_step_text(self, text):
raise NotImplementedError()
def add_step_summary_text(self, text):
raise NotImplementedError()
def add_step_link(self, name, url):
raise NotImplementedError()
def reset_subannotation_state(self):
def set_step_status(self, status):
raise NotImplementedError()
def set_build_property(self, key, value):
raise NotImplementedError()
def trigger(self, trigger_spec):
raise NotImplementedError()
def set_manifest_link(self, name, sha256, url):
raise NotImplementedError()
# The StepStreams that this step should use for stdout/stderr.
# @property
# def stdout(self): return StepStream
# @property
# def stderr(self): return StepStream
# These are omitted from the base implementation so that ProductStreamEngine
# will pick and return the value from real StreamEngine, not
# StreamEngineInvariants.
def make_step_stream(self, name):
"""Shorthand for creating a root-level step stream."""
# TODO(iannucci): remove this method
return self.new_step_stream(recipe_api.StepClient.StepConfig(
def new_step_stream(self, step_config):
"""Creates a new StepStream in this engine.
The step will be considered started at the moment this method is called.
TODO(luqui): allow_subannotations is a bit of a hack, whether to allow
annotations that this step emits through to the annotator (True), or
guard them by prefixing them with ! (False). The proper way to do this
is to implement an annotations parser that converts to StreamEngine calls;
i.e. parse -> re-emit.
step_config (recipe_api.StepCleint.StepConfig): The step configuration.
raise NotImplementedError()
def open(self):
def close(self):
def handle_exception(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
ret = self.handle_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
return ret
class ProductStreamEngine(StreamEngine):
"""A StreamEngine that forms the non-commutative product of two other
Because StreamEngine has no observations (i.e. it is an F-Algebra), we can
form products. This code is entirely mechanical from the types (if we
had them formalized...).
This product is non-commutative, meaning order matters. Specifically, an
exception in "engine_a" will prevent "engine_b" from being evaluated.
def __init__(self, engine_a, engine_b):
assert engine_a and engine_b
self._engine_a = engine_a
self._engine_b = engine_b
class Stream(StreamEngine.Stream):
def __init__(self, stream_a, stream_b):
assert stream_a and stream_b
self._stream_a = stream_a
self._stream_b = stream_b
def write_line(self, line):
def handle_exception(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
ret = self._stream_a.handle_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
ret = ret or self._stream_b.handle_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
return ret
def close(self):
class StepStream(Stream):
# pylint: disable=no-self-argument
def _void_product(method_name):
def inner(self, *args):
getattr(self._stream_a, method_name)(*args)
getattr(self._stream_b, method_name)(*args)
return inner
def new_log_stream(self, log_name):
return ProductStreamEngine.Stream(
def stdout(self):
return getattr(
self._stream_a, 'stdout', getattr(
self._stream_b, 'stdout', self))
def stderr(self):
return getattr(
self._stream_a, 'stderr', getattr(
self._stream_b, 'stderr', self))
def handle_exception(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
ret = self._stream_a.handle_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
ret = ret or self._stream_b.handle_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
return ret
add_step_text = _void_product('add_step_text')
add_step_summary_text = _void_product('add_step_summary_text')
add_step_link = _void_product('add_step_link')
reset_subannotation_state = _void_product('reset_subannotation_state')
set_step_status = _void_product('set_step_status')
set_build_property = _void_product('set_build_property')
trigger = _void_product('trigger')
set_manifest_link = _void_product('set_manifest_link')
def new_step_stream(self, step_config):
return self.StepStream(
def open(self):
def handle_exception(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
ret = self._engine_a.handle_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
ret = ret or self._engine_b.handle_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
return ret
def close(self):
class StreamEngineInvariants(StreamEngine):
"""Checks that the users are using a StreamEngine hygenically.
Multiply with actually functional StreamEngines so you don't have to check
these all over the place.
def __init__(self):
self._streams = set()
def wrap(cls, other):
"""Returns (ProductStreamEngine): A product applying invariants to "other".
return ProductStreamEngine(cls(), other)
class StepStream(StreamEngine.StepStream):
def __init__(self, engine, step_name):
super(StreamEngineInvariants.StepStream, self).__init__()
self._engine = engine
self._step_name = step_name
self._open = True
self._logs = {}
self._status = 'SUCCESS'
def write_line(self, line):
assert '\n' not in line
assert self._open
def close(self):
assert self._open
for log_name, log in self._logs.iteritems():
assert not log._open, 'Log %s still open when closing step %s' % (
log_name, self._step_name)
self._open = False
def new_log_stream(self, log_name):
assert self._open
assert log_name not in self._logs, 'Log %s already exists in step %s' % (
log_name, self._step_name)
ret = self._engine.LogStream(self, log_name)
self._logs[log_name] = ret
return ret
def add_step_text(self, text):
def add_step_summary_text(self, text):
def add_step_link(self, name, url):
assert isinstance(name, basestring), 'Link name %s is not a string' % name
assert isinstance(url, basestring), 'Link url %s is not a string' % url
def set_step_status(self, status):
assert status in ('SUCCESS', 'WARNING', 'FAILURE', 'EXCEPTION')
if status == 'SUCCESS':
# A constraint imposed by the annotations implementation
assert self._status == 'SUCCESS', (
'Cannot set successful status after status is %s' % self._status)
self._status = status
def set_build_property(self, key, value):
def trigger(self, spec):
assert '\n' not in spec # Spec must fit on one line.
json.loads(spec) # Spec must be a valid json object.
def set_manifest_link(self, name, sha256, url):
class LogStream(StreamEngine.Stream):
def __init__(self, step_stream, log_name):
self._step_stream = step_stream
self._log_name = log_name
self._open = True
def write_line(self, line):
assert '\n' not in line
assert self._step_stream._open
assert self._open
def close(self):
assert self._step_stream._open
assert self._open
self._open = False
def new_step_stream(self, step_config):
assert not in self._streams, (
'Step %s already exists' %
return self.StepStream(self,
class AnnotatorStreamEngine(StreamEngine):
def __init__(self, outstream, emit_timestamps=False, time_fn=None):
self._current_step = None
self._opened = set()
self._outstream = outstream
self.emit_timestamps = emit_timestamps
self.time_fn = time_fn or time.time
def open(self):
super(AnnotatorStreamEngine, self).open()
def close(self):
super(AnnotatorStreamEngine, self).close()
def output_current_time(self, step=None):
"""Prints CURRENT_TIMESTAMP annotation with current time."""
if step:
if self.emit_timestamps:
self.output_root_annotation('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', self.time_fn())
def write_annotation(outstream, *args):
# Flush the stream before & after engine annotations, because they can
# change which step we are talking about and this matters to buildbot.
'@@@' + '@'.join(map(encode_str, args)) + '@@@\n')
def output_root_annotation(self, *args):
self.write_annotation(self._outstream, *args)
def _step_cursor(self, step_name):
if self._current_step != step_name:
self.output_root_annotation('STEP_CURSOR', step_name)
self._current_step = step_name
if step_name not in self._opened:
class StepStream(StreamEngine.StepStream):
def __init__(self, engine, outstream, step_name):
super(AnnotatorStreamEngine.StepStream, self).__init__()
self._engine = engine
self._outstream = outstream
self._step_name = step_name
def basic_write(self, line):
def close(self):
def output_annotation(self, *args):
self._engine.write_annotation(self._outstream, *args)
def write_line(self, line):
if line.startswith('@@@'):
self.basic_write('!' + line + '\n')
self.basic_write(line + '\n')
def new_log_stream(self, log_name):
return self._engine.StepLogStream(self, log_name)
def add_step_text(self, text):
self.output_annotation('STEP_TEXT', text)
def add_step_summary_text(self, text):
self.output_annotation('STEP_SUMMARY_TEXT', text)
def add_step_link(self, name, url):
self.output_annotation('STEP_LINK', name, url)
def set_step_status(self, status):
if status == 'SUCCESS':
elif status == 'WARNING':
elif status == 'FAILURE':
elif status == 'EXCEPTION':
raise Exception('Impossible status %s' % status)
def set_build_property(self, key, value):
self.output_annotation('SET_BUILD_PROPERTY', key, value)
def trigger(self, spec):
self.output_annotation('STEP_TRIGGER', spec)
def set_manifest_link(self, name, sha256, url):
self.output_annotation('SOURCE_MANIFEST', name, sha256.encode('hex'), url)
class StepLogStream(StreamEngine.Stream):
def __init__(self, step_stream, log_name):
self._step_stream = step_stream
self._log_name = log_name.replace('/', '/')
def write_line(self, line):
self._step_stream.output_annotation('STEP_LOG_LINE', self._log_name, line)
def close(self):
self._step_stream.output_annotation('STEP_LOG_END', self._log_name)
class AllowSubannotationsStepStream(StepStream):
def write_line(self, line):
self.basic_write(line + '\n')
# HACK(luqui): If the subannotator script changes the active step, we need
# a way to get back to the real step that spawned the script. The right
# way to do that is to parse the annotation stream and re-emit it. But for
# now we just provide this method.
def reset_subannotation_state(self):
self._engine._current_step = None
def new_step_stream(self, step_config):
return self._create_step_stream(step_config, self._outstream)
def _create_step_stream(self, step_config, outstream):
if step_config.allow_subannotations:
stream = self.AllowSubannotationsStepStream(self, outstream,
stream = self.StepStream(self, outstream,
if len(step_config.name_tokens) > 1:
# Emit our current nest level, if we are nested.
'STEP_NEST_LEVEL', str(len(step_config.name_tokens)-1))
return stream
def encode_str(s):
"""Tries to encode a string into a python str type.
Currently buildbot only supports ascii. If we have an error decoding the
string (which means it might not be valid ascii), we decode the string with
the 'replace' error mode, which replaces invalid characters with a suitable
replacement character.
return str(s)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
return s.encode('utf-8', 'replace')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return s.decode('utf-8', 'replace')