blob: bfbc4cfc0c68b2665239c6852b89a7b98d151da1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package recipe_engine;
// The result of a recipe execution.
message Result {
oneof oneof_result {
// The json result of a recipe. Guaranteed to be a JSON 'object' (e.g.
// "{...}") or omitted.
string json_result = 1;
// The cause of the failure of a recipe.
Failure failure = 2;
message Failure {
// A reason readable by humans. Printed to the UI, and will be seen by users.
string human_reason = 1;
// The cause of this failure.
oneof failure_type {
// Step threw an exception.
Exception exception = 3;
// Step failed (return code not ok).
StepFailure failure = 5;
// An unexpected exception occured during execution. Caused by the builtin
// Exception class.
message Exception {
// Traceback of an exception which occured.
repeated string traceback = 1;
// A step failed to execute "correctly". Correct generally is indicated by a
// return code of 0, but the step can allow for other return codes as well.
message StepFailure {
// The step which failed.
string step = 1;