blob: e3d55f177b08a7b95274eaeb840decd76540c550 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import configparser
import glob
import os
import re
import sys
CONFIG_FILE_NAME = '.expect_tests.cfg'
def get_python_root(path):
"""Get the lowest directory with no file.
When ``path`` is pointing inside a Python package, this function returns the
directory directly containing this package. If ``path`` points outside of
a Python package, the it returns ``path``.
path (str): arbitrary path
root (str): ancestor directory, with no file in it.
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise ValueError('path must exist: %s')
while path != os.path.dirname(path):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '')):
return path
path = os.path.dirname(path)
# This is not supposed to happen, but in case somebody adds a
# at the filesystem root ...
raise IOError("Unable to find a python root for %s" % path)
def parse_test_glob(test_glob):
"""A test glob is composed of a path and a glob expression like:
'<path>:<glob>'. The path should point to a directory or a file inside
a Python package (it can be the root directory of that package). It can use
native path separator (e.g. '\\' on Windows) or '/'.
The glob is a Python name used to filter tests.
A test name is the name of the method prepended with the class name.
'my/nice/package/test1/:TestA*', the package root being 'my/nice/package':
this matches all tests whose class name starts with 'TestA' inside all
files matching test1/*, like
test_glob (str): a test glob
(path, test_filter): absolute path and test filter glob.
parts = test_glob.replace('/', os.sep).split(':')
# On Windows test_glob may contain drive letter (e.g C:\blah\...). Put it back
# into parts[0].
if (sys.platform == 'win32' and
len(parts) >= 2 and
len(parts[0]) == 1 and
parts[1] and parts[1][0] == '\\'):
parts[1] = parts[0] + ':\\' + parts[1]
parts = parts[1:]
if len(parts) > 2:
raise ValueError('A test_glob should contain at most one colon (got %s)'
% test_glob)
if len(parts) == 2:
path, test_filter = parts
if os.sep in test_filter:
raise ValueError('A test filter cannot contain a slash (got %s)',
if not test_filter: # empty string case
test_filter = ('*',)
test_filter = (test_filter,)
path, test_filter = parts[0], ('*',)
path = os.path.abspath(path)
return path, test_filter
class PackageTestingContext(object):
def __init__(self, cwd, package_name, filters):
"""Information to run a set of tests in a single package.
See also parse_test_glob.
# TODO(iannucci): let's scan packages too so that <path> can also be a
# glob. Then expect_tests can use a default of '*:*' when no tests are
# specified.
self.cwd = cwd
self.package_name = package_name
# list of (path, filter) pairs.
# The path is a relative path to a subdirectory of
# os.path.join(self.cwd, self.package_name) in which to look for tests.
# Only tests whose name matches the glob are kept.
self.filters = filters
def itermatchers(self):
"""Iterate over all filters, and yield matchers for each of them.
path (str): restrict test listing to this subpackage.
matcher (SRE_Pattern): whitelist matcher
for filt in self.filters:
# Implicitely append * to globs
one_glob = '%s%s' % (filt[1], '*' if '*' not in filt[1] else '')
matcher = re.compile('^(?:%s)$' % glob.fnmatch.translate(one_glob))
if matcher.pattern == '^$':
matcher = re.compile('^.*$')
yield filt[0], matcher
def from_path(cls, path, filters=('*',)):
path = os.path.abspath(path)
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise ValueError('Path does not exist: %s' % path)
cwd = get_python_root(path)
package_name = os.path.relpath(path, cwd).split(os.path.sep)[0]
# The path in which to look for tests. Only tests whose name matches the
# glob are kept.
relpath = os.path.relpath(path, os.path.join(cwd, package_name))
if not isinstance(filters, (list, tuple)):
raise ValueError('the "filter" parameter must be a tuple or a list, '
'got %s' % type(filters).__name__)
if len(filters) == 0:
filters = [(relpath, '*')]
filters = [(relpath, filt) for filt in filters]
return cls(cwd, package_name, filters)
def from_context_list(cls, contexts):
"""Merge several PackageTestingContext pointing to the same package."""
cwd = set(context.cwd for context in contexts)
if len(cwd) > 1:
raise ValueError(
'from_context_list() was given'
'process contexts containing the following cwds, '
'but can only process contexts which all share a single cwd: '
'%s' % str(cwd))
package_name = set(context.package_name for context in contexts)
if len(package_name) > 1:
raise ValueError(
'from_context_list() was given'
'process contexts containing the following package_name, '
'but can only process contexts which all share a single package_name: '
'%s' % str(package_name))
filters = []
for context in contexts:
return cls(cwd.pop(), package_name.pop(), filters)
class ProcessingContext(object):
def __init__(self, testing_contexts):
"""Information to run a set of tasks in a given working directory.
testing_contexts (list): list of PackageTestingContext instances.
self.cwd = testing_contexts[0].cwd
# Merge testing_contexts by package
groups = {}
for context in testing_contexts:
if context.cwd != self.cwd:
raise ValueError('All package must have the same value for "cwd"')
groups.setdefault(context.package_name, []).append(context)
self.testing_contexts = [PackageTestingContext.from_context_list(contexts)
for contexts in groups.values()]
def get_config(path):
"""Get configuration values
Reads the config file in provided path, and returns content.
See Python ConfigParser for general formatting syntax.
path (str): path to a directory.
black_list (set): blacklisted subdirectories.
black_list = set()
config_file_name = os.path.join(path, CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
parser = configparser.ConfigParser()[config_file_name])
if not parser.has_section('expect_tests'):
return black_list
if parser.has_option('expect_tests', 'skip'):
black_list.update(parser.get('expect_tests', 'skip').splitlines())
return black_list
def get_runtime_contexts(test_globs):
"""Compute the list of packages/filters to get tests from."""
# Step 1: compute list of packages + subtree
testing_contexts = []
for test_glob in test_globs:
path, test_filter = parse_test_glob(test_glob)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '')):
PackageTestingContext.from_path(path, test_filter))
# Look for all packages in path.
subpaths = []
black_list = get_config(path)
for filename in [x for x in os.listdir(path) if x not in black_list]:
abs_filename = os.path.join(path, filename)
if (os.path.isdir(abs_filename)
and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(abs_filename, ''))):
[PackageTestingContext.from_path(subpath, test_filter)
for subpath in subpaths])
# Step 2: group by working directory - one process per wd.
groups = {}
for context in testing_contexts:
groups.setdefault(context.cwd, []).append(context)
return [ProcessingContext(contexts) for contexts in groups.values()]