YUV to RGB Matrix functions for color space support

Make all Matrix versions of conversions public.

Bug: libyuv:861, b/156642185
Change-Id: Ida067c95dd041b612e2bab64dbface58b257038a
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/libyuv/libyuv/+/2202748
Commit-Queue: Frank Barchard <fbarchard@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Chong Zhang <chz@google.com>
diff --git a/README.chromium b/README.chromium
index 1d96326..d07f8e0 100644
--- a/README.chromium
+++ b/README.chromium
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Name: libyuv
 URL: http://code.google.com/p/libyuv/
-Version: 1754
+Version: 1755
 License: BSD
 License File: LICENSE
diff --git a/include/libyuv/convert_argb.h b/include/libyuv/convert_argb.h
index 2b85792..0988c69 100644
--- a/include/libyuv/convert_argb.h
+++ b/include/libyuv/convert_argb.h
@@ -15,16 +15,23 @@
 #include "libyuv/rotate.h"  // For enum RotationMode.
-// TODO(fbarchard): This set of functions should exactly match convert.h
-// TODO(fbarchard): Add tests. Create random content of right size and convert
-// with C vs Opt and or to I420 and compare.
-// TODO(fbarchard): Some of these functions lack parameter setting.
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 namespace libyuv {
 extern "C" {
+// Conversion matrix for YUV to RGB
+LIBYUV_API extern const struct YuvConstants kYuvI601Constants;  // BT.601
+LIBYUV_API extern const struct YuvConstants kYuvJPEGConstants;  // JPeg
+LIBYUV_API extern const struct YuvConstants kYuvH709Constants;  // BT.709
+LIBYUV_API extern const struct YuvConstants kYuv2020Constants;  // BT.2020
+// Conversion matrix for YVU to BGR
+LIBYUV_API extern const struct YuvConstants kYvuI601Constants;  // BT.601
+LIBYUV_API extern const struct YuvConstants kYvuJPEGConstants;  // JPeg
+LIBYUV_API extern const struct YuvConstants kYvuH709Constants;  // BT.709
+LIBYUV_API extern const struct YuvConstants kYvu2020Constants;  // BT.2020
 // Alias.
 #define ARGBToARGB ARGBCopy
@@ -996,6 +1003,551 @@
                      int width,
                      int height);
+// Convert NV12 to RGB565.
+int NV12ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                 int src_stride_y,
+                 const uint8_t* src_uv,
+                 int src_stride_uv,
+                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                 int width,
+                 int height);
+// Convert I422 to BGRA.
+int I422ToBGRA(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_bgra,
+               int dst_stride_bgra,
+               int width,
+               int height);
+// Convert I422 to ABGR.
+int I422ToABGR(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_abgr,
+               int dst_stride_abgr,
+               int width,
+               int height);
+// Convert I422 to RGBA.
+int I422ToRGBA(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_rgba,
+               int dst_stride_rgba,
+               int width,
+               int height);
+int I420ToARGB(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_argb,
+               int dst_stride_argb,
+               int width,
+               int height);
+int I420ToBGRA(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_bgra,
+               int dst_stride_bgra,
+               int width,
+               int height);
+int I420ToABGR(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_abgr,
+               int dst_stride_abgr,
+               int width,
+               int height);
+int I420ToRGBA(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_rgba,
+               int dst_stride_rgba,
+               int width,
+               int height);
+int I420ToRGB24(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                int src_stride_y,
+                const uint8_t* src_u,
+                int src_stride_u,
+                const uint8_t* src_v,
+                int src_stride_v,
+                uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
+                int dst_stride_rgb24,
+                int width,
+                int height);
+int I420ToRAW(const uint8_t* src_y,
+              int src_stride_y,
+              const uint8_t* src_u,
+              int src_stride_u,
+              const uint8_t* src_v,
+              int src_stride_v,
+              uint8_t* dst_raw,
+              int dst_stride_raw,
+              int width,
+              int height);
+int H420ToRGB24(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                int src_stride_y,
+                const uint8_t* src_u,
+                int src_stride_u,
+                const uint8_t* src_v,
+                int src_stride_v,
+                uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
+                int dst_stride_rgb24,
+                int width,
+                int height);
+int H420ToRAW(const uint8_t* src_y,
+              int src_stride_y,
+              const uint8_t* src_u,
+              int src_stride_u,
+              const uint8_t* src_v,
+              int src_stride_v,
+              uint8_t* dst_raw,
+              int dst_stride_raw,
+              int width,
+              int height);
+int J420ToRGB24(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                int src_stride_y,
+                const uint8_t* src_u,
+                int src_stride_u,
+                const uint8_t* src_v,
+                int src_stride_v,
+                uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
+                int dst_stride_rgb24,
+                int width,
+                int height);
+int J420ToRAW(const uint8_t* src_y,
+              int src_stride_y,
+              const uint8_t* src_u,
+              int src_stride_u,
+              const uint8_t* src_v,
+              int src_stride_v,
+              uint8_t* dst_raw,
+              int dst_stride_raw,
+              int width,
+              int height);
+int I420ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                 int src_stride_y,
+                 const uint8_t* src_u,
+                 int src_stride_u,
+                 const uint8_t* src_v,
+                 int src_stride_v,
+                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                 int width,
+                 int height);
+int J420ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                 int src_stride_y,
+                 const uint8_t* src_u,
+                 int src_stride_u,
+                 const uint8_t* src_v,
+                 int src_stride_v,
+                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                 int width,
+                 int height);
+int H420ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                 int src_stride_y,
+                 const uint8_t* src_u,
+                 int src_stride_u,
+                 const uint8_t* src_v,
+                 int src_stride_v,
+                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                 int width,
+                 int height);
+int I422ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                 int src_stride_y,
+                 const uint8_t* src_u,
+                 int src_stride_u,
+                 const uint8_t* src_v,
+                 int src_stride_v,
+                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                 int width,
+                 int height);
+// Convert I420 To RGB565 with 4x4 dither matrix (16 bytes).
+// Values in dither matrix from 0 to 7 recommended.
+// The order of the dither matrix is first byte is upper left.
+int I420ToRGB565Dither(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                       int src_stride_y,
+                       const uint8_t* src_u,
+                       int src_stride_u,
+                       const uint8_t* src_v,
+                       int src_stride_v,
+                       uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                       int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                       const uint8_t* dither4x4,
+                       int width,
+                       int height);
+int I420ToARGB1555(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                   int src_stride_y,
+                   const uint8_t* src_u,
+                   int src_stride_u,
+                   const uint8_t* src_v,
+                   int src_stride_v,
+                   uint8_t* dst_argb1555,
+                   int dst_stride_argb1555,
+                   int width,
+                   int height);
+int I420ToARGB4444(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                   int src_stride_y,
+                   const uint8_t* src_u,
+                   int src_stride_u,
+                   const uint8_t* src_v,
+                   int src_stride_v,
+                   uint8_t* dst_argb4444,
+                   int dst_stride_argb4444,
+                   int width,
+                   int height);
+// Convert I420 to AR30.
+int I420ToAR30(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_ar30,
+               int dst_stride_ar30,
+               int width,
+               int height);
+// Convert H420 to AR30.
+int H420ToAR30(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_ar30,
+               int dst_stride_ar30,
+               int width,
+               int height);
+// Convert I420 to ARGB with matrix.
+int I420ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint8_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                     int dst_stride_argb,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height);
+// Convert I422 to ARGB with matrix.
+int I422ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint8_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                     int dst_stride_argb,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height);
+// Convert I444 to ARGB with matrix.
+int I444ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint8_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                     int dst_stride_argb,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height);
+// multiply 10 bit yuv into high bits to allow any number of bits.
+int I010ToAR30Matrix(const uint16_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint16_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint16_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_ar30,
+                     int dst_stride_ar30,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height);
+// multiply 10 bit yuv into high bits to allow any number of bits.
+int I210ToAR30Matrix(const uint16_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint16_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint16_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_ar30,
+                     int dst_stride_ar30,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height);
+// Convert 10 bit YUV to ARGB with matrix.
+int I010ToARGBMatrix(const uint16_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint16_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint16_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                     int dst_stride_argb,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height);
+// Convert 10 bit 422 YUV to ARGB with matrix.
+int I210ToARGBMatrix(const uint16_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint16_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint16_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                     int dst_stride_argb,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height);
+// Convert I420 with Alpha to preattenuated ARGB with matrix.
+int I420AlphaToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                          int src_stride_y,
+                          const uint8_t* src_u,
+                          int src_stride_u,
+                          const uint8_t* src_v,
+                          int src_stride_v,
+                          const uint8_t* src_a,
+                          int src_stride_a,
+                          uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                          int dst_stride_argb,
+                          const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                          int width,
+                          int height,
+                          int attenuate);
+// Convert NV12 to ARGB with matrix.
+int NV12ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_uv,
+                     int src_stride_uv,
+                     uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                     int dst_stride_argb,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height);
+// Convert NV21 to ARGB with matrix.
+int NV21ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_vu,
+                     int src_stride_vu,
+                     uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                     int dst_stride_argb,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height);
+// Convert NV12 to RGB565 with matrix.
+int NV12ToRGB565Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                       int src_stride_y,
+                       const uint8_t* src_uv,
+                       int src_stride_uv,
+                       uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                       int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                       const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                       int width,
+                       int height);
+// Convert NV12 to RGB24 with matrix.
+int NV12ToRGB24Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                      int src_stride_y,
+                      const uint8_t* src_uv,
+                      int src_stride_uv,
+                      uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
+                      int dst_stride_rgb24,
+                      const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                      int width,
+                      int height);
+// Convert NV21 to RGB24 with matrix.
+int NV21ToRGB24Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                      int src_stride_y,
+                      const uint8_t* src_vu,
+                      int src_stride_vu,
+                      uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
+                      int dst_stride_rgb24,
+                      const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                      int width,
+                      int height);
+// Convert Android420 to ARGB with matrix.
+int Android420ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                           int src_stride_y,
+                           const uint8_t* src_u,
+                           int src_stride_u,
+                           const uint8_t* src_v,
+                           int src_stride_v,
+                           int src_pixel_stride_uv,
+                           uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                           int dst_stride_argb,
+                           const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                           int width,
+                           int height);
+// Convert I422 to RGBA with matrix.
+int I422ToRGBAMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint8_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_rgba,
+                     int dst_stride_rgba,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height);
+// Convert I422 to RGBA with matrix.
+int I420ToRGBAMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint8_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_rgba,
+                     int dst_stride_rgba,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height);
+// Convert I420 to RGB24 with matrix.
+int I420ToRGB24Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                      int src_stride_y,
+                      const uint8_t* src_u,
+                      int src_stride_u,
+                      const uint8_t* src_v,
+                      int src_stride_v,
+                      uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
+                      int dst_stride_rgb24,
+                      const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                      int width,
+                      int height);
+// Convert I420 to RGB565 with specified color matrix.
+int I420ToRGB565Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                       int src_stride_y,
+                       const uint8_t* src_u,
+                       int src_stride_u,
+                       const uint8_t* src_v,
+                       int src_stride_v,
+                       uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                       int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                       const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                       int width,
+                       int height);
+// Convert I420 to AR30 with matrix.
+int I420ToAR30Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint8_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_ar30,
+                     int dst_stride_ar30,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height);
 // Convert camera sample to ARGB with cropping, rotation and vertical flip.
 // "sample_size" is needed to parse MJPG.
 // "dst_stride_argb" number of bytes in a row of the dst_argb plane.
diff --git a/include/libyuv/convert_from.h b/include/libyuv/convert_from.h
index afc4393..92ed6a0 100644
--- a/include/libyuv/convert_from.h
+++ b/include/libyuv/convert_from.h
@@ -132,241 +132,6 @@
                int width,
                int height);
-int I420ToARGB(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_argb,
-               int dst_stride_argb,
-               int width,
-               int height);
-int I420ToBGRA(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_bgra,
-               int dst_stride_bgra,
-               int width,
-               int height);
-int I420ToABGR(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_abgr,
-               int dst_stride_abgr,
-               int width,
-               int height);
-int I420ToRGBA(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_rgba,
-               int dst_stride_rgba,
-               int width,
-               int height);
-int I420ToRGB24(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                int src_stride_y,
-                const uint8_t* src_u,
-                int src_stride_u,
-                const uint8_t* src_v,
-                int src_stride_v,
-                uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
-                int dst_stride_rgb24,
-                int width,
-                int height);
-int I420ToRAW(const uint8_t* src_y,
-              int src_stride_y,
-              const uint8_t* src_u,
-              int src_stride_u,
-              const uint8_t* src_v,
-              int src_stride_v,
-              uint8_t* dst_raw,
-              int dst_stride_raw,
-              int width,
-              int height);
-int H420ToRGB24(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                int src_stride_y,
-                const uint8_t* src_u,
-                int src_stride_u,
-                const uint8_t* src_v,
-                int src_stride_v,
-                uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
-                int dst_stride_rgb24,
-                int width,
-                int height);
-int H420ToRAW(const uint8_t* src_y,
-              int src_stride_y,
-              const uint8_t* src_u,
-              int src_stride_u,
-              const uint8_t* src_v,
-              int src_stride_v,
-              uint8_t* dst_raw,
-              int dst_stride_raw,
-              int width,
-              int height);
-int J420ToRGB24(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                int src_stride_y,
-                const uint8_t* src_u,
-                int src_stride_u,
-                const uint8_t* src_v,
-                int src_stride_v,
-                uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
-                int dst_stride_rgb24,
-                int width,
-                int height);
-int J420ToRAW(const uint8_t* src_y,
-              int src_stride_y,
-              const uint8_t* src_u,
-              int src_stride_u,
-              const uint8_t* src_v,
-              int src_stride_v,
-              uint8_t* dst_raw,
-              int dst_stride_raw,
-              int width,
-              int height);
-int I420ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                 int src_stride_y,
-                 const uint8_t* src_u,
-                 int src_stride_u,
-                 const uint8_t* src_v,
-                 int src_stride_v,
-                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
-                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
-                 int width,
-                 int height);
-int J420ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                 int src_stride_y,
-                 const uint8_t* src_u,
-                 int src_stride_u,
-                 const uint8_t* src_v,
-                 int src_stride_v,
-                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
-                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
-                 int width,
-                 int height);
-int H420ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                 int src_stride_y,
-                 const uint8_t* src_u,
-                 int src_stride_u,
-                 const uint8_t* src_v,
-                 int src_stride_v,
-                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
-                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
-                 int width,
-                 int height);
-int I422ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                 int src_stride_y,
-                 const uint8_t* src_u,
-                 int src_stride_u,
-                 const uint8_t* src_v,
-                 int src_stride_v,
-                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
-                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
-                 int width,
-                 int height);
-// Convert I420 To RGB565 with 4x4 dither matrix (16 bytes).
-// Values in dither matrix from 0 to 7 recommended.
-// The order of the dither matrix is first byte is upper left.
-int I420ToRGB565Dither(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                       int src_stride_y,
-                       const uint8_t* src_u,
-                       int src_stride_u,
-                       const uint8_t* src_v,
-                       int src_stride_v,
-                       uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
-                       int dst_stride_rgb565,
-                       const uint8_t* dither4x4,
-                       int width,
-                       int height);
-int I420ToARGB1555(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                   int src_stride_y,
-                   const uint8_t* src_u,
-                   int src_stride_u,
-                   const uint8_t* src_v,
-                   int src_stride_v,
-                   uint8_t* dst_argb1555,
-                   int dst_stride_argb1555,
-                   int width,
-                   int height);
-int I420ToARGB4444(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                   int src_stride_y,
-                   const uint8_t* src_u,
-                   int src_stride_u,
-                   const uint8_t* src_v,
-                   int src_stride_v,
-                   uint8_t* dst_argb4444,
-                   int dst_stride_argb4444,
-                   int width,
-                   int height);
-// Convert I420 to AR30.
-int I420ToAR30(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_ar30,
-               int dst_stride_ar30,
-               int width,
-               int height);
-// Convert H420 to AR30.
-int H420ToAR30(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_ar30,
-               int dst_stride_ar30,
-               int width,
-               int height);
 // Convert I420 to specified format.
 // "dst_sample_stride" is bytes in a row for the destination. Pass 0 if the
 //    buffer has contiguous rows. Can be negative. A multiple of 16 is optimal.
diff --git a/include/libyuv/planar_functions.h b/include/libyuv/planar_functions.h
index b11776a..9e0038f 100644
--- a/include/libyuv/planar_functions.h
+++ b/include/libyuv/planar_functions.h
@@ -372,57 +372,6 @@
                    int width,
                    int height);
-// Convert NV12 to RGB565.
-int NV12ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                 int src_stride_y,
-                 const uint8_t* src_uv,
-                 int src_stride_uv,
-                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
-                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
-                 int width,
-                 int height);
-// I422ToARGB is in convert_argb.h
-// Convert I422 to BGRA.
-int I422ToBGRA(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_bgra,
-               int dst_stride_bgra,
-               int width,
-               int height);
-// Convert I422 to ABGR.
-int I422ToABGR(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_abgr,
-               int dst_stride_abgr,
-               int width,
-               int height);
-// Convert I422 to RGBA.
-int I422ToRGBA(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_rgba,
-               int dst_stride_rgba,
-               int width,
-               int height);
 // Alias
 #define RGB24ToRAW RAWToRGB24
diff --git a/include/libyuv/row.h b/include/libyuv/row.h
index e0a65c6..94ef575 100644
--- a/include/libyuv/row.h
+++ b/include/libyuv/row.h
@@ -705,18 +705,6 @@
 #define KYTORGB 192
-// Conversion matrix for YUV to RGB
-extern const struct YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYuvI601Constants);  // BT.601
-extern const struct YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYuvJPEGConstants);  // JPeg
-extern const struct YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYuvH709Constants);  // BT.709
-extern const struct YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYuv2020Constants);  // BT.2020
-// Conversion matrix for YVU to BGR
-extern const struct YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYvuI601Constants);  // BT.601
-extern const struct YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYvuJPEGConstants);  // JPeg
-extern const struct YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYvuH709Constants);  // BT.709
-extern const struct YuvConstants SIMD_ALIGNED(kYvu2020Constants);  // BT.2020
 #define IS_ALIGNED(p, a) (!((uintptr_t)(p) & ((a)-1)))
 #define align_buffer_64(var, size)                                           \
diff --git a/include/libyuv/version.h b/include/libyuv/version.h
index 321b466..e8d48b2 100644
--- a/include/libyuv/version.h
+++ b/include/libyuv/version.h
@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
-#define LIBYUV_VERSION 1754
+#define LIBYUV_VERSION 1755
diff --git a/source/convert_argb.cc b/source/convert_argb.cc
index b9515c9..a0f23c3 100644
--- a/source/convert_argb.cc
+++ b/source/convert_argb.cc
@@ -47,18 +47,19 @@
   return 0;
-// Convert I420 to ARGB with matrix
-static int I420ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                            int src_stride_y,
-                            const uint8_t* src_u,
-                            int src_stride_u,
-                            const uint8_t* src_v,
-                            int src_stride_v,
-                            uint8_t* dst_argb,
-                            int dst_stride_argb,
-                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                            int width,
-                            int height) {
+// Convert I420 to ARGB with matrix.
+int I420ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint8_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                     int dst_stride_argb,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height) {
   int y;
   void (*I422ToARGBRow)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
                         const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
@@ -270,18 +271,19 @@
                           width, height);
-// Convert I422 to ARGB with matrix
-static int I422ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                            int src_stride_y,
-                            const uint8_t* src_u,
-                            int src_stride_u,
-                            const uint8_t* src_v,
-                            int src_stride_v,
-                            uint8_t* dst_argb,
-                            int dst_stride_argb,
-                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                            int width,
-                            int height) {
+// Convert I422 to ARGB with matrix.
+int I422ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint8_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                     int dst_stride_argb,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height) {
   int y;
   void (*I422ToARGBRow)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
                         const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
@@ -498,18 +500,19 @@
                           width, height);
-// Convert I444 to ARGB with matrix
-static int I444ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                            int src_stride_y,
-                            const uint8_t* src_u,
-                            int src_stride_u,
-                            const uint8_t* src_v,
-                            int src_stride_v,
-                            uint8_t* dst_argb,
-                            int dst_stride_argb,
-                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                            int width,
-                            int height) {
+// Convert I444 to ARGB with matrix.
+int I444ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint8_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                     int dst_stride_argb,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height) {
   int y;
   void (*I444ToARGBRow)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
                         const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
@@ -726,20 +729,21 @@
                           width, height);
-// Convert 10 bit YUV to ARGB with matrix
+// Convert 10 bit YUV to ARGB with matrix.
 // TODO(fbarchard): Consider passing scale multiplier to I210ToARGB to
 // multiply 10 bit yuv into high bits to allow any number of bits.
-static int I010ToAR30Matrix(const uint16_t* src_y,
-                            int src_stride_y,
-                            const uint16_t* src_u,
-                            int src_stride_u,
-                            const uint16_t* src_v,
-                            int src_stride_v,
-                            uint8_t* dst_ar30,
-                            int dst_stride_ar30,
-                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                            int width,
-                            int height) {
+int I010ToAR30Matrix(const uint16_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint16_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint16_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_ar30,
+                     int dst_stride_ar30,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height) {
   int y;
   void (*I210ToAR30Row)(const uint16_t* y_buf, const uint16_t* u_buf,
                         const uint16_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
@@ -884,20 +888,21 @@
                           &kYuv2020Constants, width, height);
-// Convert 10 bit YUV to ARGB with matrix
+// Convert 10 bit YUV to ARGB with matrix.
 // TODO(fbarchard): Consider passing scale multiplier to I210ToARGB to
 // multiply 10 bit yuv into high bits to allow any number of bits.
-static int I210ToAR30Matrix(const uint16_t* src_y,
-                            int src_stride_y,
-                            const uint16_t* src_u,
-                            int src_stride_u,
-                            const uint16_t* src_v,
-                            int src_stride_v,
-                            uint8_t* dst_ar30,
-                            int dst_stride_ar30,
-                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                            int width,
-                            int height) {
+int I210ToAR30Matrix(const uint16_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint16_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint16_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_ar30,
+                     int dst_stride_ar30,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height) {
   int y;
   void (*I210ToAR30Row)(const uint16_t* y_buf, const uint16_t* u_buf,
                         const uint16_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
@@ -1040,18 +1045,19 @@
                           &kYuv2020Constants, width, height);
-// Convert 10 bit YUV to ARGB with matrix
-static int I010ToARGBMatrix(const uint16_t* src_y,
-                            int src_stride_y,
-                            const uint16_t* src_u,
-                            int src_stride_u,
-                            const uint16_t* src_v,
-                            int src_stride_v,
-                            uint8_t* dst_argb,
-                            int dst_stride_argb,
-                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                            int width,
-                            int height) {
+// Convert 10 bit YUV to ARGB with matrix.
+int I010ToARGBMatrix(const uint16_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint16_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint16_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                     int dst_stride_argb,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height) {
   int y;
   void (*I210ToARGBRow)(const uint16_t* y_buf, const uint16_t* u_buf,
                         const uint16_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
@@ -1210,18 +1216,19 @@
                           width, height);
-// Convert 10 bit 422 YUV to ARGB with matrix
-static int I210ToARGBMatrix(const uint16_t* src_y,
-                            int src_stride_y,
-                            const uint16_t* src_u,
-                            int src_stride_u,
-                            const uint16_t* src_v,
-                            int src_stride_v,
-                            uint8_t* dst_argb,
-                            int dst_stride_argb,
-                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                            int width,
-                            int height) {
+// Convert 10 bit 422 YUV to ARGB with matrix.
+int I210ToARGBMatrix(const uint16_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint16_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint16_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                     int dst_stride_argb,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height) {
   int y;
   void (*I210ToARGBRow)(const uint16_t* y_buf, const uint16_t* u_buf,
                         const uint16_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
@@ -1378,21 +1385,22 @@
                           width, height);
-// Convert I420 with Alpha to preattenuated ARGB.
-static int I420AlphaToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                                 int src_stride_y,
-                                 const uint8_t* src_u,
-                                 int src_stride_u,
-                                 const uint8_t* src_v,
-                                 int src_stride_v,
-                                 const uint8_t* src_a,
-                                 int src_stride_a,
-                                 uint8_t* dst_argb,
-                                 int dst_stride_argb,
-                                 const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                                 int width,
-                                 int height,
-                                 int attenuate) {
+// Convert I420 with Alpha to preattenuated ARGB with matrix.
+int I420AlphaToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                          int src_stride_y,
+                          const uint8_t* src_u,
+                          int src_stride_u,
+                          const uint8_t* src_v,
+                          int src_stride_v,
+                          const uint8_t* src_a,
+                          int src_stride_a,
+                          uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                          int dst_stride_argb,
+                          const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                          int width,
+                          int height,
+                          int attenuate) {
   int y;
   void (*I422AlphaToARGBRow)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
                              const uint8_t* v_buf, const uint8_t* a_buf,
@@ -2278,16 +2286,17 @@
   return 0;
-// Convert NV12 to ARGB with matrix
-static int NV12ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                            int src_stride_y,
-                            const uint8_t* src_uv,
-                            int src_stride_uv,
-                            uint8_t* dst_argb,
-                            int dst_stride_argb,
-                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                            int width,
-                            int height) {
+// Convert NV12 to ARGB with matrix.
+int NV12ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_uv,
+                     int src_stride_uv,
+                     uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                     int dst_stride_argb,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height) {
   int y;
   void (*NV12ToARGBRow)(
       const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* uv_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
@@ -2353,16 +2362,17 @@
   return 0;
-// Convert NV21 to ARGB with matrix
-static int NV21ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                            int src_stride_y,
-                            const uint8_t* src_vu,
-                            int src_stride_vu,
-                            uint8_t* dst_argb,
-                            int dst_stride_argb,
-                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                            int width,
-                            int height) {
+// Convert NV21 to ARGB with matrix.
+int NV21ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_vu,
+                     int src_stride_vu,
+                     uint8_t* dst_argb,
+                     int dst_stride_argb,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height) {
   int y;
   void (*NV21ToARGBRow)(
       const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* uv_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
@@ -2487,16 +2497,17 @@
 // TODO(fbarchard): Consider SSSE3 2 step conversion.
-// Convert NV12 to RGB24 with matrix
-static int NV12ToRGB24Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                             int src_stride_y,
-                             const uint8_t* src_uv,
-                             int src_stride_uv,
-                             uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
-                             int dst_stride_rgb24,
-                             const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                             int width,
-                             int height) {
+// Convert NV12 to RGB24 with matrix.
+int NV12ToRGB24Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                      int src_stride_y,
+                      const uint8_t* src_uv,
+                      int src_stride_uv,
+                      uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
+                      int dst_stride_rgb24,
+                      const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                      int width,
+                      int height) {
   int y;
   void (*NV12ToRGB24Row)(
       const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* uv_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
@@ -2554,16 +2565,17 @@
   return 0;
-// Convert NV21 to RGB24 with matrix
-static int NV21ToRGB24Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                             int src_stride_y,
-                             const uint8_t* src_vu,
-                             int src_stride_vu,
-                             uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
-                             int dst_stride_rgb24,
-                             const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                             int width,
-                             int height) {
+// Convert NV21 to RGB24 with matrix.
+int NV21ToRGB24Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                      int src_stride_y,
+                      const uint8_t* src_vu,
+                      int src_stride_vu,
+                      uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
+                      int dst_stride_rgb24,
+                      const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                      int width,
+                      int height) {
   int y;
   void (*NV21ToRGB24Row)(
       const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* uv_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
@@ -2968,7 +2980,7 @@
-// Convert Android420 to ARGB.
+// Convert Android420 to ARGB with matrix.
 int Android420ToARGBMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
                            int src_stride_y,
@@ -3069,6 +3081,1107 @@
+// Convert I422 to RGBA with matrix.
+int I422ToRGBAMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint8_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_rgba,
+                     int dst_stride_rgba,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height) {
+  int y;
+  void (*I422ToRGBARow)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
+                        const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
+                        const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) =
+      I422ToRGBARow_C;
+  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_rgba || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // Negative height means invert the image.
+  if (height < 0) {
+    height = -height;
+    dst_rgba = dst_rgba + (height - 1) * dst_stride_rgba;
+    dst_stride_rgba = -dst_stride_rgba;
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_SSSE3)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
+    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_SSSE3;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_SSSE3;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_AVX2)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
+    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_AVX2;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
+      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_AVX2;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_NEON)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
+    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_NEON;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_NEON;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_MMI)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
+    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_MMI;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
+      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_MMI;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_MSA)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
+    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_MSA;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_MSA;
+    }
+  }
+  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+    I422ToRGBARow(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_rgba, yuvconstants, width);
+    dst_rgba += dst_stride_rgba;
+    src_y += src_stride_y;
+    src_u += src_stride_u;
+    src_v += src_stride_v;
+  }
+  return 0;
+// Convert I422 to RGBA.
+int I422ToRGBA(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_rgba,
+               int dst_stride_rgba,
+               int width,
+               int height) {
+  return I422ToRGBAMatrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
+                          src_stride_v, dst_rgba, dst_stride_rgba,
+                          &kYuvI601Constants, width, height);
+// Convert I422 to BGRA.
+int I422ToBGRA(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_bgra,
+               int dst_stride_bgra,
+               int width,
+               int height) {
+  return I422ToRGBAMatrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_v,
+                          src_stride_v,  // Swap U and V
+                          src_u, src_stride_u, dst_bgra, dst_stride_bgra,
+                          &kYvuI601Constants,  // Use Yvu matrix
+                          width, height);
+// Convert NV12 to RGB565 with matrix.
+int NV12ToRGB565Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                       int src_stride_y,
+                       const uint8_t* src_uv,
+                       int src_stride_uv,
+                       uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                       int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                       const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                       int width,
+                       int height) {
+  int y;
+  void (*NV12ToRGB565Row)(
+      const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* uv_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
+      const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) = NV12ToRGB565Row_C;
+  if (!src_y || !src_uv || !dst_rgb565 || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // Negative height means invert the image.
+  if (height < 0) {
+    height = -height;
+    dst_rgb565 = dst_rgb565 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_rgb565;
+    dst_stride_rgb565 = -dst_stride_rgb565;
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_NV12TORGB565ROW_SSSE3)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
+    NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_Any_SSSE3;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_SSSE3;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_NV12TORGB565ROW_AVX2)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
+    NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_Any_AVX2;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
+      NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_AVX2;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_NV12TORGB565ROW_NEON)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
+    NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_Any_NEON;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_NEON;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_NV12TORGB565ROW_MMI)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
+    NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_Any_MMI;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
+      NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_MMI;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_NV12TORGB565ROW_MSA)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
+    NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_Any_MSA;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_MSA;
+    }
+  }
+  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+    NV12ToRGB565Row(src_y, src_uv, dst_rgb565, yuvconstants, width);
+    dst_rgb565 += dst_stride_rgb565;
+    src_y += src_stride_y;
+    if (y & 1) {
+      src_uv += src_stride_uv;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+// Convert NV12 to RGB565.
+int NV12ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                 int src_stride_y,
+                 const uint8_t* src_uv,
+                 int src_stride_uv,
+                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                 int width,
+                 int height) {
+  return NV12ToRGB565Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_uv, src_stride_uv,
+                            dst_rgb565, dst_stride_rgb565, &kYuvI601Constants,
+                            width, height);
+// Convert I422 to RGBA with matrix.
+int I420ToRGBAMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint8_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_rgba,
+                     int dst_stride_rgba,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height) {
+  int y;
+  void (*I422ToRGBARow)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
+                        const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
+                        const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) =
+      I422ToRGBARow_C;
+  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_rgba || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // Negative height means invert the image.
+  if (height < 0) {
+    height = -height;
+    dst_rgba = dst_rgba + (height - 1) * dst_stride_rgba;
+    dst_stride_rgba = -dst_stride_rgba;
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_SSSE3)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
+    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_SSSE3;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_SSSE3;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_AVX2)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
+    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_AVX2;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
+      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_AVX2;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_NEON)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
+    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_NEON;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_NEON;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_MMI)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
+    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_MMI;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
+      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_MMI;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_MSA)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
+    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_MSA;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_MSA;
+    }
+  }
+  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+    I422ToRGBARow(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_rgba, yuvconstants, width);
+    dst_rgba += dst_stride_rgba;
+    src_y += src_stride_y;
+    if (y & 1) {
+      src_u += src_stride_u;
+      src_v += src_stride_v;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+// Convert I420 to RGBA.
+int I420ToRGBA(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_rgba,
+               int dst_stride_rgba,
+               int width,
+               int height) {
+  return I420ToRGBAMatrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
+                          src_stride_v, dst_rgba, dst_stride_rgba,
+                          &kYuvI601Constants, width, height);
+// Convert I420 to BGRA.
+int I420ToBGRA(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_bgra,
+               int dst_stride_bgra,
+               int width,
+               int height) {
+  return I420ToRGBAMatrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_v,
+                          src_stride_v,  // Swap U and V
+                          src_u, src_stride_u, dst_bgra, dst_stride_bgra,
+                          &kYvuI601Constants,  // Use Yvu matrix
+                          width, height);
+// Convert I420 to RGB24 with matrix.
+int I420ToRGB24Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                      int src_stride_y,
+                      const uint8_t* src_u,
+                      int src_stride_u,
+                      const uint8_t* src_v,
+                      int src_stride_v,
+                      uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
+                      int dst_stride_rgb24,
+                      const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                      int width,
+                      int height) {
+  int y;
+  void (*I422ToRGB24Row)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
+                         const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
+                         const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) =
+      I422ToRGB24Row_C;
+  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_rgb24 || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // Negative height means invert the image.
+  if (height < 0) {
+    height = -height;
+    dst_rgb24 = dst_rgb24 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_rgb24;
+    dst_stride_rgb24 = -dst_stride_rgb24;
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB24ROW_SSSE3)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
+    I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_Any_SSSE3;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
+      I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_SSSE3;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB24ROW_AVX2)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
+    I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_Any_AVX2;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 32)) {
+      I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_AVX2;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB24ROW_NEON)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
+    I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_Any_NEON;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_NEON;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB24ROW_MMI)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
+    I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_Any_MMI;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
+      I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_MMI;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB24ROW_MSA)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
+    I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_Any_MSA;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
+      I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_MSA;
+    }
+  }
+  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+    I422ToRGB24Row(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_rgb24, yuvconstants, width);
+    dst_rgb24 += dst_stride_rgb24;
+    src_y += src_stride_y;
+    if (y & 1) {
+      src_u += src_stride_u;
+      src_v += src_stride_v;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+// Convert I420 to RGB24.
+int I420ToRGB24(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                int src_stride_y,
+                const uint8_t* src_u,
+                int src_stride_u,
+                const uint8_t* src_v,
+                int src_stride_v,
+                uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
+                int dst_stride_rgb24,
+                int width,
+                int height) {
+  return I420ToRGB24Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
+                           src_stride_v, dst_rgb24, dst_stride_rgb24,
+                           &kYuvI601Constants, width, height);
+// Convert I420 to RAW.
+int I420ToRAW(const uint8_t* src_y,
+              int src_stride_y,
+              const uint8_t* src_u,
+              int src_stride_u,
+              const uint8_t* src_v,
+              int src_stride_v,
+              uint8_t* dst_raw,
+              int dst_stride_raw,
+              int width,
+              int height) {
+  return I420ToRGB24Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_v,
+                           src_stride_v,  // Swap U and V
+                           src_u, src_stride_u, dst_raw, dst_stride_raw,
+                           &kYvuI601Constants,  // Use Yvu matrix
+                           width, height);
+// Convert J420 to RGB24.
+int J420ToRGB24(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                int src_stride_y,
+                const uint8_t* src_u,
+                int src_stride_u,
+                const uint8_t* src_v,
+                int src_stride_v,
+                uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
+                int dst_stride_rgb24,
+                int width,
+                int height) {
+  return I420ToRGB24Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
+                           src_stride_v, dst_rgb24, dst_stride_rgb24,
+                           &kYuvJPEGConstants, width, height);
+// Convert J420 to RAW.
+int J420ToRAW(const uint8_t* src_y,
+              int src_stride_y,
+              const uint8_t* src_u,
+              int src_stride_u,
+              const uint8_t* src_v,
+              int src_stride_v,
+              uint8_t* dst_raw,
+              int dst_stride_raw,
+              int width,
+              int height) {
+  return I420ToRGB24Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_v,
+                           src_stride_v,  // Swap U and V
+                           src_u, src_stride_u, dst_raw, dst_stride_raw,
+                           &kYvuJPEGConstants,  // Use Yvu matrix
+                           width, height);
+// Convert H420 to RGB24.
+int H420ToRGB24(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                int src_stride_y,
+                const uint8_t* src_u,
+                int src_stride_u,
+                const uint8_t* src_v,
+                int src_stride_v,
+                uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
+                int dst_stride_rgb24,
+                int width,
+                int height) {
+  return I420ToRGB24Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
+                           src_stride_v, dst_rgb24, dst_stride_rgb24,
+                           &kYuvH709Constants, width, height);
+// Convert H420 to RAW.
+int H420ToRAW(const uint8_t* src_y,
+              int src_stride_y,
+              const uint8_t* src_u,
+              int src_stride_u,
+              const uint8_t* src_v,
+              int src_stride_v,
+              uint8_t* dst_raw,
+              int dst_stride_raw,
+              int width,
+              int height) {
+  return I420ToRGB24Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_v,
+                           src_stride_v,  // Swap U and V
+                           src_u, src_stride_u, dst_raw, dst_stride_raw,
+                           &kYvuH709Constants,  // Use Yvu matrix
+                           width, height);
+// Convert I420 to ARGB1555.
+int I420ToARGB1555(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                   int src_stride_y,
+                   const uint8_t* src_u,
+                   int src_stride_u,
+                   const uint8_t* src_v,
+                   int src_stride_v,
+                   uint8_t* dst_argb1555,
+                   int dst_stride_argb1555,
+                   int width,
+                   int height) {
+  int y;
+  void (*I422ToARGB1555Row)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
+                            const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
+                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                            int width) = I422ToARGB1555Row_C;
+  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_argb1555 || width <= 0 ||
+      height == 0) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // Negative height means invert the image.
+  if (height < 0) {
+    height = -height;
+    dst_argb1555 = dst_argb1555 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_argb1555;
+    dst_stride_argb1555 = -dst_stride_argb1555;
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB1555ROW_SSSE3)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
+    I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_Any_SSSE3;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_SSSE3;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB1555ROW_AVX2)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
+    I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_Any_AVX2;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
+      I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_AVX2;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB1555ROW_NEON)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
+    I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_Any_NEON;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_NEON;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB1555ROW_MMI)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
+    I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_Any_MMI;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
+      I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_MMI;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB1555ROW_MSA)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
+    I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_Any_MSA;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_MSA;
+    }
+  }
+  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+    I422ToARGB1555Row(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_argb1555, &kYuvI601Constants,
+                      width);
+    dst_argb1555 += dst_stride_argb1555;
+    src_y += src_stride_y;
+    if (y & 1) {
+      src_u += src_stride_u;
+      src_v += src_stride_v;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+// Convert I420 to ARGB4444.
+int I420ToARGB4444(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                   int src_stride_y,
+                   const uint8_t* src_u,
+                   int src_stride_u,
+                   const uint8_t* src_v,
+                   int src_stride_v,
+                   uint8_t* dst_argb4444,
+                   int dst_stride_argb4444,
+                   int width,
+                   int height) {
+  int y;
+  void (*I422ToARGB4444Row)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
+                            const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
+                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                            int width) = I422ToARGB4444Row_C;
+  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_argb4444 || width <= 0 ||
+      height == 0) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // Negative height means invert the image.
+  if (height < 0) {
+    height = -height;
+    dst_argb4444 = dst_argb4444 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_argb4444;
+    dst_stride_argb4444 = -dst_stride_argb4444;
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB4444ROW_SSSE3)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
+    I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_Any_SSSE3;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_SSSE3;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB4444ROW_AVX2)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
+    I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_Any_AVX2;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
+      I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_AVX2;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB4444ROW_NEON)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
+    I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_Any_NEON;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_NEON;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB4444ROW_MMI)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
+    I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_Any_MMI;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
+      I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_MMI;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB4444ROW_MSA)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
+    I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_Any_MSA;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_MSA;
+    }
+  }
+  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+    I422ToARGB4444Row(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_argb4444, &kYuvI601Constants,
+                      width);
+    dst_argb4444 += dst_stride_argb4444;
+    src_y += src_stride_y;
+    if (y & 1) {
+      src_u += src_stride_u;
+      src_v += src_stride_v;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+// Convert I420 to RGB565 with specified color matrix.
+int I420ToRGB565Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                       int src_stride_y,
+                       const uint8_t* src_u,
+                       int src_stride_u,
+                       const uint8_t* src_v,
+                       int src_stride_v,
+                       uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                       int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                       const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                       int width,
+                       int height) {
+  int y;
+  void (*I422ToRGB565Row)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
+                          const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
+                          const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) =
+      I422ToRGB565Row_C;
+  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_rgb565 || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // Negative height means invert the image.
+  if (height < 0) {
+    height = -height;
+    dst_rgb565 = dst_rgb565 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_rgb565;
+    dst_stride_rgb565 = -dst_stride_rgb565;
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_SSSE3)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
+    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_SSSE3;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_SSSE3;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_AVX2)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
+    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_AVX2;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
+      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_AVX2;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_NEON)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
+    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_NEON;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_NEON;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_MMI)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
+    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_MMI;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
+      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_MMI;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_MSA)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
+    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_MSA;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_MSA;
+    }
+  }
+  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+    I422ToRGB565Row(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_rgb565, yuvconstants, width);
+    dst_rgb565 += dst_stride_rgb565;
+    src_y += src_stride_y;
+    if (y & 1) {
+      src_u += src_stride_u;
+      src_v += src_stride_v;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+// Convert I420 to RGB565.
+int I420ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                 int src_stride_y,
+                 const uint8_t* src_u,
+                 int src_stride_u,
+                 const uint8_t* src_v,
+                 int src_stride_v,
+                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                 int width,
+                 int height) {
+  return I420ToRGB565Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
+                            src_stride_v, dst_rgb565, dst_stride_rgb565,
+                            &kYuvI601Constants, width, height);
+// Convert J420 to RGB565.
+int J420ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                 int src_stride_y,
+                 const uint8_t* src_u,
+                 int src_stride_u,
+                 const uint8_t* src_v,
+                 int src_stride_v,
+                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                 int width,
+                 int height) {
+  return I420ToRGB565Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
+                            src_stride_v, dst_rgb565, dst_stride_rgb565,
+                            &kYuvJPEGConstants, width, height);
+// Convert H420 to RGB565.
+int H420ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                 int src_stride_y,
+                 const uint8_t* src_u,
+                 int src_stride_u,
+                 const uint8_t* src_v,
+                 int src_stride_v,
+                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                 int width,
+                 int height) {
+  return I420ToRGB565Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
+                            src_stride_v, dst_rgb565, dst_stride_rgb565,
+                            &kYuvH709Constants, width, height);
+// Convert I422 to RGB565.
+int I422ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                 int src_stride_y,
+                 const uint8_t* src_u,
+                 int src_stride_u,
+                 const uint8_t* src_v,
+                 int src_stride_v,
+                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                 int width,
+                 int height) {
+  int y;
+  void (*I422ToRGB565Row)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
+                          const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
+                          const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) =
+      I422ToRGB565Row_C;
+  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_rgb565 || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // Negative height means invert the image.
+  if (height < 0) {
+    height = -height;
+    dst_rgb565 = dst_rgb565 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_rgb565;
+    dst_stride_rgb565 = -dst_stride_rgb565;
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_SSSE3)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
+    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_SSSE3;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_SSSE3;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_AVX2)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
+    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_AVX2;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
+      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_AVX2;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_NEON)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
+    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_NEON;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_NEON;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_MSA)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
+    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_MSA;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_MSA;
+    }
+  }
+  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+    I422ToRGB565Row(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_rgb565, &kYuvI601Constants, width);
+    dst_rgb565 += dst_stride_rgb565;
+    src_y += src_stride_y;
+    src_u += src_stride_u;
+    src_v += src_stride_v;
+  }
+  return 0;
+// Ordered 8x8 dither for 888 to 565.  Values from 0 to 7.
+static const uint8_t kDither565_4x4[16] = {
+    0, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 7, 3, 1, 5, 0, 4, 7, 3, 6, 2,
+// Convert I420 to RGB565 with dithering.
+int I420ToRGB565Dither(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                       int src_stride_y,
+                       const uint8_t* src_u,
+                       int src_stride_u,
+                       const uint8_t* src_v,
+                       int src_stride_v,
+                       uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
+                       int dst_stride_rgb565,
+                       const uint8_t* dither4x4,
+                       int width,
+                       int height) {
+  int y;
+  void (*I422ToARGBRow)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
+                        const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
+                        const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) =
+      I422ToARGBRow_C;
+  void (*ARGBToRGB565DitherRow)(const uint8_t* src_argb, uint8_t* dst_rgb,
+                                const uint32_t dither4, int width) =
+      ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_C;
+  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_rgb565 || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // Negative height means invert the image.
+  if (height < 0) {
+    height = -height;
+    dst_rgb565 = dst_rgb565 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_rgb565;
+    dst_stride_rgb565 = -dst_stride_rgb565;
+  }
+  if (!dither4x4) {
+    dither4x4 = kDither565_4x4;
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGBROW_SSSE3)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
+    I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_Any_SSSE3;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_SSSE3;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGBROW_AVX2)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
+    I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_Any_AVX2;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
+      I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_AVX2;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGBROW_NEON)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
+    I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_Any_NEON;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_NEON;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGBROW_MMI)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
+    I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_Any_MMI;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
+      I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_MMI;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGBROW_MSA)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
+    I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_Any_MSA;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_MSA;
+    }
+  }
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSE2)) {
+    ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_Any_SSE2;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
+      ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_SSE2;
+    }
+  }
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
+    ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_Any_AVX2;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_AVX2;
+    }
+  }
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
+    ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_Any_NEON;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_NEON;
+    }
+  }
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
+    ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_Any_MMI;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
+      ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_MMI;
+    }
+  }
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
+    ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_Any_MSA;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_MSA;
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    // Allocate a row of argb.
+    align_buffer_64(row_argb, width * 4);
+    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+      I422ToARGBRow(src_y, src_u, src_v, row_argb, &kYuvI601Constants, width);
+      ARGBToRGB565DitherRow(row_argb, dst_rgb565,
+                            *(const uint32_t*)(dither4x4 + ((y & 3) << 2)),
+                            width);
+      dst_rgb565 += dst_stride_rgb565;
+      src_y += src_stride_y;
+      if (y & 1) {
+        src_u += src_stride_u;
+        src_v += src_stride_v;
+      }
+    }
+    free_aligned_buffer_64(row_argb);
+  }
+  return 0;
+// Convert I420 to AR30 with matrix.
+int I420ToAR30Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
+                     int src_stride_y,
+                     const uint8_t* src_u,
+                     int src_stride_u,
+                     const uint8_t* src_v,
+                     int src_stride_v,
+                     uint8_t* dst_ar30,
+                     int dst_stride_ar30,
+                     const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
+                     int width,
+                     int height) {
+  int y;
+  void (*I422ToAR30Row)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
+                        const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
+                        const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) =
+      I422ToAR30Row_C;
+  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_ar30 || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // Negative height means invert the image.
+  if (height < 0) {
+    height = -height;
+    dst_ar30 = dst_ar30 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_ar30;
+    dst_stride_ar30 = -dst_stride_ar30;
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOAR30ROW_SSSE3)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
+    I422ToAR30Row = I422ToAR30Row_Any_SSSE3;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
+      I422ToAR30Row = I422ToAR30Row_SSSE3;
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(HAS_I422TOAR30ROW_AVX2)
+  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
+    I422ToAR30Row = I422ToAR30Row_Any_AVX2;
+    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
+      I422ToAR30Row = I422ToAR30Row_AVX2;
+    }
+  }
+  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+    I422ToAR30Row(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_ar30, yuvconstants, width);
+    dst_ar30 += dst_stride_ar30;
+    src_y += src_stride_y;
+    if (y & 1) {
+      src_u += src_stride_u;
+      src_v += src_stride_v;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+// Convert I420 to AR30.
+int I420ToAR30(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_ar30,
+               int dst_stride_ar30,
+               int width,
+               int height) {
+  return I420ToAR30Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
+                          src_stride_v, dst_ar30, dst_stride_ar30,
+                          &kYuvI601Constants, width, height);
+// Convert H420 to AR30.
+int H420ToAR30(const uint8_t* src_y,
+               int src_stride_y,
+               const uint8_t* src_u,
+               int src_stride_u,
+               const uint8_t* src_v,
+               int src_stride_v,
+               uint8_t* dst_ar30,
+               int dst_stride_ar30,
+               int width,
+               int height) {
+  return I420ToAR30Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
+                          src_stride_v, dst_ar30, dst_stride_ar30,
+                          &kYvuH709Constants, width, height);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 }  // extern "C"
 }  // namespace libyuv
diff --git a/source/convert_from.cc b/source/convert_from.cc
index f176931..140c90d 100644
--- a/source/convert_from.cc
+++ b/source/convert_from.cc
@@ -544,899 +544,6 @@
                     width, height);
-// Convert I422 to RGBA with matrix
-static int I420ToRGBAMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                            int src_stride_y,
-                            const uint8_t* src_u,
-                            int src_stride_u,
-                            const uint8_t* src_v,
-                            int src_stride_v,
-                            uint8_t* dst_rgba,
-                            int dst_stride_rgba,
-                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                            int width,
-                            int height) {
-  int y;
-  void (*I422ToRGBARow)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
-                        const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
-                        const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) =
-      I422ToRGBARow_C;
-  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_rgba || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // Negative height means invert the image.
-  if (height < 0) {
-    height = -height;
-    dst_rgba = dst_rgba + (height - 1) * dst_stride_rgba;
-    dst_stride_rgba = -dst_stride_rgba;
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_SSSE3)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
-    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_SSSE3;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_SSSE3;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_AVX2)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
-    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_AVX2;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
-      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_AVX2;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_NEON)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
-    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_NEON;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_NEON;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_MMI)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
-    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_MMI;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
-      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_MMI;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_MSA)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
-    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_MSA;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_MSA;
-    }
-  }
-  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-    I422ToRGBARow(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_rgba, yuvconstants, width);
-    dst_rgba += dst_stride_rgba;
-    src_y += src_stride_y;
-    if (y & 1) {
-      src_u += src_stride_u;
-      src_v += src_stride_v;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-// Convert I420 to RGBA.
-int I420ToRGBA(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_rgba,
-               int dst_stride_rgba,
-               int width,
-               int height) {
-  return I420ToRGBAMatrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
-                          src_stride_v, dst_rgba, dst_stride_rgba,
-                          &kYuvI601Constants, width, height);
-// Convert I420 to BGRA.
-int I420ToBGRA(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_bgra,
-               int dst_stride_bgra,
-               int width,
-               int height) {
-  return I420ToRGBAMatrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_v,
-                          src_stride_v,  // Swap U and V
-                          src_u, src_stride_u, dst_bgra, dst_stride_bgra,
-                          &kYvuI601Constants,  // Use Yvu matrix
-                          width, height);
-// Convert I420 to RGB24 with matrix
-static int I420ToRGB24Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                             int src_stride_y,
-                             const uint8_t* src_u,
-                             int src_stride_u,
-                             const uint8_t* src_v,
-                             int src_stride_v,
-                             uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
-                             int dst_stride_rgb24,
-                             const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                             int width,
-                             int height) {
-  int y;
-  void (*I422ToRGB24Row)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
-                         const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
-                         const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) =
-      I422ToRGB24Row_C;
-  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_rgb24 || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // Negative height means invert the image.
-  if (height < 0) {
-    height = -height;
-    dst_rgb24 = dst_rgb24 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_rgb24;
-    dst_stride_rgb24 = -dst_stride_rgb24;
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB24ROW_SSSE3)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
-    I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_Any_SSSE3;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
-      I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_SSSE3;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB24ROW_AVX2)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
-    I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_Any_AVX2;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 32)) {
-      I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_AVX2;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB24ROW_NEON)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
-    I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_Any_NEON;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_NEON;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB24ROW_MMI)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
-    I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_Any_MMI;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
-      I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_MMI;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB24ROW_MSA)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
-    I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_Any_MSA;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
-      I422ToRGB24Row = I422ToRGB24Row_MSA;
-    }
-  }
-  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-    I422ToRGB24Row(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_rgb24, yuvconstants, width);
-    dst_rgb24 += dst_stride_rgb24;
-    src_y += src_stride_y;
-    if (y & 1) {
-      src_u += src_stride_u;
-      src_v += src_stride_v;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-// Convert I420 to RGB24.
-int I420ToRGB24(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                int src_stride_y,
-                const uint8_t* src_u,
-                int src_stride_u,
-                const uint8_t* src_v,
-                int src_stride_v,
-                uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
-                int dst_stride_rgb24,
-                int width,
-                int height) {
-  return I420ToRGB24Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
-                           src_stride_v, dst_rgb24, dst_stride_rgb24,
-                           &kYuvI601Constants, width, height);
-// Convert I420 to RAW.
-int I420ToRAW(const uint8_t* src_y,
-              int src_stride_y,
-              const uint8_t* src_u,
-              int src_stride_u,
-              const uint8_t* src_v,
-              int src_stride_v,
-              uint8_t* dst_raw,
-              int dst_stride_raw,
-              int width,
-              int height) {
-  return I420ToRGB24Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_v,
-                           src_stride_v,  // Swap U and V
-                           src_u, src_stride_u, dst_raw, dst_stride_raw,
-                           &kYvuI601Constants,  // Use Yvu matrix
-                           width, height);
-// Convert J420 to RGB24.
-int J420ToRGB24(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                int src_stride_y,
-                const uint8_t* src_u,
-                int src_stride_u,
-                const uint8_t* src_v,
-                int src_stride_v,
-                uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
-                int dst_stride_rgb24,
-                int width,
-                int height) {
-  return I420ToRGB24Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
-                           src_stride_v, dst_rgb24, dst_stride_rgb24,
-                           &kYuvJPEGConstants, width, height);
-// Convert J420 to RAW.
-int J420ToRAW(const uint8_t* src_y,
-              int src_stride_y,
-              const uint8_t* src_u,
-              int src_stride_u,
-              const uint8_t* src_v,
-              int src_stride_v,
-              uint8_t* dst_raw,
-              int dst_stride_raw,
-              int width,
-              int height) {
-  return I420ToRGB24Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_v,
-                           src_stride_v,  // Swap U and V
-                           src_u, src_stride_u, dst_raw, dst_stride_raw,
-                           &kYvuJPEGConstants,  // Use Yvu matrix
-                           width, height);
-// Convert H420 to RGB24.
-int H420ToRGB24(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                int src_stride_y,
-                const uint8_t* src_u,
-                int src_stride_u,
-                const uint8_t* src_v,
-                int src_stride_v,
-                uint8_t* dst_rgb24,
-                int dst_stride_rgb24,
-                int width,
-                int height) {
-  return I420ToRGB24Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
-                           src_stride_v, dst_rgb24, dst_stride_rgb24,
-                           &kYuvH709Constants, width, height);
-// Convert H420 to RAW.
-int H420ToRAW(const uint8_t* src_y,
-              int src_stride_y,
-              const uint8_t* src_u,
-              int src_stride_u,
-              const uint8_t* src_v,
-              int src_stride_v,
-              uint8_t* dst_raw,
-              int dst_stride_raw,
-              int width,
-              int height) {
-  return I420ToRGB24Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_v,
-                           src_stride_v,  // Swap U and V
-                           src_u, src_stride_u, dst_raw, dst_stride_raw,
-                           &kYvuH709Constants,  // Use Yvu matrix
-                           width, height);
-// Convert I420 to ARGB1555.
-int I420ToARGB1555(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                   int src_stride_y,
-                   const uint8_t* src_u,
-                   int src_stride_u,
-                   const uint8_t* src_v,
-                   int src_stride_v,
-                   uint8_t* dst_argb1555,
-                   int dst_stride_argb1555,
-                   int width,
-                   int height) {
-  int y;
-  void (*I422ToARGB1555Row)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
-                            const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
-                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                            int width) = I422ToARGB1555Row_C;
-  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_argb1555 || width <= 0 ||
-      height == 0) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // Negative height means invert the image.
-  if (height < 0) {
-    height = -height;
-    dst_argb1555 = dst_argb1555 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_argb1555;
-    dst_stride_argb1555 = -dst_stride_argb1555;
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB1555ROW_SSSE3)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
-    I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_Any_SSSE3;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_SSSE3;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB1555ROW_AVX2)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
-    I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_Any_AVX2;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
-      I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_AVX2;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB1555ROW_NEON)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
-    I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_Any_NEON;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_NEON;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB1555ROW_MMI)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
-    I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_Any_MMI;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
-      I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_MMI;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB1555ROW_MSA)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
-    I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_Any_MSA;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToARGB1555Row = I422ToARGB1555Row_MSA;
-    }
-  }
-  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-    I422ToARGB1555Row(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_argb1555, &kYuvI601Constants,
-                      width);
-    dst_argb1555 += dst_stride_argb1555;
-    src_y += src_stride_y;
-    if (y & 1) {
-      src_u += src_stride_u;
-      src_v += src_stride_v;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-// Convert I420 to ARGB4444.
-int I420ToARGB4444(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                   int src_stride_y,
-                   const uint8_t* src_u,
-                   int src_stride_u,
-                   const uint8_t* src_v,
-                   int src_stride_v,
-                   uint8_t* dst_argb4444,
-                   int dst_stride_argb4444,
-                   int width,
-                   int height) {
-  int y;
-  void (*I422ToARGB4444Row)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
-                            const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
-                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                            int width) = I422ToARGB4444Row_C;
-  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_argb4444 || width <= 0 ||
-      height == 0) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // Negative height means invert the image.
-  if (height < 0) {
-    height = -height;
-    dst_argb4444 = dst_argb4444 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_argb4444;
-    dst_stride_argb4444 = -dst_stride_argb4444;
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB4444ROW_SSSE3)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
-    I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_Any_SSSE3;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_SSSE3;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB4444ROW_AVX2)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
-    I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_Any_AVX2;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
-      I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_AVX2;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB4444ROW_NEON)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
-    I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_Any_NEON;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_NEON;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB4444ROW_MMI)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
-    I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_Any_MMI;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
-      I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_MMI;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGB4444ROW_MSA)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
-    I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_Any_MSA;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToARGB4444Row = I422ToARGB4444Row_MSA;
-    }
-  }
-  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-    I422ToARGB4444Row(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_argb4444, &kYuvI601Constants,
-                      width);
-    dst_argb4444 += dst_stride_argb4444;
-    src_y += src_stride_y;
-    if (y & 1) {
-      src_u += src_stride_u;
-      src_v += src_stride_v;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-// Convert I420 to RGB565 with specified color matrix.
-int I420ToRGB565Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                       int src_stride_y,
-                       const uint8_t* src_u,
-                       int src_stride_u,
-                       const uint8_t* src_v,
-                       int src_stride_v,
-                       uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
-                       int dst_stride_rgb565,
-                       const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                       int width,
-                       int height) {
-  int y;
-  void (*I422ToRGB565Row)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
-                          const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
-                          const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) =
-      I422ToRGB565Row_C;
-  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_rgb565 || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // Negative height means invert the image.
-  if (height < 0) {
-    height = -height;
-    dst_rgb565 = dst_rgb565 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_rgb565;
-    dst_stride_rgb565 = -dst_stride_rgb565;
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_SSSE3)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
-    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_SSSE3;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_SSSE3;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_AVX2)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
-    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_AVX2;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
-      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_AVX2;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_NEON)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
-    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_NEON;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_NEON;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_MMI)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
-    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_MMI;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
-      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_MMI;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_MSA)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
-    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_MSA;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_MSA;
-    }
-  }
-  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-    I422ToRGB565Row(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_rgb565, yuvconstants, width);
-    dst_rgb565 += dst_stride_rgb565;
-    src_y += src_stride_y;
-    if (y & 1) {
-      src_u += src_stride_u;
-      src_v += src_stride_v;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-// Convert I420 to RGB565.
-int I420ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                 int src_stride_y,
-                 const uint8_t* src_u,
-                 int src_stride_u,
-                 const uint8_t* src_v,
-                 int src_stride_v,
-                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
-                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
-                 int width,
-                 int height) {
-  return I420ToRGB565Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
-                            src_stride_v, dst_rgb565, dst_stride_rgb565,
-                            &kYuvI601Constants, width, height);
-// Convert J420 to RGB565.
-int J420ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                 int src_stride_y,
-                 const uint8_t* src_u,
-                 int src_stride_u,
-                 const uint8_t* src_v,
-                 int src_stride_v,
-                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
-                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
-                 int width,
-                 int height) {
-  return I420ToRGB565Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
-                            src_stride_v, dst_rgb565, dst_stride_rgb565,
-                            &kYuvJPEGConstants, width, height);
-// Convert H420 to RGB565.
-int H420ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                 int src_stride_y,
-                 const uint8_t* src_u,
-                 int src_stride_u,
-                 const uint8_t* src_v,
-                 int src_stride_v,
-                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
-                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
-                 int width,
-                 int height) {
-  return I420ToRGB565Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
-                            src_stride_v, dst_rgb565, dst_stride_rgb565,
-                            &kYuvH709Constants, width, height);
-// Convert I422 to RGB565.
-int I422ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                 int src_stride_y,
-                 const uint8_t* src_u,
-                 int src_stride_u,
-                 const uint8_t* src_v,
-                 int src_stride_v,
-                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
-                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
-                 int width,
-                 int height) {
-  int y;
-  void (*I422ToRGB565Row)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
-                          const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
-                          const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) =
-      I422ToRGB565Row_C;
-  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_rgb565 || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // Negative height means invert the image.
-  if (height < 0) {
-    height = -height;
-    dst_rgb565 = dst_rgb565 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_rgb565;
-    dst_stride_rgb565 = -dst_stride_rgb565;
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_SSSE3)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
-    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_SSSE3;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_SSSE3;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_AVX2)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
-    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_AVX2;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
-      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_AVX2;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_NEON)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
-    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_NEON;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_NEON;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGB565ROW_MSA)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
-    I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_Any_MSA;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToRGB565Row = I422ToRGB565Row_MSA;
-    }
-  }
-  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-    I422ToRGB565Row(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_rgb565, &kYuvI601Constants, width);
-    dst_rgb565 += dst_stride_rgb565;
-    src_y += src_stride_y;
-    src_u += src_stride_u;
-    src_v += src_stride_v;
-  }
-  return 0;
-// Ordered 8x8 dither for 888 to 565.  Values from 0 to 7.
-static const uint8_t kDither565_4x4[16] = {
-    0, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 7, 3, 1, 5, 0, 4, 7, 3, 6, 2,
-// Convert I420 to RGB565 with dithering.
-int I420ToRGB565Dither(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                       int src_stride_y,
-                       const uint8_t* src_u,
-                       int src_stride_u,
-                       const uint8_t* src_v,
-                       int src_stride_v,
-                       uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
-                       int dst_stride_rgb565,
-                       const uint8_t* dither4x4,
-                       int width,
-                       int height) {
-  int y;
-  void (*I422ToARGBRow)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
-                        const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
-                        const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) =
-      I422ToARGBRow_C;
-  void (*ARGBToRGB565DitherRow)(const uint8_t* src_argb, uint8_t* dst_rgb,
-                                const uint32_t dither4, int width) =
-      ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_C;
-  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_rgb565 || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // Negative height means invert the image.
-  if (height < 0) {
-    height = -height;
-    dst_rgb565 = dst_rgb565 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_rgb565;
-    dst_stride_rgb565 = -dst_stride_rgb565;
-  }
-  if (!dither4x4) {
-    dither4x4 = kDither565_4x4;
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGBROW_SSSE3)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
-    I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_Any_SSSE3;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_SSSE3;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGBROW_AVX2)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
-    I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_Any_AVX2;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
-      I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_AVX2;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGBROW_NEON)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
-    I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_Any_NEON;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_NEON;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGBROW_MMI)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
-    I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_Any_MMI;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
-      I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_MMI;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOARGBROW_MSA)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
-    I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_Any_MSA;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToARGBRow = I422ToARGBRow_MSA;
-    }
-  }
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSE2)) {
-    ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_Any_SSE2;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
-      ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_SSE2;
-    }
-  }
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
-    ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_Any_AVX2;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_AVX2;
-    }
-  }
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
-    ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_Any_NEON;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_NEON;
-    }
-  }
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
-    ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_Any_MMI;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
-      ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_MMI;
-    }
-  }
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
-    ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_Any_MSA;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      ARGBToRGB565DitherRow = ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_MSA;
-    }
-  }
-  {
-    // Allocate a row of argb.
-    align_buffer_64(row_argb, width * 4);
-    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-      I422ToARGBRow(src_y, src_u, src_v, row_argb, &kYuvI601Constants, width);
-      ARGBToRGB565DitherRow(row_argb, dst_rgb565,
-                            *(const uint32_t*)(dither4x4 + ((y & 3) << 2)),
-                            width);
-      dst_rgb565 += dst_stride_rgb565;
-      src_y += src_stride_y;
-      if (y & 1) {
-        src_u += src_stride_u;
-        src_v += src_stride_v;
-      }
-    }
-    free_aligned_buffer_64(row_argb);
-  }
-  return 0;
-// Convert I420 to AR30 with matrix
-static int I420ToAR30Matrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                            int src_stride_y,
-                            const uint8_t* src_u,
-                            int src_stride_u,
-                            const uint8_t* src_v,
-                            int src_stride_v,
-                            uint8_t* dst_ar30,
-                            int dst_stride_ar30,
-                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                            int width,
-                            int height) {
-  int y;
-  void (*I422ToAR30Row)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
-                        const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
-                        const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) =
-      I422ToAR30Row_C;
-  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_ar30 || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // Negative height means invert the image.
-  if (height < 0) {
-    height = -height;
-    dst_ar30 = dst_ar30 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_ar30;
-    dst_stride_ar30 = -dst_stride_ar30;
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOAR30ROW_SSSE3)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
-    I422ToAR30Row = I422ToAR30Row_Any_SSSE3;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToAR30Row = I422ToAR30Row_SSSE3;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TOAR30ROW_AVX2)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
-    I422ToAR30Row = I422ToAR30Row_Any_AVX2;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
-      I422ToAR30Row = I422ToAR30Row_AVX2;
-    }
-  }
-  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-    I422ToAR30Row(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_ar30, yuvconstants, width);
-    dst_ar30 += dst_stride_ar30;
-    src_y += src_stride_y;
-    if (y & 1) {
-      src_u += src_stride_u;
-      src_v += src_stride_v;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-// Convert I420 to AR30.
-int I420ToAR30(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_ar30,
-               int dst_stride_ar30,
-               int width,
-               int height) {
-  return I420ToAR30Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
-                          src_stride_v, dst_ar30, dst_stride_ar30,
-                          &kYuvI601Constants, width, height);
-// Convert H420 to AR30.
-int H420ToAR30(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_ar30,
-               int dst_stride_ar30,
-               int width,
-               int height) {
-  return I420ToAR30Matrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
-                          src_stride_v, dst_ar30, dst_stride_ar30,
-                          &kYvuH709Constants, width, height);
 // Convert I420 to specified format
 int ConvertFromI420(const uint8_t* y,
diff --git a/source/planar_functions.cc b/source/planar_functions.cc
index ab911e1..730fe7c 100644
--- a/source/planar_functions.cc
+++ b/source/planar_functions.cc
@@ -1850,193 +1850,6 @@
   return 0;
-// Convert I422 to RGBA with matrix
-static int I422ToRGBAMatrix(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                            int src_stride_y,
-                            const uint8_t* src_u,
-                            int src_stride_u,
-                            const uint8_t* src_v,
-                            int src_stride_v,
-                            uint8_t* dst_rgba,
-                            int dst_stride_rgba,
-                            const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
-                            int width,
-                            int height) {
-  int y;
-  void (*I422ToRGBARow)(const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* u_buf,
-                        const uint8_t* v_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
-                        const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) =
-      I422ToRGBARow_C;
-  if (!src_y || !src_u || !src_v || !dst_rgba || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // Negative height means invert the image.
-  if (height < 0) {
-    height = -height;
-    dst_rgba = dst_rgba + (height - 1) * dst_stride_rgba;
-    dst_stride_rgba = -dst_stride_rgba;
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_SSSE3)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
-    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_SSSE3;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_SSSE3;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_AVX2)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
-    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_AVX2;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
-      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_AVX2;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_NEON)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
-    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_NEON;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_NEON;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_MMI)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
-    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_MMI;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
-      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_MMI;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_I422TORGBAROW_MSA)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
-    I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_Any_MSA;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      I422ToRGBARow = I422ToRGBARow_MSA;
-    }
-  }
-  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-    I422ToRGBARow(src_y, src_u, src_v, dst_rgba, yuvconstants, width);
-    dst_rgba += dst_stride_rgba;
-    src_y += src_stride_y;
-    src_u += src_stride_u;
-    src_v += src_stride_v;
-  }
-  return 0;
-// Convert I422 to RGBA.
-int I422ToRGBA(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_rgba,
-               int dst_stride_rgba,
-               int width,
-               int height) {
-  return I422ToRGBAMatrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_u, src_stride_u, src_v,
-                          src_stride_v, dst_rgba, dst_stride_rgba,
-                          &kYuvI601Constants, width, height);
-// Convert I422 to BGRA.
-int I422ToBGRA(const uint8_t* src_y,
-               int src_stride_y,
-               const uint8_t* src_u,
-               int src_stride_u,
-               const uint8_t* src_v,
-               int src_stride_v,
-               uint8_t* dst_bgra,
-               int dst_stride_bgra,
-               int width,
-               int height) {
-  return I422ToRGBAMatrix(src_y, src_stride_y, src_v,
-                          src_stride_v,  // Swap U and V
-                          src_u, src_stride_u, dst_bgra, dst_stride_bgra,
-                          &kYvuI601Constants,  // Use Yvu matrix
-                          width, height);
-// Convert NV12 to RGB565.
-int NV12ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_y,
-                 int src_stride_y,
-                 const uint8_t* src_uv,
-                 int src_stride_uv,
-                 uint8_t* dst_rgb565,
-                 int dst_stride_rgb565,
-                 int width,
-                 int height) {
-  int y;
-  void (*NV12ToRGB565Row)(
-      const uint8_t* y_buf, const uint8_t* uv_buf, uint8_t* rgb_buf,
-      const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants, int width) = NV12ToRGB565Row_C;
-  if (!src_y || !src_uv || !dst_rgb565 || width <= 0 || height == 0) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  // Negative height means invert the image.
-  if (height < 0) {
-    height = -height;
-    dst_rgb565 = dst_rgb565 + (height - 1) * dst_stride_rgb565;
-    dst_stride_rgb565 = -dst_stride_rgb565;
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_NV12TORGB565ROW_SSSE3)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasSSSE3)) {
-    NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_Any_SSSE3;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_SSSE3;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_NV12TORGB565ROW_AVX2)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasAVX2)) {
-    NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_Any_AVX2;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 16)) {
-      NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_AVX2;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_NV12TORGB565ROW_NEON)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasNEON)) {
-    NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_Any_NEON;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_NEON;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_NV12TORGB565ROW_MMI)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMMI)) {
-    NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_Any_MMI;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 4)) {
-      NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_MMI;
-    }
-  }
-#if defined(HAS_NV12TORGB565ROW_MSA)
-  if (TestCpuFlag(kCpuHasMSA)) {
-    NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_Any_MSA;
-    if (IS_ALIGNED(width, 8)) {
-      NV12ToRGB565Row = NV12ToRGB565Row_MSA;
-    }
-  }
-  for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
-    NV12ToRGB565Row(src_y, src_uv, dst_rgb565, &kYuvI601Constants, width);
-    dst_rgb565 += dst_stride_rgb565;
-    src_y += src_stride_y;
-    if (y & 1) {
-      src_uv += src_stride_uv;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
 // Convert RAW to RGB24.
diff --git a/source/row_any.cc b/source/row_any.cc
index 36c721b..207e326 100644
--- a/source/row_any.cc
+++ b/source/row_any.cc
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include <string.h>  // For memset.
 #include "libyuv/basic_types.h"
+#include "libyuv/convert_argb.h"  // For kYuvI601Constants
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 namespace libyuv {
diff --git a/source/row_common.cc b/source/row_common.cc
index 6b01941..a47c039 100644
--- a/source/row_common.cc
+++ b/source/row_common.cc
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <string.h>  // For memcpy and memset.
 #include "libyuv/basic_types.h"
+#include "libyuv/convert_argb.h"  // For kYuvI601Constants
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 namespace libyuv {
diff --git a/source/row_gcc.cc b/source/row_gcc.cc
index 181d7b3..05e6907 100644
--- a/source/row_gcc.cc
+++ b/source/row_gcc.cc
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 #include "libyuv/row.h"
+#include "libyuv/convert_argb.h"  // For kYuvI601Constants
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 namespace libyuv {
 extern "C" {
@@ -4939,8 +4941,8 @@
         "+r"(dst_argb),     // %1
         "+r"(width)         // %2
       : "m"(kAttenShuffle)  // %3
-      : "memory", "cc",
-        "xmm0", "xmm1", "xmm2", "xmm3", "xmm4", "xmm5", "xmm6", "xmm7");
+      : "memory", "cc", "xmm0", "xmm1", "xmm2", "xmm3", "xmm4", "xmm5", "xmm6",
+        "xmm7");
@@ -4983,8 +4985,8 @@
         "+r"(dst_argb),     // %1
         "+r"(width)         // %2
       : "m"(kAttenShuffle)  // %3
-      : "memory", "cc",
-        "xmm0", "xmm1", "xmm2", "xmm3", "xmm4", "xmm5", "xmm6", "xmm7");
+      : "memory", "cc", "xmm0", "xmm1", "xmm2", "xmm3", "xmm4", "xmm5", "xmm6",
+        "xmm7");
diff --git a/source/row_mmi.cc b/source/row_mmi.cc
index 759c0b5..feb21dc 100644
--- a/source/row_mmi.cc
+++ b/source/row_mmi.cc
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include <string.h>  // For memcpy and memset.
 #include "libyuv/basic_types.h"
+#include "libyuv/convert_argb.h"  // For kYuvI601Constants
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 namespace libyuv {
diff --git a/source/row_msa.cc b/source/row_msa.cc
index 199e5db..6d24d92 100644
--- a/source/row_msa.cc
+++ b/source/row_msa.cc
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 // This module is for GCC MSA
 #if !defined(LIBYUV_DISABLE_MSA) && defined(__mips_msa)
+#include "libyuv/convert_argb.h"  // For kYuvI601Constants
 #include "libyuv/macros_msa.h"
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/source/row_neon.cc b/source/row_neon.cc
index 3cab21f..99b071b 100644
--- a/source/row_neon.cc
+++ b/source/row_neon.cc
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
+#include "libyuv/convert_argb.h"  // For kYuvI601Constants
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 namespace libyuv {
 extern "C" {
diff --git a/source/row_neon64.cc b/source/row_neon64.cc
index 2961bd3..9f1bd50 100644
--- a/source/row_neon64.cc
+++ b/source/row_neon64.cc
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 #include "libyuv/row.h"
+#include "libyuv/convert_argb.h"  // For kYuvI601Constants
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 namespace libyuv {
 extern "C" {
@@ -68,13 +70,13 @@
   "uzp2       v3.8b, v2.8b, v2.8b            \n" \
   "ins        v1.s[1], v3.s[0]               \n"
-#define YUVTORGB_SETUP                           \
-  "ld1r       {v24.8h}, [%[kUVBiasBGR]], #2  \n" \
-  "ld1r       {v25.8h}, [%[kUVBiasBGR]], #2  \n" \
-  "ld1r       {v26.8h}, [%[kUVBiasBGR]]      \n" \
-  "ld1r       {v31.4s}, [%[kYToRgb]]         \n" \
-  "ld2        {v27.8h, v28.8h}, [%[kUVToRB]] \n" \
-  "ld2        {v29.8h, v30.8h}, [%[kUVToG]]  \n"
+#define YUVTORGB_SETUP                                      \
+  "ld3r       {v24.8h, v25.8h, v26.8h}, [%[kUVBiasBGR]] \n" \
+  "ld1r       {v31.4s}, [%[kYToRgb]]                    \n" \
+  "ld2        {v27.8h, v28.8h}, [%[kUVToRB]]            \n" \
+  "ld2        {v29.8h, v30.8h}, [%[kUVToG]]             \n"
+// clang-format off
 #define YUVTORGB(vR, vG, vB)                                        \
   "uxtl       v0.8h, v0.8b                   \n" /* Extract Y    */ \
@@ -89,29 +91,23 @@
   "mov        v2.d[0], v1.d[1]               \n" /* Extract V */    \
   "uxtl       v2.8h, v2.8b                   \n"                    \
   "uxtl       v1.8h, v1.8b                   \n" /* Extract U */    \
-  "mul        v3.8h, v1.8h, v27.8h           \n"                    \
-  "mul        v5.8h, v1.8h, v29.8h           \n"                    \
-  "mul        v6.8h, v2.8h, v30.8h           \n"                    \
-  "mul        v7.8h, v2.8h, v28.8h           \n"                    \
+  "mul        v3.8h, v27.8h, v1.8h           \n"                    \
+  "mul        v5.8h, v29.8h, v1.8h           \n"                    \
+  "mul        v6.8h, v30.8h, v2.8h           \n"                    \
+  "mul        v7.8h, v28.8h, v2.8h           \n"                    \
   "sqadd      v6.8h, v6.8h, v5.8h            \n"                    \
-  "sqadd      " #vB                                                 \
-  ".8h, v24.8h, v0.8h      \n" /* B */                              \
-  "sqadd      " #vG                                                 \
-  ".8h, v25.8h, v0.8h      \n" /* G */                              \
-  "sqadd      " #vR                                                 \
-  ".8h, v26.8h, v0.8h      \n" /* R */                              \
-  "sqadd      " #vB ".8h, " #vB                                     \
-  ".8h, v3.8h  \n" /* B */                                          \
-  "sqsub      " #vG ".8h, " #vG                                     \
-  ".8h, v6.8h  \n" /* G */                                          \
-  "sqadd      " #vR ".8h, " #vR                                     \
-  ".8h, v7.8h  \n" /* R */                                          \
-  "sqshrun    " #vB ".8b, " #vB                                     \
-  ".8h, #6     \n" /* B */                                          \
-  "sqshrun    " #vG ".8b, " #vG                                     \
-  ".8h, #6     \n"                               /* G */            \
+  "sqadd      " #vB ".8h, v24.8h, v0.8h      \n" /* B */            \
+  "sqadd      " #vG ".8h, v25.8h, v0.8h      \n" /* G */            \
+  "sqadd      " #vR ".8h, v26.8h, v0.8h      \n" /* R */            \
+  "sqadd      " #vB ".8h, " #vB ".8h, v3.8h  \n" /* B */            \
+  "sqsub      " #vG ".8h, " #vG ".8h, v6.8h  \n" /* G */            \
+  "sqadd      " #vR ".8h, " #vR ".8h, v7.8h  \n" /* R */            \
+  "sqshrun    " #vB ".8b, " #vB ".8h, #6     \n" /* B */            \
+  "sqshrun    " #vG ".8b, " #vG ".8h, #6     \n" /* G */            \
   "sqshrun    " #vR ".8b, " #vR ".8h, #6     \n" /* R */
+// clang-format on
 void I444ToARGBRow_NEON(const uint8_t* src_y,
                         const uint8_t* src_u,
                         const uint8_t* src_v,
diff --git a/source/row_win.cc b/source/row_win.cc
index 08b80fc..aba6eef 100644
--- a/source/row_win.cc
+++ b/source/row_win.cc
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
 #if !defined(LIBYUV_DISABLE_X86) && defined(_MSC_VER) && \
     (defined(_M_IX86) || (defined(_M_X64) && !defined(__clang__)))
+#include "libyuv/convert_argb.h"  // For kYuvI601Constants
 #if defined(_M_X64)
 #include <emmintrin.h>
 #include <tmmintrin.h>  // For _mm_maddubs_epi16
diff --git a/unit_test/convert_test.cc b/unit_test/convert_test.cc
index e877743..27ea885 100644
--- a/unit_test/convert_test.cc
+++ b/unit_test/convert_test.cc
@@ -787,6 +787,37 @@
                    benchmark_width_, _Opt, +, 0)
+#define JNV12ToARGB(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) \
+  NV12ToARGBMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f, &kYuvJPEGConstants, g, h)
+#define JNV21ToARGB(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) \
+  NV21ToARGBMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f, &kYuvJPEGConstants, g, h)
+#define JNV12ToABGR(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) \
+  NV21ToARGBMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f, &kYvuJPEGConstants, g, h)
+#define JNV21ToABGR(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) \
+  NV12ToARGBMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f, &kYvuJPEGConstants, g, h)
+#define JNV12ToRGB24(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) \
+  NV12ToRGB24Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f, &kYuvJPEGConstants, g, h)
+#define JNV21ToRGB24(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) \
+  NV21ToRGB24Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f, &kYuvJPEGConstants, g, h)
+#define JNV12ToRAW(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) \
+  NV21ToRGB24Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f, &kYvuJPEGConstants, g, h)
+#define JNV21ToRAW(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) \
+  NV12ToRGB24Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f, &kYvuJPEGConstants, g, h)
+#define JNV12ToRGB565(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) \
+  NV12ToRGB565Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f, &kYuvJPEGConstants, g, h)
+TESTBIPLANARTOB(JNV12, 2, 2, RGB565, RGB565, 2)