[Mirroring Service] Remove audio checkbox from desktop picker

Mirroring Service doesn't allow the user to choose whether to share audio when desktop mirroring. This CL removes the checkbox that let the user choose.

When the Mirroring Service is disabled, we still show the checkbox.


PiperOrigin-RevId: 255642394
diff --git a/mirror_services/stream_capture/mirror_media_stream.js b/mirror_services/stream_capture/mirror_media_stream.js
index f129b17..0421e16 100644
--- a/mirror_services/stream_capture/mirror_media_stream.js
+++ b/mirror_services/stream_capture/mirror_media_stream.js
@@ -155,11 +155,17 @@
    * Requests a screen capture source from the user via a native dialog and
    * returns the source ID, or rejects if a timeout is reached or the user
    * cancels.
+   * @param {boolean=} showAudioCheckbox If false, an audio-sharing checkbox
+   *     is not shown, and audio is shared on supported platforms (Windows,
+   *     CrOS).
    * @return {!Promise<string>} Fulfilled with the source ID.
-  static requestScreenCaptureSourceId() {
+  static requestScreenCaptureSourceId(showAudioCheckbox = true) {
     return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-      const desktopChooserConfig = ['screen', 'audio'];
+      const desktopChooserConfig = ['screen'];
+      if (showAudioCheckbox) {
+        desktopChooserConfig.push('audio');
+      }
       if (mr.PlatformUtils.getCurrentOS() == mr.PlatformUtils.OS.LINUX) {