blob: 8cf0e1fe39d2503bf365bbbff581d3f9164985a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
const Sink = goog.require('mr.Sink');
const SinkAppStatus = goog.require('mr.dial.SinkAppStatus');
* A wrapper for Sink containing DIAL specific data.
const DialSink = class {
* @param {string} friendlyName
* @param {string} uniqueId
* @final
constructor(friendlyName, uniqueId) {
/** @private {?string} */
this.ipAddress_ = null;
/** @private {?number} */
this.port_ = null;
/** @private {?string} */
this.dialAppUrl_ = null;
/** @private {?string} */
this.deviceDescriptionUrl_ = null;
/** @private {?string} */
this.modelName_ = null;
/** @private @const {!Sink} */
this.mrSink_ = new Sink(uniqueId, friendlyName);
* Holds the status of applications that may be available on the sink.
* Keys are application Names.
* @private {!Object<string, SinkAppStatus>}
this.appStatusMap_ = {};
* Holds the timestamp when the status of applications was set.
* @private {!Object<string, number>}
this.appStatusTimeStamp_ = {};
/** @private {boolean} */
this.supportsAppAvailability_ = false;
* @return {!Sink}
getMrSink() {
return this.mrSink_;
* @return {string} A human readable name for the sink.
getFriendlyName() {
return this.mrSink_.friendlyName;
* @param {string} friendlyName
* @return {!mr.dial.Sink} This sink.
setFriendlyName(friendlyName) {
this.mrSink_.friendlyName = friendlyName;
return this;
* @return {?string} sink model name if known.
getModelName() {
return this.modelName_;
* @param {?string} modelName
* @return {!mr.dial.Sink} This sink.
setModelName(modelName) {
this.modelName_ = modelName;
return this;
* @return {string} An identifier for this sink.
getId() {
* @param {string} id
* @return {!mr.dial.Sink} This sink.
setId(id) { = id;
return this;
* @return {boolean} Whether this sink supports queries for DIAL app
* availability.
supportsAppAvailability() {
return this.supportsAppAvailability_;
* Sets whether this sink supports DIAL app availability queries.
* @param {boolean} availability
* @return {!mr.dial.Sink} This sink.
setSupportsAppAvailability(availability) {
this.supportsAppAvailability_ = availability;
return this;
* Updates sink properties.
* Fields that can be updated: friendlyName, dialAppUrl_,
* deviceDescriptionUrl_, ipAddress_, port_.
* @param {!mr.dial.Sink} sink
* @return {boolean} Whether the update resulted in changes to the sink.
update(sink) {
if (this.getId() != sink.getId()) {
return false;
let updated = false;
if (this.mrSink_.friendlyName != sink.mrSink_.friendlyName) {
this.mrSink_.friendlyName = sink.mrSink_.friendlyName;
updated = true;
if (this.dialAppUrl_ != sink.dialAppUrl_) {
this.dialAppUrl_ = sink.dialAppUrl_;
updated = true;
if (this.deviceDescriptionUrl_ != sink.deviceDescriptionUrl_) {
this.deviceDescriptionUrl_ = sink.deviceDescriptionUrl_;
updated = true;
if (this.ipAddress_ != sink.ipAddress_) {
this.ipAddress_ = sink.ipAddress_;
updated = true;
if (this.port_ != sink.port_) {
this.port_ = sink.port_;
updated = true;
return updated;
* @return {?string} The IP address of the sink, if any.
getIpAddress() {
return this.ipAddress_;
* @param {?string} ipAddress The sink IP address.
* @return {!mr.dial.Sink} This sink.
setIpAddress(ipAddress) {
this.ipAddress_ = ipAddress;
return this;
* @return {?number} The port number of the secure channel service.
getPort() {
return this.port_;
* @param {?number} port
* @return {!mr.dial.Sink} This sink.
setPort(port) {
this.port_ = port;
return this;
* @return {?string} The DIAL application URL, if any.
getDialAppUrl() {
return this.dialAppUrl_;
* @param {string} url The DIAL app URL.
* @return {!mr.dial.Sink} This sink.
setDialAppUrl(url) {
this.dialAppUrl_ = url;
return this;
* @return {?string} The DIAL device description URL, if any.
getDeviceDescriptionUrl() {
return this.deviceDescriptionUrl_;
* @param {string} url The DIAL device description URL.
* @return {!mr.dial.Sink} This sink.
setDeviceDescriptionUrl(url) {
this.deviceDescriptionUrl_ = url;
return this;
* Gets the availability of an application.
* @param {string} appName
* @return {SinkAppStatus} The status of the application, or null if it was
* not set.
getAppStatus(appName) {
return this.appStatusMap_[appName] || SinkAppStatus.UNKNOWN;
* Gets the time stamp of the availability of an application was set.
* @param {string} appName
* @return {?number} the number of milliseconds between midnight, January 1,
* 1970 and the current time, or null if availability was not set.
getAppStatusTimeStamp(appName) {
return this.appStatusTimeStamp_[appName] || null;
* Sets the availability of an application.
* @param {string} appName
* @param {SinkAppStatus} status
* @return {!mr.dial.Sink} This sink.
setAppStatus(appName, status) {
this.appStatusMap_[appName] = status;
this.appStatusTimeStamp_[appName] =;
return this;
* Clears all app status from the sink.
* @return {!mr.dial.Sink} This sink.
clearAppStatus() {
this.appStatusMap_ = {};
this.appStatusTimeStamp_ = {};
return this;
* @return {string} String suitable for fine logging.
toDebugString() {
return 'name = ' + this.mrSink_.friendlyName +
(this.ipAddress_ ? ', ip = ' + this.ipAddress_ : '') +
(this.modelName_ ? ', model = ' + this.modelName_ : '') +
', apps = ' + JSON.stringify(this.appStatusMap_);
* Creates a new sink and copies the fields of the input sink to this.
* @param {!Object<string, *>} sink The object containing data fields.
* @return {!mr.dial.Sink} A newly created sink.
static createFrom(sink) {
const newSink = new DialSink(sink.mrSink_.friendlyName, ''); =; // Override the sink ID.
newSink.ipAddress_ = sink.ipAddress_;
newSink.port_ = sink.port_;
newSink.dialAppUrl_ = sink.dialAppUrl_;
newSink.deviceDescriptionUrl_ = sink.deviceDescriptionUrl_;
newSink.modelName_ = sink.modelName_;
newSink.appStatusMap_ = sink.appStatusMap_;
newSink.appStatusTimeStamp_ = sink.appStatusTimeStamp_;
newSink.supportsAppAvailability_ = sink.supportsAppAvailability_;
return newSink;
exports = DialSink;