blob: e2546159fa3a240fa49d1fbf90e25537caa296d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Class for unit testing code that uses setTimeout, clearTimeout, etc.
* @final
mr.MockClock = class {
* Installs the MockClock by overriding the global object's
* implementation of setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout and
* clearInterval.
constructor() {
if (window.setTimeout !== mr.MockClock.REAL_SETTIMEOUT_) {
throw Error('MockClock already installed.');
* List of times to fire, sorted in reverse order of when they
* will be executed.
* @type {!Array<mr.MockClock.Timeout_>}
* @private
this.queue_ = [];
* The current simulated time in milliseconds.
* @type {number}
* @private
this.nowMillis_ = 0;
mr.MockClock.installedHere_ = Error('MockClock was installed here.');
window.setTimeout = this.setTimeout_.bind(this);
window.setInterval = this.setInterval_.bind(this);
window.setImmediate = this.setImmediate_.bind(this);
window.clearTimeout = this.clearTimeout_.bind(this);
window.clearInterval = this.clearTimeout_.bind(this); = this.getCurrentTime_.bind(this);
* Removes the MockClock's hooks into the global object's functions
* and revert to their original values.
uninstall() {
if (window.setTimeout === mr.MockClock.REAL_SETTIMEOUT_) {
throw Error('MockClock not installed.');
mr.MockClock.installedHere_ = null;
window.setTimeout = mr.MockClock.REAL_SETTIMEOUT_;
window.setInterval = mr.MockClock.REAL_SETINTERVAL_;
window.setImmediate = mr.MockClock.REAL_SETIMMEDIATE_;
window.clearTimeout = mr.MockClock.REAL_CLEARTIMEOUT_;
window.clearInterval = mr.MockClock.REAL_CLEARINTERVAL_; = mr.MockClock.REAL_DATENOW_;
* Restores this clock to the state it was in just after it was
* created.
reset() {
this.queue_ = [];
this.nowMillis_ = 0;
* Increments the MockClock's time by a given number of
* milliseconds, running any functions that are now overdue.
* @param {number=} millis Number of milliseconds to increment the
* counter. If not specified, clock ticks 1 millisecond.
* @return {number} Current mock time in milliseconds.
tick(millis = 1) {
const endTime = this.nowMillis_ + millis;
this.nowMillis_ = endTime;
return endTime;
* Ticks the clock until there are no more actions scheduled to run.
flush() {
* Takes a promise and then ticks the mock clock. If the promise
* successfully resolves, returns the value produced by the
* promise. If the promise is rejected, it throws the rejection as
* an exception. If the promise is not resolved at all, throws an
* exception. Also ticks the general clock by the specified amount.
* @param {!mr.MockPromise<T>} promise A promise that should be
* resolved after the mockClock is ticked for the given
* opt_millis.
* @param {number=} millis Number of milliseconds to increment the
* counter. If not specified, clock ticks 1 millisecond.
* @return {T}
* @template T
tickPromise(promise, millis = 1) {
let value;
let error;
let resolved = false;
v => {
value = v;
resolved = true;
e => {
error = e;
resolved = true;
if (!resolved) {
throw new Error(
'Promise was expected to be resolved ' +
'after mock clock tick.');
if (error) {
throw error;
return value;
* Takes a promise and then ticks the mock clock. If the promise rejects,
* returns the error produced by the promise. If the promise is rejected at
* all, throws an exception. Also ticks the general clock by the specified
* amount.
* @param {!mr.MockPromise<T>} promise A promise that should be
* rejected after the mockClock is ticked for the given
* opt_millis.
* @param {number=} millis Number of milliseconds to increment the
* counter. If not specified, clock ticks 1 millisecond.
* @return {*} Error produced by the promise.
* @template T
tickRejectingPromise(promise, millis = 1) {
let error;
let rejected = false;
promise.catch(e => {
error = e;
rejected = true;
if (!rejected) {
throw new Error(
'Promise was expected to be rejected after mock clock tick.');
return error;
* @return {number} The MockClock's current time in milliseconds.
* @private
getCurrentTime_() {
return this.nowMillis_;
* Runs any function that is scheduled before a certain time.
* @param {number} endTime The latest time in the range, in
* milliseconds.
* @private
runFunctionsWithinRange_(endTime) {
// Repeatedly pop off the last item since the queue is always
// sorted.
while (this.queue_ && this.queue_.length &&
this.queue_[this.queue_.length - 1].runAtMillis <= endTime) {
const timeout = this.queue_.pop();
// Only move time forwards.
this.nowMillis_ = Math.max(this.nowMillis_, timeout.runAtMillis);
if (timeout.recurring) {
// Reschedule before calling the function so that if the
// function deletes the timeout, it's in the queue to be
// removed.
timeout.timeoutKey, timeout.funcToCall, timeout.millis, true);
* Schedules a function to be run at a certain time.
* @param {number} timeoutKey The timeout key.
* @param {!Function} funcToCall The function to call.
* @param {number} millis The number of milliseconds to call it in.
* @param {boolean} recurring Whether to function call should recur.
* @private
scheduleFunction_(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) {
const timeout = {
runAtMillis: this.nowMillis_ + millis,
funcToCall: funcToCall,
recurring: recurring,
timeoutKey: timeoutKey,
millis: millis,
// Insert a timer descriptor into a descending-order queue.
// Later-inserted duplicates appear at lower indices. For
// example, the asterisk in (5,4,*,3,2,1) would be the insertion
// point for 3. (The numbers here refer to timestamps.)
// Insertion of N items is quadratic, but unit tests are normally
// small, so scalability is not a primary issue.
// Since the queue is in reverse order (so we can pop rather than
// unshift), and later timers with the same time stamp should be
// executed later, we look for the element strictly greater than
// the one we are inserting.
let i;
for (i = this.queue_.length; i != 0; i--) {
if (this.queue_[i - 1].runAtMillis > timeout.runAtMillis) {
this.queue_[i] = this.queue_[i - 1];
this.queue_[i] = timeout;
* Schedules a function to be called after `millis`
* milliseconds. Mock implementation for setTimeout.
* @param {!Function} funcToCall The function to call.
* @param {number=} millis The number of milliseconds to call it
* after.
* @param {...*} args Arguments to pass to the function.
* @return {number} The number of timeouts created.
* @private
setTimeout_(funcToCall, millis = 0, ...args) {
if (millis > mr.MockClock.MAX_INT_) {
throw Error(`Bad timeout value: ${millis}`);
mr.MockClock.nextId_, funcToCall.bind(undefined, ...args), millis,
return mr.MockClock.nextId_++;
* Schedules a function to be called every `millis` milliseconds.
* Mock implementation for setInterval.
* @param {!Function} funcToCall The function to call.
* @param {number=} millis The number of milliseconds between calls.
* @param {...*} args Arguments to pass to the function.
* @return {number} The number of timeouts created.
* @private
setInterval_(funcToCall, millis = 0, ...args) {
mr.MockClock.nextId_, funcToCall.bind(undefined, ...args), millis,
return mr.MockClock.nextId_++;
* Schedules a function to be called immediately after the current JS
* execution.
* Mock implementation for setImmediate.
* @param {!Function} funcToCall The function to call.
* @param {...*} args Arguments to pass to the function.
* @return {number} The number of timeouts created.
* @private
setImmediate_(funcToCall, ...args) {
return this.setTimeout_(funcToCall, 0, ...args);
* Clears a timeout.
* Mock implementation for clearTimeout and clearInterval.
* @param {number} timeoutKey The timeout key to clear.
* @private
clearTimeout_(timeoutKey) {
const newQueue =
this.queue_.filter(timeout => timeout.timeoutKey != timeoutKey);
if (newQueue.length == this.queue_.length_) {
// The real versions of clearTimeout and clearInterval silently
// ignore invalid keys, but we hold ourselves to a higher
// standard :-)
throw Error('Invalid timeoutKey');
this.queue_ = newQueue;
* ID to use for next timeout. Timeout IDs must never be reused, even
* across MockClock instances.
* @private {number}
mr.MockClock.nextId_ = 0;
* @private @const
mr.MockClock.REAL_SETTIMEOUT_ = window.setTimeout;
* @private @const
mr.MockClock.REAL_SETINTERVAL_ = window.setInterval;
* @private @const
mr.MockClock.REAL_SETIMMEDIATE_ = window.setImmediate;
* @private @const
mr.MockClock.REAL_CLEARTIMEOUT_ = window.clearTimeout;
* @private @const
mr.MockClock.REAL_CLEARINTERVAL_ = window.clearInterval;
* @private @const
mr.MockClock.REAL_DATENOW_ =;
* Maximum 32-bit signed integer.
* Timeouts over this time return immediately in many browsers, due to
* integer overflow. Such known browsers include Firefox, Chrome, and
* Safari, but not IE.
* @type {number}
* @private
mr.MockClock.MAX_INT_ = 2147483647;
* @typedef {{
* runAtMillis: number,
* funcToCall: !Function,
* recurring: boolean,
* timeoutKey: number,
* millis: number,
* }}
* @private
* Exception used to record where the current MockClock was created. Helpful
* for diagnosing unit tests that fail to uninstall their mock clocks.
* @private {Error}
mr.MockClock.installedHere_ = null;