blob: b1d26adba38b905d3b269ded44f305b06de6b240 [file] [log] [blame]
* ====================================================
* Copyright (C) 2007 by Ellips BV. All rights reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software is freely granted, provided that this notice
* is preserved.
* ====================================================
** jmp_buf:
** rbx r12 r13 r14 rip ebp esp
** 0 8 16 24 32 40 44
#include "x86_64mach.h"
.global SYM (setjmp)
.global SYM (longjmp)
SYM (setjmp):
movq rbx, %nacl: 0 (r15,rdi)
movq r12, %nacl: 8 (r15,rdi)
movq r13, %nacl: 16 (r15,rdi)
movq r14, %nacl: 24 (r15,rdi)
movq (rsp), rax
movq rax, %nacl: 32 (r15,rdi)
leaq 8 (rsp), rax
movl ebp, %nacl: 40 (r15,rdi)
movl eax, %nacl: 44 (r15,rdi)
movq $0, rax
pop r11
nacljmp r11d, r15
SYM (longjmp):
movq rsi, rax /* Return value */
naclrestbp %nacl: 40 (r15,rdi), r15
naclrestsp %nacl: 44 (r15,rdi), r15
pushq %nacl: 32 (r15,rdi)
movq %nacl: 0 (r15,rdi), rbx
movq %nacl: 8 (r15,rdi), r12
movq %nacl: 16 (r15,rdi), r13
movq %nacl: 24 (r15,rdi), r14
pop r11
nacljmp r11d, r15