blob: 256e838b7e55eaa2e2107ead58fa4d77ce14b28e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
""" This module is a utility for applying an xml patch to an xml file.
The format of the patch is described in the documentation for
the patch_xml() function.
import collections
import copy
import third_party.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
def PatchXML(source_xml_tree, patch_xml_tree):
"""Applies a patch to the source xml and returns a new merged xml tree.
Given a patch xml tree, it applies the patch to the source xml tree
and returns the resulting modified xml tree.
Patching is done by reading the patch_xml_tree for an element and then
finding the in-order matching element in the source_xml_tree. Both elements
are entered to look for matching sub-elements recursively.
Patching occurs when a <PatchRemove> or <PatchAdd> element is encountered
in the patch xml tree. For a remove operation, the first element in the
source_xml_tree from the current read position that matches the contents of
the <PatchRemove> element is removed. The read pointer is updated accordingly.
For an add operation, the contents of the <PatchAdd> element is added at the
current reading location.
If for example, an add operation needs to be done after certain elements,
the elements can be listed before the <PatchAdd> operation so that they are
matched first before the add operation.
Source file:
Patch file:
source_xml_tree: An ElementTree object with base xml to change.
patch_xml_tree: An ElementTree object with xml to apply. See above notes
for the xml structure of a patch.
A new xml tree based on source with the patch applied.
General Exception indicating a merge error has occured.
source = source_xml_tree.getroot()
patch = patch_xml_tree.getroot()
if not ElementMatch(source, patch):
raise Exception('Root nodes do not match, cannot merge')
return ElementTree.ElementTree(MergeElement(source, patch))
def MergeElement(source_elem, patch_elem):
"""Applies a single patch element to a single source element.
The merge is applied recursively for sub-elements. See the documentation
for patch_xml() for a description of how patching is done.
source_elem: An Element object with xml to change.
patch_elem: An Element object with xml to apply.
A new xml Element with the patch_elem applied to source_elem.
General Exception indicating a merge error has occured.
assert ElementMatch(source_elem, patch_elem), 'Mismatched merge'
# Create a new element by copying tags from source. Below we will merge
# the subelements of source with the patch and put them in new_element.
new_element = ElementTree.Element(source_elem.tag, source_elem.attrib)
patch_children = list(patch_elem)
patch_index = 0
remove_targets = collections.deque()
find_target = None
for source_child in source_elem:
# If we have no current patch operation then read the next patch element.
while (len(remove_targets) == 0 and find_target is None and
patch_index < len(patch_children)):
# PatchAdd operation.
if IsPatchAddTag(patch_children[patch_index].tag):
for addition in patch_children[patch_index]:
# Start a remove operation by creating a list of elements to skip adding.
elif IsPatchRemoveTag(patch_children[patch_index].tag):
remove_targets = collections.deque(
# Not an Add or Remove, must be a find target (find operation).
find_target = patch_children[patch_index]
patch_index += 1
# A remove operation means skipping adding the element to new_element.
if (len(remove_targets) > 0 and
ElementMatch(source_child, remove_targets[0])):
# A matching find target means we must merge the sub-elements.
elif find_target is not None and ElementMatch(source_child, find_target):
merge = MergeElement(source_child, find_target)
find_target = None
# Otherwise this source element doesn't match any patch operations, add it.
# Raise exceptions if find/remove didn't finish before the end of the source.
if find_target is not None:
raise Exception('Find operation never matched:' + find_target.tag)
elif len(remove_targets) != 0:
raise Exception('Remove operation never matched: ' + remove_targets)
# We may have more add operations after source has run empty:
while patch_index < len(patch_children):
if IsPatchAddTag(patch_children[patch_index].tag):
for addition in patch_children[patch_index]:
patch_index += 1
raise Exception('Non-add operation attempted after source end. ' +
'Tag: %s, Children %s' %
return new_element
def ElementMatch(elem1, elem2):
return elem1.tag == elem2.tag and elem1.attrib == elem2.attrib
def IsPatchAddTag(tag):
# We look at the end of the tag because we need to ignore the namespace.
# Because the tag can be a sub-element of arbitrary elements it could inherit
# any default namespace.
return tag.endswith('PatchAdd')
def IsPatchRemoveTag(tag):
# We look at the end of the tag because we need to ignore the namespace.
# Because the tag can be a sub-element of arbitrary elements it could inherit
# any default namespace.
return tag.endswith('PatchRemove')