blob: 3e4c25a112d716ee191357a12c04e50f69a0609c [file] [log] [blame]
//===- ExpandVarArgs.cpp - Expand out variable argument function calls-----===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This pass expands out all use of variable argument functions.
// This pass replaces a varargs function call with a function call in
// which a pointer to the variable arguments is passed explicitly.
// The callee explicitly allocates space for the variable arguments on
// the stack using "alloca".
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/NaCl.h"
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
class ExpandVarArgs : public ModulePass {
static char ID;
ExpandVarArgs() : ModulePass(ID) {
virtual bool runOnModule(Module &M);
char ExpandVarArgs::ID = 0;
INITIALIZE_PASS(ExpandVarArgs, "expand-varargs",
"Expand out variable argument function definitions and calls",
false, false)
static bool ExpandVarArgFunc(Module *M, Function *Func) {
Type *PtrType = Type::getInt8PtrTy(Func->getContext());
FunctionType *FTy = Func->getFunctionType();
SmallVector<Type *, 8> Params(FTy->param_begin(), FTy->param_end());
FunctionType *NFTy =
FunctionType::get(FTy->getReturnType(), Params, /*isVarArg=*/false);
Function *NewFunc = RecreateFunction(Func, NFTy);
// Declare the new argument as "noalias".
Func->getContext(), FTy->getNumParams() + 1, Attribute::NoAlias));
// Move the arguments across to the new function.
auto NewArg = NewFunc->arg_begin();
for (Argument &Arg : Func->args()) {
// The last argument is the new `i8 * noalias %varargs`.
// Expand out uses of llvm.va_start in this function.
for (BasicBlock &BB : *NewFunc) {
for (auto BI = BB.begin(), BE = BB.end(); BI != BE;) {
Instruction *I = BI++;
if (auto *VAS = dyn_cast<VAStartInst>(I)) {
IRBuilder<> IRB(VAS);
Value *Cast = IRB.CreateBitCast(VAS->getArgList(),
PtrType->getPointerTo(), "arglist");
IRB.CreateStore(NewArg, Cast);
return true;
static void ExpandVAArgInst(VAArgInst *Inst, DataLayout *DL) {
Type *IntPtrTy = DL->getIntPtrType(Inst->getContext());
auto *One = ConstantInt::get(IntPtrTy, 1);
IRBuilder<> IRB(Inst);
auto *ArgList = IRB.CreateBitCast(
Inst->getType()->getPointerTo()->getPointerTo(), "arglist");
// The caller spilled all of the va_args onto the stack in an unpacked
// struct. Each va_arg load from that struct needs to realign the element to
// its target-appropriate alignment in the struct in order to jump over
// padding that may have been in-between arguments. Do this with ConstantExpr
// to ensure good code gets generated, following the same approach as
// Support/MathExtras.h:alignAddr:
// ((uintptr_t)Addr + Alignment - 1) & ~(uintptr_t)(Alignment - 1)
// This assumes the alignment of the type is a power of 2 (or 1, in which case
// no realignment occurs).
auto *Ptr = IRB.CreateLoad(ArgList, "arglist_current");
auto *AlignOf = ConstantExpr::getIntegerCast(
ConstantExpr::getAlignOf(Inst->getType()), IntPtrTy, /*isSigned=*/false);
auto *AlignMinus1 = ConstantExpr::getNUWSub(AlignOf, One);
auto *NotAlignMinus1 = IRB.CreateNot(AlignMinus1);
auto *CurrentPtr = IRB.CreateIntToPtr(
IRB.CreateNUWAdd(IRB.CreatePtrToInt(Ptr, IntPtrTy), AlignMinus1),
auto *Result = IRB.CreateLoad(CurrentPtr, "va_arg");
// Update the va_list to point to the next argument.
Value *Indexes[] = {One};
auto *Next = IRB.CreateInBoundsGEP(CurrentPtr, Indexes, "arglist_next");
IRB.CreateStore(Next, ArgList);
static void ExpandVAEnd(VAEndInst *VAE) {
// va_end() is a no-op in this implementation.
static void ExpandVACopyInst(VACopyInst *Inst) {
// va_list may have more space reserved, but we only need to
// copy a single pointer.
Type *PtrTy = Type::getInt8PtrTy(Inst->getContext())->getPointerTo();
IRBuilder<> IRB(Inst);
auto *Src = IRB.CreateBitCast(Inst->getSrc(), PtrTy, "vacopy_src");
auto *Dest = IRB.CreateBitCast(Inst->getDest(), PtrTy, "vacopy_dest");
auto *CurrentPtr = IRB.CreateLoad(Src, "vacopy_currentptr");
IRB.CreateStore(CurrentPtr, Dest);
// ExpandVarArgCall() converts a CallInst or InvokeInst to expand out
// of varargs. It returns whether the module was modified.
template <class InstType>
static bool ExpandVarArgCall(Module *M, InstType *Call, DataLayout *DL) {
FunctionType *FuncType = cast<FunctionType>(
if (!FuncType->isFunctionVarArg())
return false;
Function *F = Call->getParent()->getParent();
LLVMContext &Ctx = M->getContext();
SmallVector<AttributeSet, 8> Attrs;
// Split argument list into fixed and variable arguments.
SmallVector<Value *, 8> FixedArgs;
SmallVector<Value *, 8> VarArgs;
SmallVector<Type *, 8> VarArgsTypes;
for (unsigned I = 0, E = FuncType->getNumParams(); I < E; ++I) {
// AttributeSets use 1-based indexing.
Attrs.push_back(Call->getAttributes().getParamAttributes(I + 1));
for (unsigned I = FuncType->getNumParams(), E = Call->getNumArgOperands();
I < E; ++I) {
Value *ArgVal = Call->getArgOperand(I);
bool isByVal = Call->getAttributes().hasAttribute(I + 1, Attribute::ByVal);
// For "byval" arguments we must dereference the pointer.
VarArgsTypes.push_back(isByVal ? ArgVal->getType()->getPointerElementType()
: ArgVal->getType());
if (VarArgsTypes.size() == 0) {
// Some buggy code (e.g. 176.gcc in Spec2k) uses va_arg on an
// empty argument list, which gives undefined behaviour in C. To
// work around such programs, we create a dummy varargs buffer on
// the stack even though there are no arguments to put in it.
// This allows va_arg to read an undefined value from the stack
// rather than crashing by reading from an uninitialized pointer.
// An alternative would be to pass a null pointer to catch the
// invalid use of va_arg.
// Create struct type for packing variable arguments into.
StructType *VarArgsTy = StructType::get(Ctx, VarArgsTypes);
// Allocate space for the variable argument buffer. Do this at the
// start of the function so that we don't leak space if the function
// is called in a loop.
IRBuilder<> IRB(F->getEntryBlock().getFirstInsertionPt());
auto *Buf = IRB.CreateAlloca(VarArgsTy, nullptr, "vararg_buffer");
// Call llvm.lifetime.start/end intrinsics to indicate that Buf is
// only used for the duration of the function call, so that the
// stack space can be reused elsewhere.
auto LifetimeStart = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Intrinsic::lifetime_start);
auto LifetimeEnd = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Intrinsic::lifetime_end);
auto *I8Ptr = Type::getInt8Ty(Ctx)->getPointerTo();
auto *BufPtr = IRB.CreateBitCast(Buf, I8Ptr, "vararg_lifetime_bitcast");
auto *BufSize =
ConstantInt::get(Ctx, APInt(64, DL->getTypeAllocSize(VarArgsTy)));
IRB.CreateCall2(LifetimeStart, BufSize, BufPtr);
// Copy variable arguments into buffer.
int Index = 0;
for (Value *Arg : VarArgs) {
Value *Indexes[] = {ConstantInt::get(Ctx, APInt(32, 0)),
ConstantInt::get(Ctx, APInt(32, Index))};
Value *Ptr = IRB.CreateInBoundsGEP(Buf, Indexes, "vararg_ptr");
bool isByVal = Call->getAttributes().hasAttribute(
FuncType->getNumParams() + Index + 1, Attribute::ByVal);
if (isByVal)
IRB.CreateMemCpy(Ptr, Arg, DL->getTypeAllocSize(
IRB.CreateStore(Arg, Ptr);
// Cast function to new type to add our extra pointer argument.
SmallVector<Type *, 8> ArgTypes(FuncType->param_begin(),
FunctionType *NFTy = FunctionType::get(FuncType->getReturnType(), ArgTypes,
Value *CastFunc = IRB.CreateBitCast(Call->getCalledValue(),
NFTy->getPointerTo(), "vararg_func");
// Create the converted function call.
Instruction *NewCall;
if (auto *C = dyn_cast<CallInst>(Call)) {
auto *N = IRB.CreateCall(CastFunc, FixedArgs);
N->setAttributes(AttributeSet::get(Ctx, Attrs));
NewCall = N;
IRB.CreateCall2(LifetimeEnd, BufSize, BufPtr);
} else if (auto *C = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(Call)) {
auto *N = IRB.CreateInvoke(CastFunc, C->getNormalDest(), C->getUnwindDest(),
FixedArgs, C->getName());
N->setAttributes(AttributeSet::get(Ctx, Attrs));
.CreateCall2(LifetimeEnd, BufSize, BufPtr);
.CreateCall2(LifetimeEnd, BufSize, BufPtr);
NewCall = N;
} else {
llvm_unreachable("not a call/invoke");
return true;
bool ExpandVarArgs::runOnModule(Module &M) {
bool Changed = false;
DataLayout DL(&M);
for (auto MI = M.begin(), ME = M.end(); MI != ME;) {
Function *F = MI++;
for (BasicBlock &BB : *F) {
for (auto BI = BB.begin(), BE = BB.end(); BI != BE;) {
Instruction *I = BI++;
if (auto *VI = dyn_cast<VAArgInst>(I)) {
Changed = true;
ExpandVAArgInst(VI, &DL);
} else if (auto *VAE = dyn_cast<VAEndInst>(I)) {
Changed = true;
} else if (auto *VAC = dyn_cast<VACopyInst>(I)) {
Changed = true;
} else if (auto *Call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(I)) {
Changed |= ExpandVarArgCall(&M, Call, &DL);
} else if (auto *Call = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(I)) {
Changed |= ExpandVarArgCall(&M, Call, &DL);
if (F->isVarArg())
Changed |= ExpandVarArgFunc(&M, F);
return Changed;
ModulePass *llvm::createExpandVarArgsPass() { return new ExpandVarArgs(); }