blob: e9dd9977586a2209b2ceb8c06bea811eed0f83af [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import os
import posixpath
import subprocess
import sys
import urlparse
import file_tools
import log_tools
import platform
GIT_ALTERNATES_PATH = os.path.join('.git', 'objects', 'info', 'alternates')
class InvalidRepoException(Exception):
def __init__(self, expected_repo, msg, *args):
Exception.__init__(self, msg % args)
self.expected_repo = expected_repo
def GitCmd():
"""Return the git command to execute for the host platform."""
if platform.IsWindows():
# On windows, we want to use the depot_tools version of git, which has
# git.bat as an entry point. When running through the msys command
# prompt, subprocess does not handle batch files. Explicitly invoking
# cmd.exe to be sure we run the correct git in this case.
return ['cmd.exe', '/c', 'git.bat']
return ['git']
def CheckGitOutput(args):
"""Run a git subcommand and capture its stdout a la subprocess.check_output.
args: list of arguments to 'git'
return log_tools.CheckOutput(GitCmd() + args)
def ValidateGitRepo(url, directory, clobber_mismatch=False, logger=None):
"""Validates a git repository tracks a particular URL.
Given a git directory, this function will validate if the git directory
actually tracks an expected URL. If the directory does not exist nothing
will be done.
url: URL to look for.
directory: Directory to look for.
clobber_mismatch: If True, will delete invalid directories instead of raising
an exception.
if logger is None:
logger = log_tools.GetConsoleLogger()
git_dir = os.path.join(directory, '.git')
if os.path.exists(git_dir):
if IsURLInRemoteRepoList(url, directory, include_fetch=True,
logger.warn('Local git repo (%s) does not track url (%s)',
directory, url)
logger.error('Invalid git repo: %s', directory)
if not clobber_mismatch:
raise InvalidRepoException(url, 'Invalid local git repo: %s', directory)
logger.debug('Clobbering invalid git repo %s' % directory)
elif os.path.exists(directory) and len(os.listdir(directory)) != 0:
if not clobber_mismatch:
raise InvalidRepoException(url,
'Invalid non-empty repository destination %s',
logger.debug('Clobbering intended repository destination: %s', directory)
def SyncGitRepo(url, destination, revision, reclone=False, pathspec=None,
git_cache=None, push_url=None, logger=None):
"""Sync an individual git repo.
url: URL to sync
destination: Directory to check out into.
revision: Pinned revision to check out. If None, do not check out a
pinned revision.
reclone: If True, delete the destination directory and re-clone the repo.
pathspec: If not None, add the path to the git checkout command, which
causes it to just update the working tree without switching
git_cache: If set, assumes URL has been populated within the git cache
directory specified and sets the fetch URL to be from the
if logger is None:
logger = log_tools.GetConsoleLogger()
if reclone:
logger.debug('Clobbering source directory %s' % destination)
if git_cache:
git_cache_url = GetGitCacheURL(git_cache, url)
git_cache_url = None
# If the destination is a git repository, validate the tracked origin.
git_dir = os.path.join(destination, '.git')
if os.path.exists(git_dir):
if not IsURLInRemoteRepoList(url, destination, include_fetch=True,
# If the git cache URL is being tracked instead of the fetch URL, we
# can safely redirect it to the fetch URL instead.
if git_cache_url and IsURLInRemoteRepoList(git_cache_url, destination,
GitSetRemoteRepo(url, destination, push_url=push_url,
logger.error('Git Repo (%s) does not track URL: %s',
destination, url)
raise InvalidRepoException(url, 'Could not sync git repo: %s',
# Make sure the push URL is set correctly as well.
if not IsURLInRemoteRepoList(push_url, destination, include_fetch=False,
GitSetRemoteRepo(url, destination, push_url=push_url)
git = GitCmd()
if not os.path.exists(git_dir):'Cloning %s...' % url)
clone_args = ['clone', '-n']
if git_cache_url:
clone_args.extend(['--reference', git_cache_url])
log_tools.CheckCall(git + clone_args + [url, '.'],
logger=logger, cwd=destination)
if url != push_url:
GitSetRemoteRepo(url, destination, push_url=push_url, logger=logger)
# TODO(thakis): Remove once is done.'Remotes after cloning:')
log_tools.CheckCall(git + ['remote', '-v'], logger=logger, cwd=destination)
# If a git cache URL is supplied, make sure it is setup as a git alternate.
if git_cache_url:
git_alternates = [git_cache_url]
git_alternates = []
GitSetRepoAlternates(destination, git_alternates, append=False, logger=logger)
if revision is not None:'Checking out pinned revision...')
log_tools.CheckCall(git + ['fetch', '--all'],
logger=logger, cwd=destination)
path = [pathspec] if pathspec else []
git + ['checkout', revision] + path,
logger=logger, cwd=destination)
def CleanGitWorkingDir(directory, reset=False, path=None, logger=None):
"""Clean all or part of an existing git checkout.
directory: Directory where the git repo is currently checked out
reset: If True, also reset the working directory to HEAD
path: path to clean, relative to the repo directory. If None,
clean the whole working directory
repo_path = [path] if path else []
log_tools.CheckCall(GitCmd() + ['clean', '-dffx'] + repo_path,
logger=logger, cwd=directory)
if reset:
log_tools.CheckCall(GitCmd() + ['reset', '--hard', 'HEAD'],
logger=logger, cwd=directory)
def PopulateGitCache(cache_dir, url_list, logger=None):
"""Fetches a git repo that combines a list of git repos.
This is an interface to the "git cache" command found within depot_tools.
You can populate a cache directory then obtain the local cache url using
GetGitCacheURL(). It is best to sync with the shared option so that the
cloned repository shares the same git objects.
cache_dir: Local directory where git cache will be populated.
url_list: List of URLs which cache_dir should be populated with.
if url_list:
git = GitCmd()
for url in url_list:
log_tools.CheckCall(git + ['cache', 'populate', '-c', '.', url],
logger=logger, cwd=cache_dir)
def GetGitCacheURL(cache_dir, url, logger=None):
"""Converts a regular git URL to a git cache URL within a cache directory.
url: original Git URL that is already populated within the cache directory.
cache_dir: Git cache directory that has already populated the URL.
Git Cache URL where a git repository can clone/fetch from.
# Make sure we are using absolute paths or else cache exists return relative.
cache_dir = os.path.abspath(cache_dir)
# For CygWin, we must first convert the cache_dir name to a non-cygwin path.
cygwin_path = False
if platform.IsCygWin() and cache_dir.startswith('/cygdrive/'):
cygwin_path = True
drive, file_path = cache_dir[len('/cygdrive/'):].split('/', 1)
cache_dir = drive + ':\\' + file_path.replace('/', '\\')
git_url = log_tools.CheckOutput(GitCmd() + ['cache', 'exists',
'-c', cache_dir,
# For windows, make sure the git cache URL is a posix path.
if platform.IsWindows():
git_url = git_url.replace('\\', '/')
return git_url
def GitRevInfo(directory):
"""Get the git revision information of a git checkout.
directory: Existing git working directory.
get_url_command = GitCmd() + ['ls-remote', '--get-url', 'origin']
url = log_tools.CheckOutput(get_url_command, cwd=directory).strip()
# If the URL is actually a directory, it might be a git-cache directory.
# Re-run from that directory to get the actual remote URL.
if os.path.isdir(url):
url = log_tools.CheckOutput(get_url_command, cwd=url).strip()
rev = log_tools.CheckOutput(GitCmd() + ['rev-parse', 'HEAD'],
return url, rev
def GetAuthenticatedGitURL(url):
"""Returns the authenticated version of a git URL.
In Chromium, there is a special URL that is the "authenticated" version. The
URLs are identical but the authenticated one has special privileges.
urlsplit = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
if urlsplit.scheme in ('https', 'http'):
urldict = urlsplit._asdict()
urldict['scheme'] = 'https'
urldict['path'] = '/a' + urlsplit.path
urlsplit = urlparse.SplitResult(**urldict)
return urlsplit.geturl()
def GitRemoteRepoList(directory, include_fetch=True, include_push=True,
"""Returns a list of remote git repos associated with a directory.
directory: Existing git working directory.
List of (repo_name, repo_url) for tracked remote repos.
remote_repos = log_tools.CheckOutput(GitCmd() + ['remote', '-v'],
logger=logger, cwd=directory)
repo_set = set()
for remote_repo_line in remote_repos.splitlines():
repo_name, repo_url, repo_type = remote_repo_line.split()
if include_fetch and repo_type == '(fetch)':
repo_set.add((repo_name, repo_url))
elif include_push and repo_type == '(push)':
repo_set.add((repo_name, repo_url))
return sorted(repo_set)
def GitSetRemoteRepo(url, directory, push_url=None,
repo_name='origin', logger=None):
"""Sets the remotely tracked URL for a git repository.
url: Remote git URL to set.
directory: Local git repository to set tracked repo for.
push_url: If specified, uses a different URL for pushing.
repo_name: set the URL for a particular remote repo name.
git = GitCmd()
log_tools.CheckCall(git + ['remote', 'set-url', repo_name, url],
logger=logger, cwd=directory)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# If setting the URL failed, repo_name may be new. Try adding the URL.
log_tools.CheckCall(git + ['remote', 'add', repo_name, url],
logger=logger, cwd=directory)
if push_url:
log_tools.CheckCall(git + ['remote', 'set-url', '--push',
repo_name, push_url],
logger=logger, cwd=directory)
def IsURLInRemoteRepoList(url, directory, include_fetch=True, include_push=True,
try_authenticated_url=True, logger=None):
"""Returns whether or not a url is a remote repo in a local git directory.
url: URL to look for in remote repo list.
directory: Existing git working directory.
if try_authenticated_url:
valid_urls = (url, GetAuthenticatedGitURL(url))
valid_urls = (url,)
remote_repo_list = GitRemoteRepoList(directory,
return len([repo_name for
repo_name, repo_url in remote_repo_list
if repo_url in valid_urls]) > 0
def GitGetRepoAlternates(directory):
"""Gets the list of git alternates for a local git repo.
directory: Local git repository to get the git alternate for.
List of git alternates set for the local git repository.
git_alternates_file = os.path.join(directory, GIT_ALTERNATES_PATH)
if os.path.isfile(git_alternates_file):
with open(git_alternates_file, 'rt') as f:
alternates_list = []
for line in f.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if line:
if posixpath.basename(line) == 'objects':
line = posixpath.dirname(line)
return alternates_list
return []
def GitSetRepoAlternates(directory, alternates_list, append=True, logger=None):
"""Sets the list of git alternates for a local git repo.
directory: Local git repository.
alternates_list: List of local git repositories for the git alternates.
append: If True, will append the list to currently set list of alternates.
if logger is None:
logger = log_tools.GetConsoleLogger()
git_alternates_file = os.path.join(directory, GIT_ALTERNATES_PATH)
git_alternates_dir = os.path.dirname(git_alternates_file)
if not os.path.isdir(git_alternates_dir):
raise InvalidRepoException(directory,
'Invalid local git repo: %s', directory)
original_alternates_list = GitGetRepoAlternates(directory)
if append:
alternates_list = sorted(set(alternates_list))
if set(original_alternates_list) != set(alternates_list):
lines = [posixpath.join(line, 'objects') + '\n' for line in alternates_list]'Setting git alternates:\n\t%s', '\t'.join(lines))
with open(git_alternates_file, 'wb') as f: