Port a Linux open source game to Native Client. Here's a couple relevant lists:
Start work on one of the obvious applications: * image editor * drawing program (remember MacDraw?) * spreadsheet * speech recognition or synthesis
Port a popular open source Linux library to Native Client. See native_client_sdk for some libraries we've already ported. * Port SWIG to generate Native Client stubs on top of the Native Client IMC. This could help us allow languages like Python to make calls into the browser/JavaScript environment * Port GTK to Native Client * Port something a lot easier than SWIG or GTK
Port your favorite language system to Native Client. Awk, Lua, Python, Ruby, have been ported or are underway. * Port gcj or other interpreted Java system to Native Client. * Port a new compiler/language to Native Client: ML, Lisp, Scheme, Smalltalk, Prolog, Cobal, Fortran. * Develop a NPAPI/Pepper interface for one of these languages.