This page lists the platforms on which we've tried Native Client, both for building it and for running it. Also see the ReleaseNotes.

Note: Please add a comment if you have additional information.


What works

We've tested building with the following configurations: * Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) * Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) * Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)

Building and running on 64-bit systems isn't as well tested as on 32-bit systems. Some time after Karmic stabilizes, we will drop support for Jaunty.

The Native Client plug-in has been successfully used in the following browsers:

  • Firefox 3 * Firefox 2

What doesn't work

  • The ia32-lib-dev package is, as of this writing, missing from the amd64 Karmic Koala release of Ubuntu, and we cannot (yet) build the on Karmic amd64.


What works

Building Native Client requires Mac OS X 10.5.

Running Native Client modules should work on both 10.5 and 10.4.

The Native Client plug-in has been successfully used in the following browsers:

  • Firefox 3 * Firefox 2 (partial support; control, command, and alt keys not enabled) * Camino (appears to work, but has had minimal testing)

What doesn't work

The Native Client plug-in doesn't currently work in the following browsers: * Safari


What works

Native Client builds and runs on 32-bit Vista and all versions of Windows XP.

The Native Client plug-in has been successfully used in the following browsers:

  • Firefox 3
  • Firefox 2
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Opera

What doesn't work

Native Client does not work on 64-bit versions of Windows Vista. Native Client will silently fail on these systems, without running untrusted code. 64-bit Vista lacks the system call required to set up protected memory segments.

The Native Client plug-in doesn't currently work in the following browsers: * Internet Explorer