blob: 2daf776d54cb8252c843c47aade74dd08dc25658 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
import pynacl.platform
python = sys.executable
bash = '/bin/bash'
echo = 'echo'
# Buildbots.
python + ' buildbot\\ opt 32 newlib --no-gyp',
python + ' buildbot\\ opt 32 glibc --no-gyp',
python + ' buildbot\\ opt 32 newlib --no-gyp',
python + ' buildbot\\ opt 32 glibc --no-gyp',
python + ' buildbot/ opt 64 glibc --validator',
# ASan.
python + ' buildbot/ opt 64 newlib --asan',
python + ' buildbot/ opt 32 newlib --asan',
# Sanitizer Pnacl toolchain buildbot.
python +
' buildbot/ --buildbot --tests-arch x86-64 '
' --sanitize address --skip-tests',
# PNaCl.
bash + ' buildbot/ mode-buildbot-arm-hw-dbg',
bash + ' buildbot/ mode-buildbot-arm-hw-opt',
bash + ' buildbot/ mode-buildbot-arm-dbg',
bash + ' buildbot/ mode-buildbot-arm-opt',
python + ' buildbot/ opt 32 pnacl',
python + ' buildbot/ opt 64 pnacl',
python + ' buildbot/ opt 64 pnacl',
python + ' buildbot/ opt 64 pnacl',
# TODO: Use instead of once
# the gyp_build is moved to
bash + ' buildbot/ mode-trybot-qemu mips32',
# PNaCl Spec
bash + ' buildbot/ pnacl-arm-buildonly',
bash + ' buildbot/ pnacl-arm-hw',
bash + ' buildbot/ pnacl-x8632',
bash + ' buildbot/ pnacl-x8664',
# NaCl Spec
bash + ' buildbot/ nacl-x8632',
bash + ' buildbot/ nacl-x8664',
# Valgrind bots.
echo + ' "Valgrind bots are disabled: see '
echo + ' "Valgrind bots are disabled: see '
# Trybots.
python + ' buildbot/ opt 64 glibc --validator',
# Android trybots.
echo + ' "Android bots are disabled and going away"',
echo + ' "Android bots are disabled and going away"',
# ASan.
python + ' buildbot/ opt 64 newlib --asan',
python + ' buildbot/ opt 32 newlib --asan',
# Pnacl main trybots
bash + ' buildbot/ mode-trybot-qemu arm',
python + ' buildbot/ opt 32 pnacl',
python + ' buildbot/ opt 64 pnacl',
bash + ' buildbot/ mode-trybot-qemu mips32',
bash + ' buildbot/ mode-buildbot-arm-try',
bash + ' buildbot/ mode-buildbot-arm-hw-try',
python + ' buildbot/ opt 64 pnacl',
python + ' buildbot/ opt 64 pnacl',
# Pnacl spec2k trybots
bash + ' buildbot/ pnacl-trybot-x8632',
bash + ' buildbot/ pnacl-trybot-x8664',
bash + ' buildbot/ pnacl-trybot-arm-buildonly',
bash + ' buildbot/ pnacl-trybot-arm-hw',
# Toolchain glibc.
'precise64-glibc': bash + ' buildbot/',
'mac-glibc': bash + ' buildbot/',
'win7-glibc': 'buildbot\\buildbot_windows-glibc-makefile.bat',
# Toolchain (glibc) ARM.
python +
' buildbot/'
' --buildbot'
' toolchain_build',
python +
' buildbot/'
' --buildbot'
' toolchain_build',
python +
' buildbot/'
' --buildbot'
' --test_toolchain nacl_arm_glibc_raw'
' toolchain_build',
# Pnacl toolchain builders.
python +
' buildbot/ --buildbot --tests-arch x86-32',
python +
' buildbot/ --buildbot --tests-arch x86-64',
python +
' buildbot/ --buildbot',
python +
' buildbot/ --buildbot',
# Pnacl toolchain testers
bash + ' buildbot/ tc-test-bot x86-64',
bash + ' buildbot/ tc-test-bot x86-32',
bash + ' buildbot/ tc-test-bot arm',
# MIPS toolchain buildbot.
bash + ' buildbot/ mode-trybot-qemu mips32',
# Toolchain trybots.
'nacl-toolchain-precise64-newlib-arm': # TODO(bradnelson): rename
python +
' buildbot/'
' --trybot'
' --test_toolchain nacl_arm_glibc_raw'
' toolchain_build',
'nacl-toolchain-mac-newlib-arm': # TODO(bradnelson): rename
python +
' buildbot/'
' --trybot'
' toolchain_build',
'nacl-toolchain-win7-newlib-arm': # TODO(bradnelson): rename
python +
' buildbot/'
' --trybot'
' toolchain_build',
bash + ' buildbot/',
bash + ' buildbot/',
# Pnacl toolchain trybots.
python +
' buildbot/ --trybot --tests-arch x86-32',
python +
' buildbot/ --trybot --tests-arch x86-64',
python + ' buildbot/ --trybot',
python + ' buildbot/ --trybot',
# Sanitizer Pnacl toolchain trybots.
python +
' buildbot/ --trybot --tests-arch x86-64 '
' --sanitize address --skip-tests',
# TODO(kschimpf): Bot is currently broken: --sanitize memory not understood.
python +
' buildbot/ --trybot --tests-arch x86-64 '
' --sanitize memory --skip-tests',
# TODO(kschimpf): Bot is currently broken: --sanitize thread not understood.
python +
' buildbot/ --trybot --tests-arch x86-64 '
' --sanitize thread --skip-tests',
# TODO(kschimpf): Bot is currently broken: --sanitize undefined not understood.
python +
' buildbot/ --trybot --tests-arch x86-64 '
' --sanitize undefined --skip-tests',
special_for_arm = [
for platform in [
'vista', 'win7', 'win8', 'win',
'mac', 'lucid', 'precise'] + special_for_arm:
if platform in special_for_arm:
arch_variants = ['arm']
arch_variants = ['', '32', '64', 'arm']
for arch in arch_variants:
arch_flags = ''
real_arch = arch
arch_part = '-' + arch
# Disable GYP build for win32 bots and arm cross-builders. In this case
# "win" means Windows XP, not Vista, Windows 7, etc.
# Building via GYP always builds all toolchains by default, but the win32
# XP pnacl builds are pathologically slow (e.g. ~38 seconds per compile on
# the nacl-win32_glibc_opt trybot). There are other builders that test
# Windows builds via gyp, so the reduced test coverage should be slight.
if arch == 'arm' or (platform == 'win' and arch == '32'):
arch_flags += ' --no-gyp'
if platform == 'win7' and arch == '32':
arch_flags += ' --no-goma'
if arch == '':
arch_part = ''
real_arch = '32'
# Test with Breakpad tools only on basic Linux builds.
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
arch_flags += ' --use-breakpad-tools'
for mode in ['dbg', 'opt']:
for libc in ['newlib', 'glibc']:
# Buildbots.
for bare in ['', '-bare']:
for test in ['', '-test']:
name = platform + arch_part + bare + '-' + libc + '-' + mode + test
assert name not in BOT_ASSIGNMENT, name
python + ' buildbot/ ' +
mode + ' ' + real_arch + ' ' + libc + arch_flags)
# Trybots
for arch_sep in ['', '-', '_']:
name = 'nacl-' + platform + arch_sep + arch + '_' + libc + '_' + mode
assert name not in BOT_ASSIGNMENT, name
python + ' buildbot/ ' +
mode + ' ' + real_arch + ' ' + libc + arch_flags)
def EscapeJson(data):
return '"' + json.dumps(data).replace('"', r'\"') + '"'
def HasNoPerfResults(builder):
if 'pnacl-buildonly-spec' in builder:
return True
if 'android' in builder:
return True
return builder in [
def Main():
builder = os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_BUILDERNAME')
build_number = os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_BUILDNUMBER')
build_revision = os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_GOT_REVISION',
slave_type = os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_SLAVE_TYPE')
cmd = BOT_ASSIGNMENT.get(builder)
if not cmd:
sys.stderr.write('ERROR - unset/invalid builder name\n')
env = os.environ.copy()
# Don't write out .pyc files because in cases in which files move around or
# the PYTHONPATH / sys.path change, old .pyc files can be mistakenly used.
# This avoids the need for admin changes on the bots in this case.
# Use .boto file from home-dir instead of buildbot supplied one.
alt_boto = os.path.expanduser('~/.boto')
if os.path.exists(alt_boto):
env['BOTO_CONFIG'] = alt_boto
cwd_drive = os.path.splitdrive(os.getcwd())[0]
env['GSUTIL'] = cwd_drive + '/b/build/third_party/gsutil/gsutil'
# When running from cygwin, we sometimes want to use a native python.
# The native python will use the depot_tools version by invoking python.bat.
if pynacl.platform.IsWindows():
env['NATIVE_PYTHON'] = 'python.bat'
env['NATIVE_PYTHON'] = 'python'
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# If the temp directory is not on the same drive as the working directory,
# there can be random failures when cleaning up temp directories, so use
# a directory on the current drive. Use __file__ here instead of os.getcwd()
# because toolchain_main picks its working directories relative to __file__
filedrive, _ = os.path.splitdrive(__file__)
tempdrive, _ = os.path.splitdrive(env['TEMP'])
if tempdrive != filedrive:
env['TEMP'] = filedrive + '\\temp'
if not os.path.exists(env['TEMP']):
# Ensure a temp directory exists.
if 'TEMP' not in env:
env['TEMP'] = tempfile.gettempdir()
# Isolate build's temp directory to a particular location so we can clobber
# the whole thing predictably and so we have a record of who's leaking
# temporary files.
nacl_tmp = os.path.join(env['TEMP'], 'nacl_tmp')
if not os.path.exists(nacl_tmp):
env['TEMP'] = os.path.join(nacl_tmp, builder)
if not os.path.exists(env['TEMP']):
# Set all temp directory variants to the same thing.
env['TMPDIR'] = env['TEMP']
env['TMP'] = env['TEMP']
print 'TEMP=%s' % env['TEMP']
# Run through to get upload of perf data.
build_properties = {
'buildername': builder,
'mastername': 'client.nacl',
'buildnumber': str(build_number),
factory_properties = {
'perf_id': builder,
'show_perf_results': True,
'step_name': 'naclperf', # Seems unused, but is required.
'test_name': 'naclperf', # Really "Test Suite"
# Get runtest from the environment, is available.
runtest = os.environ.get('RUNTEST')
if runtest is None:
# Locate the buildbot build directory by relative path, as it's absolute
# location varies by platform and configuration.
buildbot_build_dir = os.path.join(* [os.pardir] * 4)
runtest = os.path.join(buildbot_build_dir, 'scripts', 'slave', '')
# For builds with an actual build number, require that the script is present
# (i.e. that we're run from an actual buildbot).
if build_number is not None and not os.path.exists(runtest):
raise Exception(' script not found at: %s\n' % runtest)
cmd_exe = cmd.split(' ')[0]
cmd_exe_ext = os.path.splitext(cmd_exe)[1]
# Do not wrap these types of builds with
# - tryjobs
# - commands beginning with 'echo '
# - batch files
# - debug builders
# - builds with no perf tests
if not (slave_type == 'Trybot' or
cmd_exe == echo or
cmd_exe_ext == '.bat' or
'-dbg' in builder or
# Perf dashboards are now generated by output scraping that occurs in the
# script, which lives in the buildbot repository.
# Non-trybot builds should be run through runtest, allowing it to upload
# perf data if relevant.
cmd = ' '.join([
python, runtest,
'--revision=' + build_revision,
'--no-xvfb', # We provide our own xvfb invocation.
'--factory-properties', EscapeJson(factory_properties),
'--build-properties', EscapeJson(build_properties),
print "%s runs: %s\n" % (builder, cmd)
retcode =, env=env, shell=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':