blob: baac99b9bc333eba1551018363d3de15a7a919a0 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<!-- Copyright 2011 Native Client Authors. All rights reserved. -->
<title> Chrome Extension Nexe loading test </title>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache" />
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="nacltest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
* Take the results of the test run in the extension, and run the Tester
* object with them. Note that the unit tests are actually run in the
* extension process; the test results are sent to this page via RPC
* (chrome.extension.sendRequest()). This function is called from runTests()
* in test_bridge.js. test_bridge.js is injected into this page as part of
* the Chrome extension.
* @param {!Object} testResults A dictionary that maps test properties to
* test result values.
function processTestResults(testResults) {
// When this function is called, the "test" has already been performed.
// These tests are actually validating the output of the test that ran
// inside the extension and sent its results to this page. This is done
// so the output can be easily seen. Output inside the extension would
// not be visible.
// Fail if any errors occurred during the test run in the extension.
tester.addTest('load_errors', function() {
assertEqual(testResults.error, 0);
// Check that the nexe worked.
tester.addTest('check_result', function() {
assertEqual(testResults.testResult, 'TestSimple:PASSED');
// Note that there are no EMBED elements for the tester to wait for, so
// it's ok to just run the tester.;
<!-- This div is here because the RPC mechanism used to talk to the Chrome
extension requires one in order to communicate from the extension to
this page.
<div id="test_results_element" style="display: none;">
<script type="text/javascript">
// Co-opt the 'onclick' event handler to watch for the test results. The
// injected test_bridge script will manually fire this event when the test
// results are ready. Note that the context script cannot access scripts
// in this page; the only way it can communicate is via the DOM. For more
// info, see:
var tester = new Tester();
var naclTestModule = $('test_results_element');
// Use onclick because arbitrary attributes don't show up in the bridge
// script.
naclTestModule.onclick = {} = processTestResults;
naclTestModule.onclick.log = function(message) { tester.log(message); }