blob: a826de07ea240b9370224b0d66b2da27ac9beda7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
This script extracts sub-components from a fully populated
toolchain/pnacl_linux_XXX/ directory to create custom toolchains.
It is intentioanlly kept simple.
For usage information run:
pnacl/ -h
import glob
import optparse
import os
import sys
COMPONENTS['bitcode_newlib_frontend'] = [
# basics
'newlib/lib/', # this probably includes too much
# bitcode libs
# more libs and headers (from nacl-ports)
# magic file
# tool wrappers
'newlib/bin/pnacl-nop', # probably not really need but tiny
'newlib/bin/pnacl-illegal', # probably not really need but tiny
# actual tools
'pkg/llvm/lib/', # symlink
'pkg/binutils/lib/bfd-plugins', # used by arm-pc-nacl-ranlib (important!)
COMPONENTS['translator_newlib_backend'] = [
# we only need llc and ld
# NOTE: these are not sandboxed and multi arch!
# NOTE: while this is linked shared the llvm libs are linked in static
# validator, etc.
COMPONENTS['translator_tools'] = [
# misc magic for exotic use cases in scons
COMPONENTS['misc_magic_newlib'] = [
def Composite(*lst):
combined = [COMPONENTS[x] for x in lst]
return sum(combined, [])
# This is what should go to regular developers as a nacl-gcc replacement
COMPONENTS['newlib_sdk'] = Composite('bitcode_newlib_frontend',
# also contains some tools for handling exotic use cases
# this is suitable of handling all scons tests
COMPONENTS['newlib_sdk_plus'] = Composite('newlib_sdk', 'misc_magic_newlib')
def RunCommand(cmd):
print cmd
err = os.system(cmd)
if err:
def MaybeMkdir(path):
if os.path.isdir(path):
RunCommand('mkdir -p %s' % path)
def CopyMatching(src, dst, patterns):
'''copies files from src/ to dst/ if the match
the list of 'glob' patters.
for p in patterns:
matches = glob.glob(src + '/' + p)
for m in matches:
if m.endswith('/'):
m = m[:-1]
dirname = os.path.dirname(m).replace(src, dst, 1)
RunCommand('cp -a %(m)s %(dirname)s' % locals())
def Main():
usage = 'usage: %prog [options] <src-path> <dst-path> <component>'
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
options, args = parser.parse_args()
assert len(args) == 3
src, dst, patterns = args
assert patterns in COMPONENTS
assert os.path.exists(src)
CopyMatching(src, dst, COMPONENTS[patterns])
if __name__ == '__main__':