blob: 44820cb4655c21915975bf6428050775c752d4e3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2008 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can
# be found in the LICENSE file.
This module implements a fuzzer for sel_ldr's ELF parsing / NaCl
module loading functions.
The fuzzer takes as arguments a pre-built nexe and sel_ldr, and will
randomly modify a copy of the nexe and run sel_ldr with the -F flag.
If/when sel_ldr crashes, the copy of the nexe is saved.
from __future__ import with_statement # pre-2.6
import getopt
import os
import random
import re
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import elf
max_bytes_to_fuzz = 16
default_progress_period = 64
def uniform_fuzz(input_string, nbytes_max):
nbytes = random.randint(1, nbytes_max) # fuzz at least one byte
# pick n distinct values from [0... len(input_string)) uniformly and
# without replacement.
targets = random.sample(xrange(len(input_string)), nbytes)
# each entry of keepsies is a tuple (a-1,b) of indices indicating
# the non-fuzzed substrings of input_string.
keepsies = zip([-1] + targets,
targets + [len(input_string)])
# the map is essentially a generator of keepsie substrings followed
# by a random byte. joined together -- and throwing away the extra,
# trailing random byte -- is the fuzzed string.
return ''.join(input_string[subrange[0] + 1 : subrange[1]] +
chr(random.randint(0, 255))
for subrange in keepsies)[:-1]
def simple_fuzz(nexe_elf):
orig = nexe_elf.elf_str
start_offset = nexe_elf.ehdr.phoff
length = nexe_elf.ehdr.phentsize * nexe_elf.ehdr.phnum
end_offset = start_offset + length
return (orig[:start_offset] +
max_bytes_to_fuzz) +
def genius_fuzz(nexe_elf):
print >>sys.stderr, 'Genius fuzzer not implemented yet.'
# parse as phdr and use a distribution that concentrates on certain fields
sys.exit(1 + hash(nexe_elf)) # ARGSUSED
available_fuzzers = {
'simple' : simple_fuzz,
'genius' : genius_fuzz,
def usage(stream):
print >>stream, """\
Usage: [-d destination_dir]
[-D destination_for_log_fatal]
[-f fuzzer]
[-i iterations]
[-m max_bytes_to_fuzz]
[-n nexe_original]
[-p progress_output_period]
[-s sel_ldr]
[-S seed_string_for_rng]
-d: Directory in which fuzzed files that caused core dumps are saved.
Default: "."
-D: Directory for saving crashes from LOG_FATAL errors. Default: discarded.
-f: Fuzzer to use. Available fuzzers are:
-i: Number of iteration to fuzz. Default: -1 (infinite).
For use as a large test, set to a finite value.
-m: Maximum number of bytes to change. A random choice of one to this
number of bytes in the fuzz template's program header will be replaced
with a random value.
-n: Nexes to fuzz. Multiple nexes may be specified by using -n repeatedly,
in which case each will be used in turn as the fuzz template.
-p: Progress indicator period. Print a character for every this many fuzzing
runs. Requires verbosity to be at least 1. Default is %d.
-S: Seed_string_for_rng is used to seed the random module's random number
generator; any string will do -- it is hashed.
""" % (', '.join(available_fuzzers.keys()), default_progress_period)
def choose_progress_char(num_saved):
return '0123456789abcdef'[num_saved % 16]
def main(argv):
global max_bytes_to_fuzz
sel_ldr_path = None
nexe_path = []
dest_dir = '.'
dest_fatal_dir = None # default: do not save
iterations = -1
fuzzer = 'simple'
verbosity = 0
progress_period = default_progress_period
progress_char = '.'
num_saved = 0
opt_list, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'd:D:f:i:m:n:p:s:S:v')
except getopt.error, e:
print >>sys.stderr, e
return 1
for (opt, val) in opt_list:
if opt == '-d':
dest_dir = val
elif opt == '-D':
dest_fatal_dir = val
elif opt == '-f':
if available_fuzzers.has_key(val):
fuzzer = val
print >>sys.stderr, 'No fuzzer:', val
return 1
elif opt == '-i':
iterations = long(val)
elif opt == '-m':
max_bytes_to_fuzz = int(val)
elif opt == '-n':
elif opt == '-p':
progress_period = int(val)
elif opt == '-s':
sel_ldr_path = val
elif opt == '-S':
elif opt == '-v':
verbosity = verbosity + 1
print >>sys.stderr, 'Option', opt, 'not understood.'
return -1
if progress_period <= 0:
print >>sys.stderr, 'verbose progress indication period must be positive.'
return 1
if not nexe_path:
print >>sys.stderr, 'No nexe specified.'
return 2
if sel_ldr_path is None:
print >>sys.stderr, 'No sel_ldr specified.'
return 3
if verbosity > 0:
print 'sel_ldr is at', sel_ldr_path
print 'nexe prototype(s) are at', nexe_path
nfa = re.compile(r'LOG_FATAL abort exit$')
which_nexe = 0
while iterations != 0:
nexe_bytes = open(nexe_path[which_nexe % len(nexe_path)]).read()
nexe_elf = elf.Elf(nexe_bytes)
fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
fstream = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
fuzzed_bytes = available_fuzzers[fuzzer](nexe_elf)
cmd_arg_list = [ sel_ldr_path,
'--', path]
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_arg_list,
stdin = subprocess.PIPE, # no /dev/null on windows
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
(out_data, err_data) = p.communicate(None)
if p.returncode < 0:
if verbosity > 1:
print 'sel_ldr exited with status', p.returncode, ', output.'
print 79 * '-'
print 'standard output'
print 79 * '-'
print out_data
print 79 * '-'
print 'standard error'
print 79 * '-'
print err_data
elif verbosity > 0:
os.write(1, '*')
if (os.WTERMSIG(-p.returncode) != signal.SIGABRT or == None):
with os.fdopen(tempfile.mkstemp(dir=dest_dir)[0], 'w') as f:
# this is a one-liner alternative, relying on the dtor of
# file-like object to handle the flush/close. assumption
# here as with the 'with' statement version: write errors
# would cause an exception.
# os.fdopen(tempfile.mkstemp(dir=dest_dir)[0],
# 'w').write(fuzzed_bytes)
num_saved = num_saved + 1
progress_char = choose_progress_char(num_saved)
if dest_fatal_dir is not None:
with os.fdopen(tempfile.mkstemp(dir=dest_fatal_dir)[0], 'w') as f:
num_saved = num_saved + 1
progress_char = choose_progress_char(num_saved)
elif verbosity > 1:
print 'LOG_FATAL exit, not saving'
if iterations > 0:
iterations = iterations - 1
if verbosity > 0 and which_nexe % progress_period == 0:
os.write(1, progress_char)
which_nexe = which_nexe + 1
print 'A total of', num_saved, 'nexes caused sel_ldr to exit with a signal.'
if __name__ == '__main__':