Third-Party Dependencies

The Open Screen library includes its dependencies as DEPS in the source tree under the //third_party/ directory. They are structured as follows:

   ...other necessary adapter files...
     <library>'s source

Adding a new dependency

When adding a new dependency to the project, you should first add an entry to the DEPS file. For example, let's say we want to add a new library called alpha. Opening up DEPS, you would add

  deps = {
    'src/third_party/alpha/src': ''
        + '@' + '<revision>'

Then you need to add and README.chromium file for it under //third_party/alpha, assuming it doesn't already provide its own You will also need to provide a LICENSE for it if it does not have its own.

You will also need to add a gitmodule entry for the new dependency. Follow the Chromium instructions to synchronize gitmodules with DEPS.

Finally, add a new entry for the src directory of your dependency to the //third_party/.gitignore.

Commit all of these changes and upload the CL for review. New dependencies have impacts to binary size, code health, portability, and security so expect some discussion in the review before the new dependency is approved.

Roll a dependency to a new version

See for instructions.

Removing a dependency

See Chromium documentation for instructions.