Accessibility for Chromium Developers

Not everyone uses a computer the same way you do! If you‘re developing code for Chromium, it’s important to pay attention to *accessibility - *making sure that all users get equal access to the product, even if they have a disability or use some alternative method to access their computer.

Accessibility includes, but is not limited to:

  • Full keyboard accessibility.
  • Support for large fonts and very high zoom levels.
  • Support for screen readers for blind users.
  • Support for magnifiers for low-vision users.
  • Support for high-contrast modes for low-vision users.
  • Support for voice-control software for users who cannot type.

More information on how to ensure changes to various parts of the codebase are accessible:

Chrome OS

Test new features on Chrome OS with various accessibility support enabled - in particular, try it with spoken feedback enabled, which uses the ChromeVox screen reader.

Launch bugs

New features must go through accessibility review. When you create a meta bug (Type=Meta), you‘ll automatically get Dev-AccessibilityReview-No. Just add a comment to the bug when you believe it’s ready for review or if you have any questions about what might be needed.

Contact Us

Google-internal: use the Chrome-Accessibility Group.

Public: the Chromium-Accessibility Group is a public list for discussion of end-user Chromium accessibility issues.

Bugs: tag it with Cr-UI-Accessibility.

For gory details of how Chromium handles web content accessibility in a multi-process browser, see Accessibility Technical Documentation.