Flakiness Dashboard HOWTO

Where do I find it?


What does it help do?

  • Identify tests that are flaky on the buildbots
  • Identify incorrect (missing or extra) entries in test_expectations (tests no longer failing, or failing differently, or newly failing)
  • Compare test expectations and results across platforms, including upstream webkit.org to help you identify if you should rebaseline a test
  • Identify when a test started failing

How do I use it?

  1. Pick the test type you are interested in from the “test results” dropdown (layout_test_results, ui_tests, etc).
    • Advanced usage: append #testType=ui_tests to the url
  2. Pick the builder type. This depends on the test type. For example, for layout_tests this is the platform: Webkit, Webkit Linux, Webkit Mac10.5, Webkit (dbg)(1), etc.
    • Advanced: append #builder=Webkit%20(dbg)(1) to the url
    • For layout_test_results, you can also pick which set of bots you care about from the top-right.
      • Main builders are the WebKit bots on the main waterfall at build.chromium.org. These test Chromium at head and WebKit at the revision in DEPS with test_shell.
      • WebKit.org Canary are the WebKit bots on the fyi waterfall at build.chromium.org. These test Chromium at head and WebKit at head with test_shell.
      • Upstream are the Chromium WebKit bots at build.webkit.org. These run Chrome's layout tests with DRT --chrome instead of test_shell.
  3. Now, it depends what you want to do. Here are some examples:
    1. Identify flaky tests:

    2. This is the default behavior of the dashboard. Just load the page, and all tests listed are flaky. For each test, you can see what % of the time it fails, and a visual depiction of its pass/fail history. The runs are listed newest-->oldest from left to right.


    3. Identify incorrect entries in test_expectations:

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      1. For any given test type, click on “Show tests with wrong expectations” (or append #showWrongExpectations=true to url).
      2. Examine the “missing” or “extra” columns. The missing column contains entries that should be added to test_expectations and the extra column contains entries that should be removed from test_expectations.
      3. Make sure to look at the actual test results and history to verify that adding/removing expectations is correct. There could always be a bug in the dashboard, or something simple like a revert that the dashboard misses.
    5. Identify when a test started failing

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      1. Enter the test name in the input field (or append #tests=testname.html to url).
      2. You can hit ? to see the legend to the test results color coding.
      3. Look at the visual results. Find the leftmost green entry. The entry to the left of it will be the first time it failed. Click on that box. Here you can see the webkit revision and the chromium blamelist.
    7. Compare test expectations and results

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      1. This is where the dashboard gets really powerful! Enter a test name in the input field (or append #tests=testname.html to url).
      2. Click “Show results” (or append &showExpectations=true to url). To see bigger results click "Show large thumbnails or append &showLargeExpectations=true).
        • For the chromium bots, it shows the most recent failure for each bot for each failure type. For example, it may show a crash stack and a text diff for the same bot. That's the crash stack the last time the test crashed and the text diff the last time it failed text diff.
        • For the upstream bots, it only shows results for a single revision. It defaults to the most recent revision on each bot, but you can click on any of the colored entries and click “Show results for WebKit rXXXXX” to show results for that failure (or append #revision=XXXXX for a given WebKit revision).
      3. Here you will see
        • The test itself
        • The expected results (you can hit ? to see the fallback order for test_expectations). For each expected result, the upper right hand corner lists the platforms it is used for (MAC, LINUX, etc).
        • The last failing results for each platform, stacktraces (if they exist), diffs of expected vs actual results.

Updating test_expectations.txt

There is a mode that the flakiness dashboard can operate in that suggests changes to test_expectations.txt automatically. Users indicate which changes to include in a JSON report which can be input into a script to update test_expectations.txt.

Where is it


How do I use it

This page displays the results for a single test at a time. For each test the user has four options, presented as buttons:

include selected - Include the changes indicated by the checkboxes below in the report to be generated.

previous / next - Navigate through the list of tests determined to have incorrect expectations.

done - Generate a JSON report that specifies the changes to test_expectations.txt.

Once the JSON report is generated, copy it to a file on your local disk and run the src/webkit/tools/layout_tests/webkitpy/layout_tests/update_expectations_from_dashboard.py script on it.

Note: the script doesn't currently support adding new lines to test_expectations.txt. There is a patch out for review for this and it should be submitted soon.