Simple CI with Gerrit and CQ

Steps so far:

  1. Create new repository in Gerrit, but you already have it, don't you?

  2. Register it in luci-config - ask infra. Example:

  3. (Public repos only) Mark your repo as such:

     git checkout --orphan infra/config
     git add project.cfg && git commit -m "Mark this repo public"
     git push origin infra/config
     git checkout master  # Go back to familiar branch.
  4. Get basic setup for your Gerrit codereview patches auto-tested:

     git checkout master
     mkdir infra/config && cd infra/config

    Now customize cq.cfg and ci.cfg, and land the change.

    Note: it takes up to 40 minutes for this change to become active. So, do next step while you are waiting.

  5. Ask your Gerrit admin to:

    1. grant chrome-commit-bot group -1..+1 voting rights on refs/heads/master
    2. add a label Commit-Queue 0..1 on refs/heads/master. Setting default value 1 will trigger tests automatically on patch upload. Otherwise, developers will have to set it manually to 1, so grant them rights to do so.