blob: 284150a25c570c1b02e9077851e055f1eeafa94f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "syzygy/block_graph/analysis/liveness_analysis.h"
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#include "syzygy/assm/assembler.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/analysis/control_flow_analysis.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/analysis/liveness_analysis_internal.h"
#include "syzygy/core/disassembler_util.h"
#include "mnemonics.h" // NOLINT
namespace block_graph {
namespace analysis {
namespace {
using core::Register;
typedef BasicBlockSubGraph::BBCollection BBCollection;
typedef BasicBlock::Instructions Instructions;
typedef BasicBlock::Successors Successors;
typedef Instruction::Representation Representation;
typedef ControlFlowAnalysis::BasicBlockOrdering BasicBlockOrdering;
typedef LivenessAnalysis::State State;
typedef LivenessAnalysis::State::RegisterMask RegisterMask;
typedef LivenessAnalysis::State::FlagsMask FlagsMask;
} // namespace
: flags_(static_cast<RegisterMask>(StateHelper::REGBITS_ALL)),
registers_(static_cast<RegisterMask>(StateHelper::REGBITS_ALL)) {
State::State(const State& state) {
StateHelper::Copy(state, this);
bool State::IsLive(const Register& reg) const {
// Convert from core::Register representation of registers to the bits
// representation we use internally, by way of the Distorm _RegisterType.
RegisterMask mask = StateHelper::RegisterToRegisterMask(
return StateHelper::IsPartiallySet(*this, mask);
bool State::AreArithmeticFlagsLive() const {
return StateHelper::AreArithmeticFlagsLive(*this);
LivenessAnalysis::LivenessAnalysis() : live_in_() {
void LivenessAnalysis::GetStateAtEntryOf(const BasicBlock* bb,
State* state) const {
// This function accepts a NULL basic block and returns a safe state with all
// registers alive.
DCHECK(state != NULL);
if (bb != NULL) {
LiveMap::const_iterator look = live_in_.find(bb);
if (look != live_in_.end()) {
StateHelper::Copy(look->second, state);
void LivenessAnalysis::GetStateAtExitOf(const BasicBlock* bb,
State* state) const {
// This function accepts a NULL basic block and returns a safe state with all
// registers alive.
DCHECK(state != NULL);
// Initialize liveness information assuming all registers are alive.
const BasicCodeBlock* code = BasicCodeBlock::Cast(bb);
if (code == NULL)
const BasicBlock::Successors& successors = code->successors();
if (successors.empty())
// Merge current liveness information with every successor information.
Successors::const_iterator succ_end = successors.end();
for (Successors::const_iterator succ = successors.begin();
succ != succ_end; ++succ) {
BasicBlock* successor_basic_block = succ->reference().basic_block();
if (successor_basic_block == NULL) {
// Successor is not a BasicBlock. Assume all registers are alive.
// Merge successor state into current state.
State successor_state;
GetStateAtEntryOf(successor_basic_block, &successor_state);
StateHelper::Union(successor_state, state);
// Merge liveness information from the implicit instruction in successor.
if (StateHelper::GetUsesOf(*succ, &successor_state)) {
StateHelper::Union(successor_state, state);
} else {
void LivenessAnalysis::PropagateBackward(const Instruction& instr,
State* state) {
DCHECK(state != NULL);
// Skip 'nop' instructions. It's better to skip them (i.e. mov %eax, %eax).
if (instr.IsNop())
// Remove 'defs' from current state.
State defs;
if (StateHelper::GetDefsOf(instr, &defs))
StateHelper::Subtract(defs, state);
if (instr.IsCall() || instr.IsReturn()) {
// TODO(etienneb): Can we verify the calling convention? If so we can do
// better than SetAll here.
} else if (instr.IsBranch() ||
instr.IsInterrupt() ||
instr.IsControlFlow()) {
// Don't mess with these instructions.
// Add 'uses' of instruction to current state, or assume all alive when 'uses'
// information is not available.
State uses;
if (StateHelper::GetUsesOf(instr, &uses)) {
StateHelper::Union(uses, state);
} else {
void LivenessAnalysis::Analyze(const BasicBlockSubGraph* subgraph) {
DCHECK(subgraph != NULL);
// Produce a post-order basic blocks ordering.
const BBCollection& basic_blocks = subgraph->basic_blocks();
std::vector<const BasicCodeBlock*> order;
ControlFlowAnalysis::FlattenBasicBlocksInPostOrder(basic_blocks, &order);
// Initialize liveness information of each basic block (empty set).
BasicBlockOrdering::const_iterator fw_iter = order.begin();
for (; fw_iter != order.end(); ++fw_iter)
// Propagate liveness information until stable (fix-point). Each set may only
// grow, thus we have a halting condition.
bool changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
BasicBlockOrdering::const_iterator bb_iter = order.begin();
for (; bb_iter != order.end(); ++bb_iter) {
const BasicCodeBlock* bb = *bb_iter;
// Merge current liveness information with every successor information.
State state;
GetStateAtExitOf(bb, &state);
// Propagate liveness information backward until the basic block entry.
const Instructions& instructions = bb->instructions();
Instructions::const_reverse_iterator instr_iter = instructions.rbegin();
for (; instr_iter != instructions.rend(); ++instr_iter)
PropagateBackward(*instr_iter, &state);
// Commit liveness information to the global state.
if (StateHelper::Union(state, &live_in_[bb]))
changed = true;
RegisterMask LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::RegisterToRegisterMask(
uint8_t reg) {
LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::RegisterBits mask =
switch (reg) {
case R_AL:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_AL; break;
case R_AH:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_AH; break;
case R_AX:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_AX; break;
case R_EAX:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_EAX; break;
case R_RAX:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_RAX; break;
case R_BL:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_BL; break;
case R_BH:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_BH; break;
case R_BX:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_BX; break;
case R_EBX:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_EBX; break;
case R_RBX:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_RBX; break;
case R_CL:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_CL; break;
case R_CH:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_CH; break;
case R_CX:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_CX; break;
case R_ECX:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_ECX; break;
case R_RCX:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_RCX; break;
case R_DL:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_DL; break;
case R_DH:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_DH; break;
case R_DX:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_DX; break;
case R_EDX:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_EDX; break;
case R_RDX:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_RDX; break;
case R_SI:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_SI; break;
case R_ESI:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_ESI; break;
case R_RSI:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_RSI; break;
case R_DI:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_DI; break;
case R_EDI:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_EDI; break;
case R_RDI:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_RDI; break;
case R_SP:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_SP; break;
case R_ESP:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_ESP; break;
case R_RSP:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_RSP; break;
case R_BP:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_BP; break;
case R_EBP:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_EBP; break;
case R_RBP:
mask = LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::REGBITS_RBP; break;
// Unhandled registers are ignored.
return static_cast<RegisterMask>(mask);
void LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::Clear(State* state) {
DCHECK(state != NULL);
state->flags_ = 0;
state->registers_ = 0;
void LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::SetAll(State* state) {
DCHECK(state != NULL);
state->flags_ = static_cast<RegisterMask>(StateHelper::REGBITS_ALL);
state->registers_ = static_cast<RegisterMask>(StateHelper::REGBITS_ALL);
bool LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::AreArithmeticFlagsLive(
const State& state) {
return (state.flags_ & (D_ZF | D_SF | D_CF | D_OF | D_PF | D_AF)) != 0;
bool LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::IsSet(
const State& state, RegisterMask mask) {
return (state.registers_ & mask) == mask;
bool LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::IsPartiallySet(
const State& state, RegisterMask mask) {
return (state.registers_ & mask) != 0;
void LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::Set(RegisterMask mask, State* state) {
DCHECK(state != NULL);
state->registers_ |= mask;
void LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::SetFlags(FlagsMask mask, State* state) {
DCHECK(state != NULL);
state->flags_ |= mask;
void LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::Copy(const State& src, State* state) {
DCHECK(state != NULL);
state->flags_ = src.flags_;
state->registers_ = src.registers_;
bool LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::Union(const State& src, State* state) {
DCHECK(state != NULL);
bool changed = ((state->flags_ | src.flags_) != state->flags_) ||
((state->registers_ | src.registers_) != state->registers_);
state->flags_ |= src.flags_;
state->registers_ |= src.registers_;
return changed;
void LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::Subtract(const State& src, State* state) {
DCHECK(state != NULL);
state->flags_ &= ~(src.flags_);
state->registers_ &= ~(src.registers_);
void LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::StateDefOperand(
const _Operand& operand, State* state) {
DCHECK(state != NULL);
if (operand.type == O_REG)
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(operand.index), state);
void LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::StateUseOperand(
const Instruction& instr,
const _Operand& operand,
State* state) {
DCHECK(state != NULL);
const Representation& repr = instr.representation();
switch (operand.type) {
case O_REG:
case O_SMEM:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(operand.index), state);
case O_MEM:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(operand.index), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(repr.base), state);
void LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::StateUseOperandLHS(
const Instruction& instr,
const _Operand& operand,
State* state) {
DCHECK(state != NULL);
if (operand.type == O_REG)
StateUseOperand(instr, operand, state);
bool LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::GetDefsOf(
const Instruction& instr, State* state) {
DCHECK(state != NULL);
const Representation& repr = instr.representation();
// Get information on flags (eflags register).
SetFlags(repr.modifiedFlagsMask | repr.undefinedFlagsMask, state);
// Handle instructions with 'REP' prefix.
if ((FLAG_GET_PREFIX(repr.flags) & (FLAG_REPNZ | FLAG_REP)) != 0) {
switch (repr.opcode) {
case I_MOVS:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ECX), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ESI), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EDI), state);
return true;
case I_STOS:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ECX), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EDI), state);
return true;
default: return false;
// Get information on operand (general purpose registers).
switch (repr.opcode) {
case I_CMP:
case I_FCOM:
case I_FCOMP:
case I_FCOMPP:
case I_FCOMI:
case I_FCOMIP:
case I_FIST:
case I_FISTP:
case I_FST:
case I_FSTP:
case I_TEST:
return true;
case I_ADD:
case I_ADC:
case I_AND:
case I_DEC:
case I_INC:
case I_FADD:
case I_FADDP:
case I_FILD:
case I_FLD:
case I_FLD1:
case I_FLDZ:
case I_FMUL:
case I_FMULP:
case I_FSUB:
case I_FSUBP:
case I_LEA:
case I_MOV:
case I_MOVZX:
case I_MOVSX:
case I_NEG:
case I_NOT:
case I_OR:
case I_ROL:
case I_ROR:
case I_SAR:
case I_SBB:
case I_SETA:
case I_SETAE:
case I_SETB:
case I_SETBE:
case I_SETG:
case I_SETGE:
case I_SETL:
case I_SETLE:
case I_SETNO:
case I_SETNP:
case I_SETNS:
case I_SETNZ:
case I_SETO:
case I_SETP:
case I_SETS:
case I_SETZ:
case I_SHL:
case I_SHR:
case I_SUB:
case I_XOR:
StateDefOperand(repr.ops[0], state);
return true;
case I_POP:
case I_POPF:
StateDefOperand(repr.ops[0], state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ESP), state);
return true;
case I_CALL:
case I_PUSH:
case I_PUSHF:
case I_RET:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ESP), state);
return true;
case I_LEAVE:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EBP), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ESP), state);
return true;
case I_LAHF:
Set(REGBITS_AH, state);
return true;
case I_SAHF:
// Store register ah into flags (fix a DiStorm bug).
SetFlags(D_AF | D_CF | D_PF | D_SF| D_ZF, state);
return true;
case I_MOVS:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ESI), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EDI), state);
return true;
case I_STOS:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EDI), state);
return true;
case I_CWD:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EAX), state);
return true;
case I_CDQ:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EAX), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EDX), state);
return true;
case I_MUL:
case I_IMUL:
if (repr.ops[1].type == O_NONE) {
// Destination is implicit.
switch (repr.ops[0].size) {
case 8:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_AX), state);
return true;
case 16:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_AX), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_DX), state);
return true;
case 32:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EAX), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EDX), state);
return true;
} else {
// Destination is explicit.
DCHECK_EQ(repr.opcode, I_IMUL);
StateDefOperand(repr.ops[0], state);
return false;
return false;
bool LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::GetUsesOf(
const Instruction& instr, State* state) {
DCHECK(state != NULL);
const Representation& repr = instr.representation();
// Get information on flags (eflags register).
SetFlags(repr.testedFlagsMask, state);
// Handle a special case: xor-initialization (i.e. xor eax, eax).
if (repr.opcode == I_XOR &&
repr.ops[0].type == O_REG &&
repr.ops[1].type == O_REG &&
repr.ops[0].index == repr.ops[1].index) {
// We can assume no uses.
return true;
// Handle instructions with 'REP' prefix.
if ((FLAG_GET_PREFIX(repr.flags) & (FLAG_REPNZ | FLAG_REP)) != 0) {
switch (repr.opcode) {
case I_MOVS:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ECX), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ESI), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EDI), state);
return true;
case I_STOS:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EAX), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ECX), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EDI), state);
return true;
default: return false;
// Get information on operand (general purpose registers).
switch (repr.opcode) {
case I_ADD:
case I_ADC:
case I_AND:
case I_CMP:
case I_FADD:
case I_FADDP:
case I_FCOM:
case I_FCOMP:
case I_FCOMPP:
case I_FCOMI:
case I_FCOMIP:
case I_FICOM:
case I_FICOMP:
case I_FILD:
case I_FIST:
case I_FISTP:
case I_FLD:
case I_FLD1:
case I_FLDZ:
case I_FMUL:
case I_FMULP:
case I_FST:
case I_FSTP:
case I_FSUB:
case I_FSUBP:
case I_DEC:
case I_INC:
case I_NEG:
case I_NOT:
case I_ROL:
case I_ROR:
case I_OR:
case I_SBB:
case I_SAR:
case I_SHL:
case I_SHR:
case I_SUB:
case I_TEST:
case I_XOR:
StateUseOperand(instr, repr.ops[0], state);
StateUseOperand(instr, repr.ops[1], state);
return true;
case I_SETA:
case I_SETAE:
case I_SETB:
case I_SETBE:
case I_SETG:
case I_SETGE:
case I_SETL:
case I_SETLE:
case I_SETNO:
case I_SETNP:
case I_SETNS:
case I_SETNZ:
case I_SETO:
case I_SETP:
case I_SETS:
case I_SETZ:
return true;
case I_LEA:
case I_MOV:
case I_MOVZX:
case I_MOVSX:
StateUseOperandLHS(instr, repr.ops[0], state);
StateUseOperand(instr, repr.ops[1], state);
return true;
case I_PUSHF:
SetFlags(static_cast<FlagsMask>(REGBITS_ALL), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ESP), state);
return true;
case I_LAHF:
SetFlags(D_AF | D_CF | D_PF | D_SF| D_ZF, state);
return true;
case I_SAHF:
Set(REGBITS_AH, state);
return true;
case I_POP:
case I_POPF:
StateUseOperandLHS(instr, repr.ops[0], state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ESP), state);
return true;
case I_CALL:
case I_PUSH:
case I_RET:
StateUseOperand(instr, repr.ops[0], state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ESP), state);
return true;
case I_LEAVE:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EBP), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ESP), state);
return true;
case I_MOVS:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_ESI), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EDI), state);
return true;
case I_STOS:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EAX), state);
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EDI), state);
return true;
case I_CWD:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_AX), state);
return true;
case I_CDQ:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EAX), state);
return true;
case I_MUL:
case I_IMUL:
StateUseOperand(instr, repr.ops[0], state);
StateUseOperand(instr, repr.ops[1], state);
StateUseOperand(instr, repr.ops[2], state);
if (repr.ops[1].type == O_NONE) {
// The second operand is implicit.
switch (repr.ops[0].size) {
case 8:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_AL), state);
case 16:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_AX), state);
case 32:
Set(RegisterToRegisterMask(R_EAX), state);
return false;
return true;
return false;
bool LivenessAnalysis::StateHelper::GetUsesOf(
const Successor& successor, State* state) {
DCHECK(state != NULL);
switch (successor.condition()) {
case Successor::kConditionAbove:
case Successor::kConditionBelowOrEqual:
SetFlags(D_CF | D_ZF, state);
return true;
case Successor::kConditionBelow:
case Successor::kConditionAboveOrEqual:
SetFlags(D_CF, state);
return true;
case Successor::kConditionEqual:
case Successor::kConditionNotEqual:
SetFlags(D_ZF, state);
return true;
case Successor::kConditionGreater:
case Successor::kConditionLessOrEqual:
SetFlags(D_ZF | D_SF | D_OF, state);
return true;
case Successor::kConditionLess:
case Successor::kConditionGreaterOrEqual:
SetFlags(D_SF | D_OF, state);
return true;
case Successor::kConditionOverflow:
case Successor::kConditionNotOverflow:
SetFlags(D_OF, state);
return true;
case Successor::kConditionParity:
case Successor::kConditionNotParity:
SetFlags(D_PF, state);
return true;
case Successor::kConditionSigned:
case Successor::kConditionNotSigned:
SetFlags(D_SF, state);
return true;
case Successor::kConditionTrue:
return true;
return false;
} // namespace analysis
} // namespace block_graph