blob: 73e266cfababa3176570e8d44d9e353e5a0c5aa4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script generates wrappers around record types from CVInfo.h. The
# description of the records is loaded from given json file. Example of a valid
# .json file:
# {
# // List of all the structs that will be generated.
# "structs": [
# {
# // Name of the generated struct.
# "name": "LeafClass",
# // Optional entry with the name of the struct from CVInfo.h header
# // which this struct encapsulates.
# "original_name": "LeafClass",
# // Optional entry with the name of the first field that can't directly
# // be parsed by direct byte coercion (ie: variable length fields,
# // optional fields, etc). All bytes up to this field will be read
# // directly from the stream as one piece. If this is not specified then
# // the entire struct will be read in one piece. This should not be
# // specified unless "extra_fields" are present.
# "first_extra_field": "data",
# // Optional entry describing the additional fields.
# "extra_fields": [
# {
# // Name of the additional field.
# "name": "size",
# // Reference to the type dictionary.
# "type_name": "UnsignedNumeric"
# // Optional entry with C++ declaration that can be coerced to a
# // bool. The field gets populated only when the result is true.
# // This entry can also contain newline character if the condition
# // is too long.
# "condition': "property().fwdref != 0"
# }
# ],
# // Optional entry describing the fields that will get retyped.
# "retyped_fields": [
# {
# // Name of the field in the CVInfo.h struct.
# "name": "property",
# // The new type of this field.
# "type": "LeafPropertyField"
# }
# ]
# }
# ],
# // List of all the types used for extra fields.
# "types": {
# // Keys are referenced from the struct entries.
# "UnsignedNumeric": {
# // Name of function with the signature bool(common::BinaryStreamParser*, type*) which
# // populates object of the given type from the common::BinaryStreamParser.
# "parser": "ReadUnsignedNumeric",
# // Optional entry containing True if type can be returned by value.
# "ret_by_value": "True",
# // Actual type of this value.
# "type": "uint64_t"
# }
# }
# }
import datetime
import json
import os.path
import string
from optparse import OptionParser
_LICENSE = """\
// Copyright {year} Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file is generated by {basename}, DO NOT MODIFY.
_HEADER_H = """\
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "syzygy/common/binary_stream.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_stream_record.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/cvinfo_ext.h"
namespace pdb {{
_HEADER_CC = """\
#include "syzygy/pdb/gen/pdb_type_info_records.h"
namespace pdb {{
_FOOTER_H = """\
}} // namespace pdb
_FOOTER_CC = """\
}} // namespace pdb
class {name} {{
// @name Accessors.
// @{{
const {cci}::{original_name}& body() const {{ return body_; }}
const {type}& {name}() const {{ return {name}_; }}
{type} {name}() const {{ return {name}_; }}
{type} {name}() const {{ return {{body_.{name}}}; }}
// @}}
bool has_{name}() const {{
return ({condition_indented});
{type} {name}_;
// Initializes the class from the given pdb stream.
// @param stream pointer to the pdb stream.
// @returns true on success, false on failure.
bool Initialize(common::BinaryStreamParser* stream);
// The struct from CVInfo.h which represents this record.
{cci}::{original_name} body_;
// Additional fields parsed from the pdb stream.
_OFFSET_OF = """\
offsetof({cci}::{original_name}, \
_SIZE_OF = """\
{name}::{name}() : """
bool {name}::Initialize(common::BinaryStreamParser* stream) {{
size_t to_read = {bytes_to_read}
if (!stream->ReadBytes(to_read, &body_))
return false;
if (({condition_indented}) &&
!{parser}(stream, &{name}_)) {{
return false;
_INIT_FIELD = """\
if (!{parser}(stream, &{name}_))
return false;
return true;
'cci': 'Microsoft_Cci_Pdb',
'basename': os.path.basename(__file__)
"parser": "ReadBasicType",
"ret_by_value": "True"
def _Substitute(str, **more):
"""Substitutes both the common and specific strings."""
subst = _COMMON_SUBSTITUTES.copy()
str = str.format(**subst);
return str
def _IncreaseIndent(field, indent):
"""Increases indent of each new line in the given string."""
return field.replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * indent)
def _GenerateClass(pdb_class):
"""Generates the class definition string."""
code = _Substitute(_CLASS_HEADER, **pdb_class)
for field in pdb_class.get('extra_fields', []):
if field.get('ret_by_value') == 'True':
code += _Substitute(_GETTER_VAL_DECL_IMPL, **field)
code += _Substitute(_GETTER_REF_DECL_IMPL, **field)
for field in pdb_class.get('retyped_fields', []):
code += _Substitute(_RETYPE_DECL_IMPL, **field)
code += _Substitute(_ACCESSORS_END)
for field in pdb_class.get('extra_fields', []):
if 'condition' in field:
field['condition_indented'] = _IncreaseIndent(field['condition'], 11)
code += _Substitute(_CONDITION_DECL_IMPL, **field)
code += _Substitute(_CLASS_MIDDLE, **pdb_class)
if pdb_class.get('extra_fields', []):
code += _Substitute(_EXTRA_FIELDS_DESCRIPTION)
for field in pdb_class.get('extra_fields', []):
code += _Substitute(_MEMBER_DECL, **field)
code += _Substitute(_CLASS_FOOTER, **pdb_class)
return code
def _GenerateInit(pdb_class):
"""Generates the Initialize definition."""
size = _OFFSET_OF if 'first_extra_field' in pdb_class else _SIZE_OF
pdb_class['bytes_to_read'] = _Substitute(size, **pdb_class)
code = _Substitute(_INIT_HEADER, **pdb_class)
indent = len(code)
initializers = ['body_{}']
for field in pdb_class.get('extra_fields', []):
initializers.append(' '*indent + field['name'] + '_{}')
code += ',\n'.join(initializers)
code += _Substitute(_INIT_MIDDLE, **pdb_class)
for field in pdb_class.get('extra_fields', []):
if 'condition' in field:
field['condition_indented'] = _IncreaseIndent(field['condition'], 6)
code += _Substitute(_INIT_CONDITION, **field)
code += _Substitute(_INIT_FIELD, **field)
code += _Substitute(_INIT_FOOTER, **pdb_class)
return code
def _GenerateHeaderFile(data):
"""Generate the whole header file in a string."""
code = _Substitute(_LICENSE)
code += _Substitute(_HEADER_H)
for pdb_class in data:
code += _GenerateClass(pdb_class);
code += _Substitute(_FOOTER_H)
return code
def _GenerateCcFile(data):
"""Generate the whole cc file in a string."""
code = _Substitute(_LICENSE)
code += _Substitute(_HEADER_CC)
for pdb_class in data:
code += _GenerateInit(pdb_class)
code += _Substitute(_FOOTER_CC)
return code
def _WriteFile(file_name, contents):
"""Write given string to a given file path."""
dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
with open(os.path.join(dir, file_name), 'wb') as f:
_USAGE = """\
%prog [file to process]
Generate wrappers around CVInfo structs as described in the given json file."""
def ascii_encode_dict(data):
"""Encodes dict keywords to regular strings. Needed because of bug in Python
2.6 which causes fail when passing unicode keyword to _Substitute()."""
ascii_encode = lambda x: x.encode('ascii') if isinstance(x, unicode) else x
return dict(map(ascii_encode, pair) for pair in data.items())
def _FillFields(pdb_class, types_definition):
"""Adds type information to fields of a struct."""
pdb_class.setdefault('original_name', pdb_class['name'])
for field in pdb_class.get('extra_fields', []):
if field['type_name'] in types_definition:
default_definition = _DEFAULT_TYPE.copy()
default_definition.setdefault('type', field['type_name'])
return pdb_class
def _CompleteTypes(pdb_structs, types_definition):
"""Adds types information of fields to each struct"""
return [_FillFields(struct, types_definition) for struct in pdb_structs]
def main():
parser = OptionParser(usage=_USAGE)
(options, input_files) = parser.parse_args()
# The first argument might be the current script name, remove it and make sure
# that there's at least one input file.
if __file__ in input_files:
if len(input_files) != 1:
parser.error('You must specify exactly one input file.')
with open(input_files[0]) as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file, object_hook=ascii_encode_dict)
pdb_structs =_CompleteTypes(data['structs'], data['types'])
header_file = _GenerateHeaderFile(pdb_structs)
cc_file = _GenerateCcFile(pdb_structs)
file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_files[0]))[0]
_WriteFile('gen\\pdb_' + file_name + '.h', header_file)
_WriteFile('gen\\pdb_' + file_name + '.cc', cc_file)
if __name__ == '__main__':