blob: 057f21e2e98f481c5fa7bb8f5d20848cd2041d5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Declares the decomposer, which decomposes a PE file into an ImageLayout and
// its corresponding BlockGraph.
#include <windows.h> // NOLINT
#include <dia2.h>
#include <vector>
#include "syzygy/common/binary_stream.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_file.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_stream.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/dia_browser.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/image_layout.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_file.h"
namespace pe {
// Forward declaration of a helper class where we hide our implementation
// details.
class DecomposerImpl;
class Decomposer {
struct IntermediateReference;
typedef std::vector<IntermediateReference> IntermediateReferences;
// The separator that is used between the multiple symbol names that can be
// associated with a single label.
static const char kLabelNameSep[];
// Initialize the decomposer for a given image file.
// @param image_file the image file to decompose. This must outlive the
// instance of the decomposer.
explicit Decomposer(const PEFile& image_file);
// Decomposes the image file into a BlockGraph and an ImageLayout, which
// have the breakdown of code and data blocks with typed references and
// information on where the blocks resided in the original image,
// respectively.
// @returns true on success, false on failure.
bool Decompose(ImageLayout* image_layout);
// @name Mutators.
// @{
// Sets the PDB path to be used. If this is not called it will be inferred
// using the information in the module, and searched for using the OS
// search functionality.
// @param pdb_path the path to the PDB file to be used in decomposing the
// image.
void set_pdb_path(const base::FilePath& pdb_path) { pdb_path_ = pdb_path; }
// @}
// @name Accessors
// @{
// Accessor to the PDB path. If Decompose has been called successfully this
// will reflect the path of the PDB file that was used to perform the
// decomposition.
// @returns the PDB path.
const base::FilePath& pdb_path() const { return pdb_path_; }
// @}
typedef block_graph::BlockGraph BlockGraph;
typedef core::RelativeAddress RelativeAddress;
// Searches for (if necessary) the PDB file to be used in the decomposition,
// and validates that the file exists and matches the module.
bool FindAndValidatePdbPath();
// @name Used for round-trip decomposition when a serialized block graph is
// in the PDB. Exposed here for unittesting.
// @{
static bool LoadBlockGraphFromPdbStream(const PEFile& image_file,
pdb::PdbStream* block_graph_stream,
ImageLayout* image_layout);
static bool LoadBlockGraphFromPdb(const base::FilePath& pdb_path,
const PEFile& image_file,
ImageLayout* image_layout,
bool* stream_exists);
// @}
// @name Decomposition steps, in order.
// @{
// Performs the actual decomposition.
bool DecomposeImpl();
// Parses PE-related blocks and references.
bool CreatePEImageBlocksAndReferences(IntermediateReferences* references);
// Creates blocks from the COFF group symbols in the linker symbol stream.
bool CreateBlocksFromCoffGroups();
// Processes the SectionContribution table, creating code/data blocks from it.
bool CreateBlocksFromSectionContribs(IDiaSession* session);
// Processes the Compiland table and finds cold blocks.
bool FindColdBlocksFromCompilands(IDiaSession* session);
// Creates gap blocks to flesh out the image. After this has been run all
// references should be resolvable.
bool CreateGapBlocks();
// Finalizes the given vector of intermediate references.
bool FinalizeIntermediateReferences(const IntermediateReferences& references);
// Creates inter-block references from fixups.
bool CreateReferencesFromFixups(IDiaSession* session);
// Processes symbols from the PDB, setting block names and labels. This
// step is purely optional and only necessary to provide debug information.
// This adds names to blocks, adds code labels and their names, and adds
// more informative names to data labels.
bool ProcessSymbols(IDiaSymbol* root);
// @}
// @{
// @name Callbacks and context structures used by the COFF group parsing
// mechanism.
struct VisitLinkerSymbolContext;
bool VisitLinkerSymbol(VisitLinkerSymbolContext* context,
uint16_t symbol_length,
uint16_t symbol_type,
common::BinaryStreamReader* reader);
// @}
// @{
// @name Callbacks used when parsing DIA symbols. Symbols only need to be
// parsed for debug information and can be completely ignored otherwise.
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective OnPushFunctionOrThunkSymbol(
const DiaBrowser& dia_browser,
const DiaBrowser::SymTagVector& sym_tags,
const DiaBrowser::SymbolPtrVector& symbols);
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective OnPopFunctionOrThunkSymbol(
const DiaBrowser& dia_browser,
const DiaBrowser::SymTagVector& sym_tags,
const DiaBrowser::SymbolPtrVector& symbols);
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective OnFunctionChildSymbol(
const DiaBrowser& dia_browser,
const DiaBrowser::SymTagVector& sym_tags,
const DiaBrowser::SymbolPtrVector& symbols);
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective OnDataSymbol(
const DiaBrowser& dia_browser,
const DiaBrowser::SymTagVector& sym_tags,
const DiaBrowser::SymbolPtrVector& symbols);
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective OnPublicSymbol(
const DiaBrowser& dia_browser,
const DiaBrowser::SymTagVector& sym_tags,
const DiaBrowser::SymbolPtrVector& symbols);
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective OnLabelSymbol(
const DiaBrowser& dia_browser,
const DiaBrowser::SymTagVector& sym_tags,
const DiaBrowser::SymbolPtrVector& symbols);
// @}
// @name These are called within the scope of OnFunctionChildSymbol, during
// which current_block_ is always set.
// @{
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective OnScopeSymbol(enum SymTagEnum type,
DiaBrowser::SymbolPtr symbol);
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective OnCallSiteSymbol(DiaBrowser::SymbolPtr symbol);
// @}
// @name Block creation members.
// @{
// Creates a new block with the given properties, and attaches the
// data to it. This assumes that no conflicting block exists.
BlockGraph::Block* CreateBlock(BlockGraph::BlockType type,
RelativeAddress address,
BlockGraph::Size size,
const base::StringPiece& name);
// Creates a new block with the given properties, or finds an existing PE
// parsed block that subsumes it.
BlockGraph::Block* CreateBlockOrFindCoveringPeBlock(
BlockGraph::BlockType type,
RelativeAddress address,
BlockGraph::Size size,
const base::StringPiece& name);
// Creates a gap block of type @p block_type for the given range. For use by
// CreateSectionGapBlocks.
bool CreateGapBlock(BlockGraph::BlockType block_type,
RelativeAddress address,
BlockGraph::Size size);
// Create blocks of type @p block_type for any gaps in the image
// section represented by @p header.
bool CreateSectionGapBlocks(const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* header,
BlockGraph::BlockType block_type);
// @}
// The PEFile that is being decomposed.
const PEFile& image_file_;
// The path to corresponding PDB file.
base::FilePath pdb_path_;
// @name Temporaries that are only valid while inside DecomposeImpl.
// Prevents us from having to pass these around everywhere.
// @{
// The image layout we're building.
ImageLayout* image_layout_;
// The image address space we're decomposing to.
BlockGraph::AddressSpace* image_;
// @}
// Data structures holding the relation between functions and their cold
// blocks outside of the function address space.
// @{
typedef std::map<core::RelativeAddress, BlockGraph::Block*> ColdBlocks;
typedef std::map<BlockGraph::Block*, ColdBlocks> ColdBlocksMap;
typedef std::map<BlockGraph::Block*, BlockGraph::Block*> ColdBlocksParent;
ColdBlocksMap cold_blocks_;
ColdBlocksParent cold_blocks_parent_;
// @}
// @name Temporaries that are only valid while in DiaBrowser.
// @{
BlockGraph::Block* current_block_;
RelativeAddress current_address_;
size_t current_scope_count_;
// @}
} // namespace pe