blob: 50786298b5b09ccc85dcb87cd37a0da26e3a475c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Template implementation of common definitions and helper routines
// for reading both PE and COFF file formats.
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/block_graph.h"
namespace pe {
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
bool PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::Init(const base::FilePath& path) {
path_ = path;
// ReadFileToString doesn't like relative paths.
if (!base::ReadFileToString(base::MakeAbsoluteFilePath(path), &image_data_))
return false;
parser_.SetData(image_data_.c_str(), image_data_.size());
return true;
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
bool PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::Contains(AddressType addr,
SizeType len) const {
const ImageAddressSpace::Range range(addr, len);
return address_space_.FindContaining(range) != address_space_.ranges().end();
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
size_t PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::GetSectionIndex(AddressType addr,
SizeType len) const {
const ImageAddressSpace::Range range(addr, len);
ImageAddressSpace::RangeMap::const_iterator it =
if (it == address_space_.ranges().end())
return kInvalidSection;
return it->;
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::GetSectionHeader(
AddressType addr, SizeType len) const {
size_t id = GetSectionIndex(addr, len);
if (id == kInvalidSection)
return nullptr;
DCHECK_LT(id, file_header_->NumberOfSections);
return section_headers_ + id;
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
std::string PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::GetSectionName(
const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER& section) {
const char* name = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(section.Name);
return std::string(name, strnlen(name, arraysize(section.Name)));
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
std::string PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::GetSectionName(
size_t section_index) const {
DCHECK_LT(section_index, file_header_->NumberOfSections);
const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* section = section_headers_ + section_index;
return GetSectionName(*section);
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
bool PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::ReadCommonHeaders(
FileOffsetAddress file_header_start) {
// Test for unsupported object files.
const uint16_t* obj_sig = nullptr;
if (!parser_.GetCountAt(0, 2, &obj_sig))
return false;
if (obj_sig[0] == 0 && obj_sig[1] == 0xFFFF) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported anonymous object file.";
return false;
// Read the COFF file header.
if (!parser_.GetAt(file_header_start.value(), &file_header_))
return false;
// Compute size of all headers, from the beginning of the file to
// the end of the section table.
FileOffsetAddress opt_header_start(file_header_start.value() +
FileOffsetAddress section_table_start(opt_header_start +
SizeType section_table_size(file_header_->NumberOfSections *
FileOffsetAddress header_end(section_table_start + section_table_size);
// Read the section headers.
if (!parser_.GetCountAt(section_table_start.value(),
&section_headers_)) {
return false;
SizeType header_size = header_end.value();
if (file_header_->SizeOfOptionalHeader != 0) {
const IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER* opt_header = nullptr;
if (!parser_.GetAt(opt_header_start.value(), &opt_header))
return false;
// In a sane world the stated header size will match that manually
// calculated by walking the headers and aligning up by the file alignment.
// However, this is not necessary for the PE file to be valid, and there may
// be a gap between the two.
header_size = opt_header->SizeOfHeaders;
// We now know how large the headers are, so create a range for them.
ImageAddressSpace::Range header_range(header_address(), header_size);
if (!InsertSection(kInvalidSection, FileOffsetAddress(0), header_size,
header_range)) {
return false;
return true;
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
bool PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::ReadSections() {
DCHECK(file_header_ != nullptr);
DCHECK(section_headers_ != nullptr);
size_t num_sections = file_header_->NumberOfSections;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_sections; ++i) {
const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* hdr = section_headers_ + i;
// Construct address in the new address space; FromSectionHeader()
// returns header_address() if unmapped.
AddressType addr = AddressSpaceTraits::GetSectionAddress(*hdr);
// Ignore unmapped sections, as those, by definition, have no
// address to map to within our address space. They need to be
// handled separately during decomposition.
if (addr == AddressSpaceTraits::invalid_address())
// Empty sections are ignored at this level of the parsing.
size_t section_size = AddressSpaceTraits::GetSectionSize(*hdr);
if (section_size == 0)
// Insert the range for the new section.
ImageAddressSpace::Range section_range(addr, section_size);
FileOffsetAddress off(hdr->PointerToRawData);
if (!InsertSection(i, off, hdr->SizeOfRawData, section_range)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to insert range for section " << hdr->Name << ".";
return false;
return true;
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
bool PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::InsertSection(
size_t id,
FileOffsetAddress start,
size_t size,
const typename ImageAddressSpace::Range& range) {
const void* section_data = nullptr;
if (!parser_.GetAt(start.value(), size, &section_data))
return false;
SectionInfo section_info(id, section_data, size);
ImageAddressSpace::RangeMap::iterator it;
bool inserted = address_space_.Insert(range, section_info, &it);
if (!inserted) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create new range in address space.";
return false;
return true;
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
bool PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::ReadAt(size_t offset,
void* destination,
size_t size) const {
// TODO(chrisha): Use BinaryBufferParser::CopyAt when that's available.
const void* data = nullptr;
if (!parser_.GetAt(offset, size, &data))
return false;
::memcpy(destination, data, size);
return true;
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
const uint8_t* PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::GetImageData(
AddressType addr,
SizeType len) const {
ImageAddressSpace::Range range(addr, len);
ImageAddressSpace::RangeMap::const_iterator it(
if (it == address_space_.ranges().end())
return nullptr;
ptrdiff_t offs = addr - it->first.start();
DCHECK_GE(offs, 0);
const uint8_t* data = nullptr;
if (!it->second.parser.GetCountAt(offs, len, &data))
return nullptr;
return data;
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
uint8_t* PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::GetImageData(AddressType addr,
SizeType len) {
return const_cast<uint8_t*>(
static_cast<const PECoffFile*>(this)->GetImageData(addr, len));
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
template <typename ItemType>
bool PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::GetImageData(
AddressType addr, SizeType len, const ItemType** item_ptr) const {
const uint8_t* ptr = GetImageData(addr, len);
if (ptr == nullptr)
return false;
*item_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const ItemType*>(ptr);
return true;
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
template <typename ItemType>
bool PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::GetImageData(
AddressType addr, SizeType len, ItemType** item_ptr) {
uint8_t* ptr = GetImageData(addr, len);
if (ptr == nullptr)
return false;
*item_ptr = reinterpret_cast<ItemType*>(ptr);
return true;
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
bool PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::ReadImage(AddressType addr,
void* data, SizeType len) const {
DCHECK(data != nullptr);
// TODO(chrisha): Make this use BinaryBufferParser::CopyAt when it's ready.
const uint8_t* buf = GetImageData(addr, len);
if (buf == nullptr)
return false;
::memcpy(data, buf, len);
return true;
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
bool PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::ReadImageString(AddressType addr,
std::string* str) const {
DCHECK(file_header_ != nullptr);
// Locate the range that contains the first byte of the string.
ImageAddressSpace::Range range(addr, 1);
ImageAddressSpace::RangeMap::const_iterator it(
if (it == address_space_.ranges().end())
return false;
ptrdiff_t offs = addr - it->first.start();
DCHECK_GE(offs, 0);
size_t length = 0;
const char* data = nullptr;
if (!it->second.parser.GetStringAt(offs, &data, &length))
return false;
str->assign(data, length);
return true;
template <typename AddressSpaceTraits>
const uint8_t* PECoffFile<AddressSpaceTraits>::GetImageDataByFileOffset(
FileOffsetAddress addr,
SizeType len) const {
const uint8_t* data = nullptr;
if (!parser_.GetCountAt(addr.value(), len, &data))
return nullptr;
return data;
} // namespace pe