blob: 9a44a4b569a2b2801d2cf972e92f80f20a9a4778 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Declares an interface for recording events, which can be played by a
// story teller in an arbitrary order, and during which stats can be
// collected for user analysis.
#include <memory>
#include "syzygy/core/serialization.h"
namespace bard {
// Interface for storing and playing events.
class EventInterface {
// Enum of all non-abstract classes that extend the EventInterface.
// New events should only be added at the end of the Enum (but before
// kMaxEventType), to maintain backwards compatibility for
// serialization/deserialization.
enum EventType {
kLinkedEvent = 0,
// Memory-profiling related events.
kHeapAllocEvent = 1,
kHeapCreateEvent = 2,
kHeapDestroyEvent = 3,
kHeapFreeEvent = 4,
kHeapReAllocEvent = 5,
kHeapSetInformationEvent = 6,
kHeapSizeEvent = 7,
// New events must be added strictly to the end in order for serialization
// to maintain backwards compatibility.
// This must come last.
virtual ~EventInterface() { }
// This event's EventType.
// @returns the EventType enum representing this event.
virtual EventType type() const = 0;
// Plays the recorded function call, possibly modifying the current
// backdrop.
// @note The backdrop is a piece of user data, specific to a set of
// events, whose exact type is dictated by convention.
// @param backdrop the backdrop.
// @returns true if Play succeeds without any problems, false otherwise.
virtual bool Play(void* backdrop) = 0;
// Equality comparator.
virtual bool Equals(const EventInterface* rhs) const = 0;
// NOTE: Every non-abstract class that extends Event should
// also implement the following functions:
// Serialize an Event in an OutArchive.
// @param event a ponter to the event to be serialized.
// @param out_archive where to serialize the event.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
// static bool Save(const EventInterface* const event,
// core::OutArchive* out_archive);
// Deserialize an event from an InArchive.
// @param in_archive from where to deserialize this event.
// @returns a scoped__ptr to the newly created event on success,
// an nullptr std::unique_ptr otherwise.
// static std::unique_ptr<DerivedEvent> Load(core::InArchive* in_archive);
// NOTE: A DerivedEvent event should NOT save its own type in the Save method.
// That should be done by a root serialization, which will need to read the
// type to call the appropriate static save method from the appropriate class.
// Serialization of an event. These will automatically dispatch to the
// appropriately typed serialization mechanism.
static bool Save(const EventInterface* event, core::OutArchive* out_archive);
static std::unique_ptr<EventInterface> Load(core::InArchive* in_archive);
} // namespace bard