blob: 212effc93407c3ff46319229bfbbb996673794a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "syzygy/instrument/transforms/entry_call_transform.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/basic_block_assembler.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/block_builder.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/block_util.h"
#include "syzygy/common/defs.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_utils.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/transforms/pe_add_imports_transform.h"
namespace instrument {
namespace transforms {
const char EntryCallBasicBlockTransform::kTransformName[] =
const char EntryCallTransform::kTransformName[] =
const char EntryCallTransform::kEntryHookName[] = "_indirect_penter";
const char EntryCallTransform::kDllMainEntryHookName[] =
const char EntryCallTransform::kExeMainEntryHookName[] =
const char EntryCallTransform::kDefaultInstrumentDll[] =
const BlockGraph::Reference& hook_reference, bool debug_friendly)
: hook_reference_(hook_reference), debug_friendly_(debug_friendly) {
bool EntryCallBasicBlockTransform::TransformBasicBlockSubGraph(
const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BasicBlockSubGraph* basic_block_subgraph) {
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<TransformPolicyInterface*>(NULL), policy);
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<BlockGraph*>(NULL), block_graph);
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<BasicBlockSubGraph*>(NULL), basic_block_subgraph);
using block_graph::BasicCodeBlock;
typedef block_graph::BasicBlockSubGraph::BBCollection BBCollection;
// We expect to be looking into a newly-decomposed basic block graph, with
// precisely one block description for the originating block.
DCHECK_EQ(1U, basic_block_subgraph->block_descriptions().size());
BasicBlockSubGraph::BasicBlockOrdering& bb_order =
// An empty BB ordering is nonsensical.
DCHECK_NE(0U, bb_order.size());
// Cast the first block to a code block - this should always succeed
// for code coming from MSVC, but we do a runtime check for proper
// belt-and-suspenders.
BasicCodeBlock* bb = BasicCodeBlock::Cast(bb_order.front());
if (bb == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No code at the head of function \""
<< basic_block_subgraph->original_block()->name()
<< "\"";
return false;
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<BasicCodeBlock*>(NULL), bb);
DCHECK_EQ(0, bb->offset());
// Create a new basic block for the entry hook.
BasicCodeBlock* entry_hook =
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<BasicCodeBlock*>(NULL), entry_hook);
// Add a call instruction to the new block.
using block_graph::BasicBlockAssembler;
using block_graph::Operand;
using block_graph::Displacement;
block_graph::BasicBlockAssembler assm(entry_hook->instructions().begin(),
// In debug friendly mode we assign the previously first instruction's
// address to the inserted call.
if (debug_friendly_) {
if (bb->instructions().size() != 0) {
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Function \""
<< basic_block_subgraph->original_block()->name()
<< "\" starts with an empty basic block. "
<< "Not inserting a source range for it.";
// Put the new BB at the top of the function.
// Nominate the original entry point BB as successor for the new block.
using block_graph::Successor;
using block_graph::BasicBlockReference;
BasicBlockReference(BlockGraph::PC_RELATIVE_REF, 4, bb),
// Transfer the external referrers from the old head of function to the
// entry hook.
// Now run through the code BBs in the function, and re-route any refs to the
// former head of function to the entry hook. The point of this is to route
// explicit self-recursion or self-references through the entry hook, while
// leaving loops alone.
// Loops will be implemented as either explicit control flow in successors,
// or else may involve computed jumps through data "BBs", and by diverting
// only instructions, we're sure to not divert loops through the entry hook.
// Note that this is not comprehensive, as it's in general impossible to
// distinguish tail recursion elimination from a loop at the semantic
// level of instructions.
// We choose to err on the side of performance and robustness, as
// mis-instrumenting a loop will result in pushing the profiler's shadow
// stack for every loop iteration, and then popping it as many times on exit.
// This will lead to poor performance at best, but may also cause the
// shadow stack to blow up in the extreme.
BasicBlockSubGraph::BasicBlockOrdering::iterator bb_iter = bb_order.begin();
// Walk past the entry hook BB.
DCHECK_EQ(entry_hook, *bb_iter);
// Walk through all the BBs (in order).
for (; bb_iter != bb_order.end(); ++bb_iter) {
BasicCodeBlock* curr_block = BasicCodeBlock::Cast(*bb_iter);
if (curr_block != NULL) {
BasicCodeBlock::Instructions& instr = curr_block->instructions();
BasicCodeBlock::Instructions::iterator inst_it(instr.begin());
// Walk through instructions for each code block.
for (; inst_it != instr.end(); ++inst_it) {
// For each instruction, walk through refrences.
for (; ref_it != refs.end(); ++ref_it) {
BasicBlockReference& ref(ref_it->second);
if (ref.basic_block() == bb) {
// And if the reference pointed to bb, redirect it to entry_hook.
ref = BasicBlockReference(ref.reference_type(),
return true;
EntryCallTransform::EntryCallTransform(bool debug_friendly)
: instrument_dll_name_(kDefaultInstrumentDll),
debug_friendly_(debug_friendly) {
bool EntryCallTransform::PreBlockGraphIteration(
const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* header_block) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<TransformPolicyInterface*>(NULL), policy);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph*>(NULL), block_graph);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::Block*>(NULL), header_block);
DCHECK_EQ(BlockGraph::PE_IMAGE, block_graph->image_format());
if (!GetEntryPoints(header_block))
return false;
using pe::transforms::ImportedModule;
ImportedModule import_module(instrument_dll_name_);
// We import the minimal set of symbols necessary, depending on the types of
// entry points we find in the module. We maintain a list of symbol indices/
// reference pointers, which will be traversed after the import to populate
// the references.
typedef std::pair<size_t, BlockGraph::Reference*> ImportHook;
std::vector<ImportHook> import_hooks;
// If there are any DllMain-like entry points (TLS initializers or DllMain
// itself) then we need the DllMain entry hook.
if (dllmain_entrypoints_.size() > 0) {
// If this was an EXE then we need the EXE entry hook.
if (exe_entry_point_.first != NULL) {
// Nothing to do if we don't need any import hooks.
if (import_hooks.empty())
return true;
// Run the transform.
pe::transforms::PEAddImportsTransform add_imports_transform;
if (!add_imports_transform.TransformBlockGraph(
policy, block_graph, header_block)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to add imports for instrumentation DLL.";
return false;
// Get references to each of the imported symbols.
for (size_t i = 0; i < import_hooks.size(); ++i) {
if (!import_module.GetSymbolReference(import_hooks[i].first,
import_hooks[i].second)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get reference to import.";
return false;
return true;
bool EntryCallTransform::OnBlock(const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* block) {
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<TransformPolicyInterface*>(NULL), policy);
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<BlockGraph*>(NULL), block_graph);
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<BlockGraph::Block*>(NULL), block);
// Skip blocks that aren't eligible for basic-block decomposition.
if (!policy->BlockIsSafeToBasicBlockDecompose(block))
return true;
// Apply the basic block transform.
// See whether this is one of the DLL entrypoints.
pe::EntryPoint entry(block, 0);
pe::EntryPointSet::const_iterator entry_it(dllmain_entrypoints_.find(
bool is_dllmain_entry = entry_it != dllmain_entrypoints_.end();
// Determine if this is an EXE entry point.
bool is_exe_entry = entry == exe_entry_point_;
// It can't be both an EXE and a DLL entry.
DCHECK(!is_dllmain_entry || !is_exe_entry);
// Determine which hook function to use.
BlockGraph::Reference* hook_ref = &hook_ref_;
if (is_dllmain_entry)
hook_ref = &hook_dllmain_ref_;
else if (is_exe_entry)
hook_ref = &hook_exe_entry_ref_;
EntryCallBasicBlockTransform entry_call_transform(*hook_ref, debug_friendly_);
if (!ApplyBasicBlockSubGraphTransform(
&entry_call_transform, policy, block_graph, block, NULL)) {
return false;
return true;
bool EntryCallTransform::GetEntryPoints(BlockGraph::Block* header_block) {
// Get the TLS initializer entry-points. These have the same signature and
// call patterns to DllMain.
if (!pe::GetTlsInitializers(header_block, &dllmain_entrypoints_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to populate the TLS Initializer entry-points.";
return false;
// Get the DLL entry-point.
pe::EntryPoint dll_entry_point;
if (!pe::GetDllEntryPoint(header_block, &dll_entry_point)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to resolve the DLL entry-point.";
return false;
// If the image is an EXE or is a DLL that does not specify an entry-point
// (the entry-point is optional for DLLs) then the dll_entry_point will have
// a NULL block pointer. Otherwise, add it to the entry-point set.
if (dll_entry_point.first != NULL) {
} else {
// Get the EXE entry point. We only need to bother looking if we didn't get
// a DLL entry point, as we can't have both.
if (!pe::GetExeEntryPoint(header_block, &exe_entry_point_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to resolve the EXE entry-point.";
return false;
return true;
bool EntryCallTransform::PostBlockGraphIteration(
const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block* header_block) {
// Make sure the thunks section contains at least one block, as its existence
// is what Chrome's glue code looks for to see whether it's instrumented.
BlockGraph::Section* thunk_section =
if (thunk_section != NULL) {
// It already exists - we're done!
return true;
// The section didn't already exist, create it.
thunk_section = block_graph->FindOrAddSection(common::kThunkSectionName,
DCHECK(thunk_section != NULL);
// Create a one-byte marker block and assign it to the thunks segment.
BlockGraph::Block* marker =
block_graph->AddBlock(BlockGraph::CODE_BLOCK, 1, "InstrumentationMarker");
DCHECK(marker != NULL);
// Provide the marker function with valid code.
static const uint8_t kRet[] = {0xC3};
marker->SetData(kRet, sizeof(kRet));
return true;
} // namespace transforms
} // namespace instrument