blob: 3f071fe07fba8bc31f6f2f17c3670279abb1ef65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// COFF file reading and support for COFF-specific features, such as
// symbol and string tables and COFF relocations.
#include <windows.h>
#include <winnt.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "syzygy/core/address.h"
#include "syzygy/core/address_space.h"
#include "syzygy/core/serialization.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_coff_file.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_file.h"
namespace pe {
// Traits of the COFF address space.
struct CoffAddressSpaceTraits {
// Native addresses for COFF files: physical file offsets.
typedef core::FileOffsetAddress AddressType;
// Native sizes for COFF files.
typedef size_t SizeType;
// @returns an address different from all valid addresses for the
// specified address type.
static const AddressType invalid_address() {
return AddressType::kInvalidAddress;
// @returns the address of the header range, which is always zero
// for COFF files.
static AddressType header_address() {
return AddressType(0);
// Return the file offset of the section data on disk.
// @param header the section header.
// @returns the offset of the section.
static AddressType GetSectionAddress(const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER& header) {
if ((header.Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA) != 0 &&
header.PointerToRawData == 0) {
// Unmapped BSS section.
return invalid_address();
return AddressType(header.PointerToRawData);
// Return the number of bytes occupied by the section data on disk.
// @param header the section header.
// @returns the file size of the section.
static SizeType GetSectionSize(const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER& header) {
return SizeType(header.SizeOfRawData);
// A raw, sparse, representation of a COFF file. It offers a view of
// the contents of the file as is present in the object file, on disk.
class CoffFile : public PECoffFile<CoffAddressSpaceTraits> {
typedef core::FileOffsetAddress FileOffsetAddress;
// A map of the decoded relocation information, where each pair in
// the map associates a location containing the address to relocate
// with a pointer to the IMAGE_RELOCATION structure describing the
// relocation.
typedef std::map<FileOffsetAddress, const IMAGE_RELOCATION*> RelocMap;
// Construct a CoffFile object not yet bound to any file.
// Destroy this CoffFile object, invalidating all pointers obtained
// through GetImageData(), or headers returned by corresponding
// accessor methods.
// Read in the image file at @p path, making its data
// available. A COFF file reader may only read a single file.
// @param path the path to the file to read.
// @returns true on success, false on error.
bool Init(const base::FilePath& path);
// Translate a file offset to a pair of section index and relative
// offset.
// @param addr the file offset to translate.
// @param section_index where to put the section index.
// @param offset where to put the section-relative offset.
// @returns true on success, false if @p addr does not refer to
// section data.
bool FileOffsetToSectionOffset(FileOffsetAddress addr,
size_t* section_index,
size_t* offset) const;
// Translate a pair of section index and relative offset to a file
// offset.
// @param section_index the section index.
// @param offset the section-relative offset.
// @param addr where to put the translated address.
// @returns true on success, false if the pair does not refer to
// section data.
bool SectionOffsetToFileOffset(size_t section_index, size_t offset,
FileOffsetAddress* addr) const;
// Decode relocations for all sections, inserting the results into
// @p reloc_map.
// @param reloc_map the map to which relocation--target pairs are to
// be added.
void DecodeRelocs(RelocMap* reloc_map) const;
// Decode relocation information for the specified section,
// inserting the result into @p reloc_map.
// @param section_index the index of the section to decode
// relocations for.
// @param reloc_map the map to which relocation--target pairs are to
// be added.
// @returns true on success, false on error.
bool DecodeSectionRelocs(size_t section_index, RelocMap* reloc_map) const;
// Test whether the specified section is mapped into the address
// space of this object. BSS sections are not mapped and must be
// handled specially.
// @param section_index the index of the section.
// @returns true if the section is mapped, false otherwise.
bool IsSectionMapped(size_t section_index) const;
// Retrieve the symbol name at the specified index, handling both
// short and long symbol names, reading from the string table if
// necessary.
// @param symbol_index the index of the symbol.
// @returns the name of the symbol, or NULL if the index is invalid.
const char* GetSymbolName(size_t symbol_index) const;
// @returns a pointer to the symbol table of this COFF file.
const IMAGE_SYMBOL* symbols() const {
return symbols_;
// Retrieve a pointer to the symbol entry at index @p symbol_index.
// @param symbol_index the index of the symbol.
// @returns a pointer to the symbol structure.
const IMAGE_SYMBOL* symbol(size_t symbol_index) const {
if (symbol_index >= file_header_->NumberOfSymbols) {
return NULL;
return &symbols_[symbol_index];
// @returns a pointer to the string table of this COFF file.
const char* strings() const {
return strings_;
// Retrieve a pointer to the string at offset @p string_offset,
// relative to the beginning of the string table.
// @param string_offset the offset of the string.
// @returns a pointer to the zero-terminated string, or NULL if
// @p string_offset does not refer to the beginning of
// a string.
const char* string(size_t string_offset) const {
if (string_offset >= strings_size_) {
return NULL;
return strings_ + string_offset;
// @returns the address of the symbol table.
FileOffsetAddress symbols_address() const {
return symbols_offset_;
// @returns the size of the symbol table.
size_t symbols_size() const {
return symbols_size_;
// @returns the address of the string table.
FileOffsetAddress strings_address() const {
return strings_offset_;
// @returns the size of the string table.
size_t strings_size() const {
return strings_size_;
// Information on the relocation table of a given section.
struct SectionRelocInfo {
// A pointer to the internal relocation data.
// The number of relocations in the table pointed to by relocs_.
size_t num_relocs_;
// Add data outside of sections (relocations, symbols, strings) to
// the address space.
// @returns true on success, false on error.
bool ReadNonSections();
// A pointer to the internal symbol table data.
IMAGE_SYMBOL* symbols_;
// A pointer to the internal string table data.
char* strings_;
// The offset to the symbol table in the file.
FileOffsetAddress symbols_offset_;
// The size in bytes of the symbol table.
size_t symbols_size_;
// The offset to the string table in the file.
FileOffsetAddress strings_offset_;
// The size in bytes of the string table.
size_t strings_size_;
// A vector containing relocation information for every sections,
// indexed by the section index.
std::vector<SectionRelocInfo> reloc_infos_;
} // namespace pe