blob: 3c35fe1b10cd21fad65cadf9d99d0d8ec08b290f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// The DiaBrowser browses a Debug Interface Access (DIA) data source according
// to a set of registered patterns of interest, returning the encountered
// symbols to the provided callback. Patterns are constructed using the
// PatternBuilder class, which themselves are built using the factory functions
// in the 'builder' namespace.
// For more information on DIA, refer to the MSDN documentation:
// TODO(chrisha): If needed, we could allow the assignment of a pattern to a
// class, and use 'single visit per class' semantics. In the absence of
// a class, each pattern would be given its own class.
#include <dia2.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
namespace pe {
// We declare a few constants to make it easy to iterate through the SymTagEnum
// (declared in cvconst.h).
enum SymTagConstants {
kSymTagBegin = SymTagExe,
kSymTagEnd = SymTagMax,
kSymTagCount = kSymTagEnd - kSymTagBegin
typedef enum SymTagEnum SymTag;
typedef std::bitset<kSymTagCount> SymTagBitSet;
extern const SymTag kSymTagInvalid;
namespace builder {
class Proxy;
} // namespace builder
// The DiaBrowser browses a DIA data source; see the comment at the top of this
// header file for more detail.
class DiaBrowser {
typedef base::win::ScopedComPtr<IDiaSymbol> SymbolPtr;
typedef std::vector<SymbolPtr> SymbolPtrVector;
typedef std::vector<SymTag> SymTagVector;
// Used by the callback to provide feedback regarding how the search should
// proceed from the point of a partial match checkpoint, or a full match.
enum BrowserDirective {
// Continue browsing as per normal.
// Stop browsing on this particular search path for this pattern.
// Stop browsing for any further matches to this pattern.
// Stop the browser entirely.
// Stop the browser and return in error.
// The match callback is invoked for each symbol on a matched pattern element
// that has a callback. The callback receives the following parameters:
// 1. const DiaBrowser& dia_browser the invoking DiaBrowser
// 2. const SymTagVector& tag_lineage the stack of matched tags.
// 3. const SymbolPtrVector& symbol_lineage the stack of matched symbols.
// It returns a BrowserDirective, telling DiaBrowser how to proceed.
typedef base::Callback<BrowserDirective(
const DiaBrowser&,
const SymTagVector&,
const SymbolPtrVector&)> MatchCallback;
// The basic element of a pattern.
struct PatternElement;
// Acts as a lightweight interface for building patterns.
// Patterns are regex-like constructions that attempt to match paths in
// a tree of IDiaSymbols.
class PatternBuilder;
// Adds a pattern to the DiaBrowser. Returns false if the given pattern
// can't be added. Currently, this will only occur if the given pattern
// allows a null match. More precisely, a pattern will match null if the
// root node of the pattern is an exit node of the entire pattern. Such
// patterns are strictly forbidden. An example of such a pattern:
// Opt(SymTagCompiland)
// Similarly, any pattern that can never match will be ignored. An example
// of such a pattern is: Not(SymTagNull).
// For full details on how to construct patterns, see the comment preceding
// the 'builder' namespace.
// @param pattern_builder_proxy The pattern to register, built by an
// instance of builder::Proxy.
// @param push_callback The callback that will be invoked when the symbol is
// matched and initially visited.
// @param pop_callback If provided this callback will be invoked when the
// matched element is popped off the stack of matches as the browser
// retreats up the stack in its depth-first search. Allows clients to
// maintain a shadow stack with metadata.
bool AddPattern(const builder::Proxy& pattern_builder_proxy,
const MatchCallback& push_callback);
bool AddPattern(const builder::Proxy& pattern_builder_proxy,
const MatchCallback& push_callback,
const MatchCallback& pop_callback);
// Browses through the DIA tree starting from the given root,
// matching existing patterns and calling their callbacks.
// Returns true when the browse terminates naturally, false if any errors
// were encountered. You can not call Browse twice simultaneously on the
// same DiaBrowser! (In other words, don't call it again from within a
// callback.)
bool Browse(IDiaSymbol* root);
// The following protected functions are intended for use by the GTest
// fixture only.
// Tests a vector of SymTags to see if they would match a given pattern.
// Returns the number of ways this sequence matched any of the patterns.
size_t TestMatch(const SymTagVector& sym_tags) const;
// This initializes the search front and other bookkeeping structures.
void PrepareForBrowse();
// Cleans up our various bookkeeping data structures. After calling this
// the DiaBrowser can be reused.
void Reset();
// This advances our search front by trying to advance the symbol with
// @p sym_tag and @p symbol_id along all possible paths. Any associated
// callbacks will also be invoked and their directives handled. It also
// populates sym_tags with the set of tags that will match at the next level
// of recursion in the search.
// This can return a reduced subset of BrowserDirective, namely:
// kBrowserContinue, kBrowserTerminatePath, kBrowserTerminateAll,
// or kBrowserAbort.
BrowserDirective PushMatch(SymTag sym_tag,
uint32_t symbol_id,
SymTagBitSet* sym_tags);
// This rolls back our search stack by one level, calling pop callbacks.
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective PopMatch(bool do_callbacks);
// The actual implementation of Browse, modulo some startup stuff.
// This can return a reduced subset of BrowserDirective, namely:
// kBrowserContinue, kBrowserTerminateAll, or kBrowserAbort.
BrowserDirective BrowseImpl(IDiaSymbol* root, size_t depth);
// This iterates all symbols with symbol tag @p sym_tag that are immediate
// descendants of @p root.
// This can return a reduced subset of BrowserDirective, namely:
// kBrowserContinue, kBrowserTerminateAll, or kBrowserAbort.
BrowserDirective BrowseEnum(IDiaSymbol* root, size_t depth, SymTag sym_tag);
// The set of visited nodes. The first parameter is the address of the
// element that matched, the second is the actual ID of the visited node.
// The PDB has cyclic connections, so we must use some form of limiting to
// ensure that cycles get broken. However, we want the symbol to be reachable
// via each matching pattern and not just via the first one walked.
// TODO(chrisha): Use a hash_map here instead, to minimize allocations?
std::set<std::pair<const PatternElement*, uint32_t> > visited_;
// The search patterns we're using. All patterns stored here must be valid.
// We manually manage memory because we require a 'delete []' to be called
// on each pattern, something which scoped_array does not do. Similarly,
// std::unique_ptr is unsuitable for use in a std::vector.
std::vector<PatternElement*> patterns_;
// Stores the path of matched symbol tags.
SymTagVector tag_lineage_;
// Stores the path of matched symbols.
SymbolPtrVector symbol_lineage_;
// The front of our advancing search. This stores those PatternElements that
// are active.
std::vector<PatternElement*> front_;
// This stores the size of the front at the given search stack depth. During
// the search this will never be empty.
std::vector<size_t> front_size_;
// This indicates which of the search patterns have been stopped.
std::vector<bool> stopped_;
// A stack of SymTagBitSet objects used for guiding the search at each
// level of recursion. We use a single vector of these to minimize
// reallocation at every call to BrowseImpl.
std::vector<SymTagBitSet> sym_tags_;
// The builder namespace contains the factory functions that are used to create
// search patterns. They are in their own namespace so as not to pollute the
// base namespace with their short and potentially common functions names, but
// also so that they can be more easily used with 'using builder' or
// 'using builder::<function name>' declarations.
namespace builder {
typedef DiaBrowser::PatternBuilder PatternBuilder;
typedef DiaBrowser::MatchCallback MatchCallback;
// A lightweight proxy class for inputting arguments to the PatternBuilder
// factories. This proxy allows us to hide the PatternBuilder declaration in
// the .cc file.
class Proxy {
explicit Proxy(const PatternBuilder& proxy);
// These are left implicit so that SymTags and SymTagBitSets can be used
// natively in the 'builder' factories.
Proxy(SymTag sym_tag); // NOLINT
Proxy(SymTagBitSet sym_tags); // NOLINT
// Dereferencing and casting operators that give access to the underlying
// PatternBuilder object.
const PatternBuilder* operator->() const { return pattern_builder_; }
operator const PatternBuilder*() const { return pattern_builder_; }
const PatternBuilder& operator*() const { return *pattern_builder_; }
operator const PatternBuilder&() const { return *pattern_builder_; }
PatternBuilder* pattern_builder_;
// The functions in this namespace act as factories for PatternBuilders.
// Each DIA symbol has associated with it a path of symbol tags. For a full list
// of DIA symbols, refer to cvconst.h or the MSDN documentation here:
// By convention we represent a path of symbol tags in the following manner:
// Compiland.Function.Block.Block.Data
// PatternBuilder is used to build regex-like expressions over these paths,
// where each tag is treated somewhat like a letter in a standard string
// regex. For example, the following pattern would exactly match the example
// path, and only the example path:
// Seq(Compiland, Function, Block, Block, Data)
// Suppose we also wanted to match
// Compiland.Function.Block.Data, and
// Compiland.Function.Data
// To do so, we wish to make the Block tag free to be matched zero or more
// times, accomplished by the following pattern:
// Seq(Compiland, Function, Star(Block), Data)
// The patterns created by the pattern builder have an implicit '^' anchor
// at the beginning, forcing them to match from the beginning of the symbol
// path. In all other senses, they behave identically to their standard regex
// counterparts.
// We specifically disallow any pattern that would cause a successful match
// of the null string. For example, all of the following patterns would
// successfully match the null string:
// Opt(Compiland)
// Or(Opt(Compiland),Opt(Data))
// Opt(Or(Compiland, Data))
// Star(Data)
// Such patterns can be created, but will fail to be inserted into a
// DiaBrowser instance.
// In order to maintain consistency with IDiaSymbol::findChildren, we treat
// the special value SymTagNull as a wild-card, matching any of the other
// SymTagEnum values. See MSDN documentation for more info:
// Represents a pattern that matches a single SymTag. Equivalent to
// regex /a/.
Proxy Tag(SymTag sym_tag);
// Represents a pattern that matches a set of SymTags represented by
// a SymTagBitSet. Equivalent to regex /(a|b|c)/.
Proxy Tags(SymTagBitSet sym_tags);
// Represents a pattern that matches at least two tags. Equivalent to
// regex /(a|b|c)/.
Proxy Tags(SymTag st0, SymTag st1,
SymTag st2 = kSymTagInvalid, SymTag st3 = kSymTagInvalid,
SymTag st4 = kSymTagInvalid, SymTag st5 = kSymTagInvalid,
SymTag st6 = kSymTagInvalid, SymTag st7 = kSymTagInvalid);
// Represents a pattern that matches all but the SymTags represented
// by the given SymTagBitSet. Equivalent to regex pattern /[^abc]/.
Proxy Not(SymTagBitSet sym_tags);
// Represents a pattern that matches all but the indicated SymTags.
// Equivalent to regex pattern /[^abc]/. Careful, doing Not(SymTagNull)
// will allow you to build an empty SymTagSet which will match nothing.
// This will fail on AddPattern, however.
Proxy Not(SymTag st0,
SymTag st1 = kSymTagInvalid,
SymTag st2 = kSymTagInvalid, SymTag st3 = kSymTagInvalid,
SymTag st4 = kSymTagInvalid, SymTag st5 = kSymTagInvalid,
SymTag st6 = kSymTagInvalid, SymTag st7 = kSymTagInvalid);
// Represents a pattern that matches the given sub-patterns in order.
// Equivalent to regex /abc/.
Proxy Seq(const Proxy& p0, const Proxy& p1,
const Proxy& p2 = Proxy(), const Proxy& p3 = Proxy(),
const Proxy& p4 = Proxy(), const Proxy& p5 = Proxy(),
const Proxy& p6 = Proxy(), const Proxy& p7 = Proxy());
// Represents a pattern that matches exactly one of the given sub-patterns.
// Equivalent to regex /(a|b|c)/.
Proxy Or(const Proxy& p0, const Proxy& p1,
const Proxy& p2 = Proxy(), const Proxy& p3 = Proxy(),
const Proxy& p4 = Proxy(), const Proxy& p5 = Proxy(),
const Proxy& p6 = Proxy(), const Proxy& p7 = Proxy());
// Represents a pattern that may or may not match the given sub-pattern.
// Equivalent to regex /a?/.
Proxy Opt(const Proxy& p);
// Represents a pattern that may be matched one or more times.
// Equivalent to regex /a+/.
Proxy Plus(const Proxy& p);
// Represents a pattern that may be matched zero or more times.
// Equivalent to regex /a*/.
Proxy Star(const Proxy& p);
// Represents a pattern which, when fully matched, will invoke the given
// @p callback. This callback can direct the behaviour of the match,
// causing it to terminate early. See BrowserDirective for more details.
// If two callbacks are provided the first is called when the pattern is
// matched and the second is called when the matching element is popped off
// the symbol stack as the DFS retreats.
Proxy Callback(const Proxy& p, const MatchCallback& push_callback);
Proxy Callback(const Proxy& p,
const MatchCallback& push_callback,
const MatchCallback& pop_callback);
} // namespace builder
} // namespace pe