blob: 84d5f443986e8bc38772f4c8aa3bd9ddcee0a9e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Declares utility functions for finding a module and a PDB file corresponding
// to the given module signature.
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_file.h"
namespace pe {
// Determines if the given PE file and PDB file are indeed matched. Does no
// logging.
// @param pe_path the path to the PE file to inspect.
// @param pdb_path the path to the PDB file to inspect.
// @returns true if the files both exist, are valid and are matched, false
// otherwise.
bool PeAndPdbAreMatched(const base::FilePath& pe_path,
const base::FilePath& pdb_path);
// Looks for the module matching a given module signature. If @p module_path is
// not empty uses it as a starting point for the search using the following
// search strategy. If that fails (or is not present) it uses the path in
/// @p module_signature as a starting point using the following strategy.
// Given an example module path of "C:\foo\foo.dll", the search strategy
// is as follows:
// 1. Looks for "C:\foo\foo.dll".
// 2. Looks for "foo.dll" in the current working directory.
// 3. Looks for "foo.dll" in each directory in @p search_paths.
// @param module_signature The signature of the module we are searching for.
// This also contains the path to the module from which the signature was
// originally taken, and this is used as the starting point of the search.
// @param search_paths A semi-colon separated list of additional search paths.
// @param module_path If the module is successfully found, this will contain
// the absolute path to the discovered module.
// @returns false if any errors occur, true otherwise. If the module is found
// its path is returned in @p module_path. If the module is not found
// but there were no errors, this will return true and @p module_path will
// be empty.
bool FindModuleBySignature(const PEFile::Signature& module_signature,
const base::StringPiece16& search_paths,
base::FilePath* module_path);
// Same as 3-parameter FindModuleBySignature, but uses the PATH environment
// variable as the list of search paths.
bool FindModuleBySignature(const PEFile::Signature& module_signature,
base::FilePath* module_path);
// Searches for the PDB file corresponding to the given module. If not empty,
// uses @p pdb_path as a starting point with the following strategy. If that
// fails (or @p pdb_path is empty), uses the path stored in the module's debug
// information as a starting point with the the following strategy.
// Given an example PDB starting path of "C:\foo\foo.pdb", the search strategy
// is as follows:
// 1. Looks for "C:\foo\foo.pdb".
// 2. Looks for "foo.pdb" in the current working directory.
// 3. Looks for "foo.pdb" in each directory in @p search_paths, or looks by
// GUID/age in each symbol server listed in @p search_paths.
// @param module_path The module whose PDB file we are looking for.
// @param search_paths A semi-colon separated list of additional search paths.
// May use the svr* and cache* notation of symbol servers.
// @param pdb_path If the PDB is successfully found, this will contain the
// absolute path to it. If it is found on a symbol server, it will first
// be downloaded and stored locally.
// @returns false if any errors occur, true otherwise. If the PDB file is found
// its path is returned in @p pdb_path. If the PDB file is not found
// but there were no errors, this will return true and @p pdb_path will
// be empty.
bool FindPdbForModule(const base::FilePath& module_path,
const base::StringPiece16& search_paths,
base::FilePath* pdb_path);
// Same 3-parameter FindPdbForModule, but uses the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment
// variable as the list of search paths.
bool FindPdbForModule(const base::FilePath& module_path,
base::FilePath* pdb_path);
} // namespace pe
#endif // SYZYGY_PE_FIND_H_