blob: 1af875e30371153e997f5354539ab4f40dddcd5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// The HotPatchingDecomposer decomposes a loaded module into an ImageLayout and
// its corresponding BlockGraph. The module must have been instrumented with
// PEHotPatchingTransform first. The module must not be unloaded from memory
// while decomposing and while using the resulting block graph as the contents
// of the blocks are backed by their actual memory.
// The decomposer first reads the hot patching metadata to obtain the location
// of the blocks in memory.
// Each decomposed block will have a code label to its beginning. If the block
// contains data, an additional data label will be inserted at the first
// data byte.
// Inter-block PC-relative references and in-block absolute references must be
// recovered before passing the resulting block graph to a basic block
// decomposer. In-block PC-relative references are automatically inserted by
// the basic block decomposer. We expect that inter-block PC-relative references
// are used only as arguments of direct jump instructions. In-block absolute
// references are used for referring to the jump and case tables and referencing
// in-block code in the jump tables.
// To recover these references we apply the following algorithm:
// - The code part of each block will be disassembled and examined:
// - We add all 4-byte PC-relative references from immediate arguments of
// branch and call instructions. We create 1-byte long dummy code blocks
// marked with the BUILT_BY_UNSUPPORTED_COMPILER attribute for the
// references that point to blocks that are not in the metadata.
// - We recognize jump table references in the displacement of specific
// indirect jump instructions. If the displacement can be interpreted as
// a reference to the data part of the block, we add the absolute reference
// and also insert a label for the jump table.
// - We recognize case table references in the displacement of specific
// MOVZX instructions. If the displacement can be interpreted as a reference
// to the data part of the block, we add the absolute reference and also
// insert a label for the case table.
// - The data part of the block is supposed to contain only jump tables and case
// tables. Only jump tables contain references, and during the disassembly of
// the code part we already recovered the locations of these. Jump tables
// contain absolute references. We only recover the in-block absolute
// references by inspecting each 4-byte long position in the jump table and
// adding a reference if it can be interpreted as a pointer pointing inside
// the block.
// NOTE: Currently, inter-block absolute references are not recovered.
// Recovering (at least some of) them would allow avoiding the double
// indirection when hot patched blocks call each other.
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "base/win/pe_image.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/hot_patching_metadata.h"
#include "syzygy/core/disassembler_util.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/image_layout.h"
namespace pe {
class HotPatchingDecomposer {
typedef block_graph::BlockGraph BlockGraph;
typedef std::unordered_map<const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER*, BlockGraph::SectionId>
// Constructs a hot patching decomposer for a given module.
// @param module The handle of the module to decompose.
explicit HotPatchingDecomposer(HMODULE module);
// Decomposes the module into the image layout.
// @param image_layout The image layout to decompose into.
bool Decompose(ImageLayout* image_layout);
typedef block_graph::BlockGraph::BlockType BlockType;
typedef core::RelativeAddress RelativeAddress;
// Creates a new block with the given properties, and attaches the
// data to it. This assumes that no conflicting block exists.
BlockGraph::Block* CreateBlock(BlockType type,
RelativeAddress address,
BlockGraph::Size size,
const base::StringPiece& name);
// This function disassembles a hot patchable block and recovers inter-block
// PC-relative references and in-block absolute references originating in the
// code by examining the instructions. Jump table and case table labels are
// also recovered.
// @param block The block to disassemble.
// @param code_size The number of bytes that should be interpreted as code.
bool InferCodeReferences(BlockGraph::Block* block, size_t code_size);
// Recover in-block absolute references originating in jump tables.
// @param block The block to examine.
// @param code_size The number of bytes that should be interpreted as code.
bool InferJumpTableReferences(BlockGraph::Block* block, size_t code_size);
// Create the blocks with the help of the hot patching metadata.
bool LoadHotPatchableBlocks();
// Create sections in the image layout and the underlying block-graph.
bool LoadSectionInformation();
// Parse the case table reference if the instruction is a case table read.
// We expect that case tables are used by instructions in the following
// form: MOVZX EAX, BYTE [ECX+<case-table-address>] where
// <case-table-address> is an address inside the block, after the code.
// Any register can stand in place of EAX and ECX. If we encounter an
// instruction in this form we insert an absolute reference to the block
// itself with the proper offset. We also insert a case table label, this
// allows us to separate jump table entries from case table entries when
// creating jump table references.
// @param block The block containing the instruction.
// @param offset The offset of the instruction.
// @param inst The instruction to parse.
// @param code_size The size of the code in the block.
// @param parse Output parameter, true if the instruction was recognized as
// a case table read.
// @returns true if no error occurred (not a case table instruction or
// successfully added the reference), false on failure.
bool ParseCaseTableRead(BlockGraph::Block* block,
BlockGraph::Offset offset,
const _DInst &inst,
size_t code_size,
bool* parsed);
// Parse the in-block absolute reference to the jump table if the instruction
// is a jump using a jump table.
// We expect that jump tables are used by instructions in the following
// form: JMP DWORD [EAX*4+<jump-table-address>] where
// <jump-table-address> is an address inside the block, after the code.
// Any register can stand in place of EAX. If we encounter an
// instruction in this form we insert an absolute reference to the
// block itself with the proper offset. We also insert a jump table
// label because basic block decomposer expects these labels at branch
// reference targets.
// @param block The block containing the instruction.
// @param offset The offset of the instruction.
// @param inst The instruction to parse.
// @param code_size The size of the code in the block.
// @param parse Output parameter, true if the instruction was recognized as
// a jump table read.
// @returns true if no error occurred (not a jump table instruction or
// successfully added the reference), false on failure.
bool ParseJumpTableCall(BlockGraph::Block* block,
BlockGraph::Offset offset,
const _DInst &inst,
size_t code_size,
bool* parsed);
// Parse the jump and call instructions and recover PC-relative reference
// from their immediate arguments. This also creates dummy blocks for
// referred blocks not in the image layout. The dummy blocks will be
// 1-byte-long code blocks backed by the actual memory at the location of
// the target of the reference. They will also have the
// BUILT_BY_UNSUPPORTED_COMPILER attribute set to differentiate them from
// other blocks and to mark them that their contents should not be
// interpreted.
// @param block The block containing the instruction.
// @param offset The offset of the instruction.
// @param inst The instruction to parse.
// @param parse Output parameter, true if the instruction was recognized as
// a PC-relative branch or call instruction.
// @returns true if no error occurred (even if no reference added), false
// on failure.
bool ParsePCRelativeBranchAndCallInstuction(BlockGraph::Block* block,
BlockGraph::Offset offset,
const _DInst &inst,
bool* parsed);
// This function uses the hot patching block metadata to create the
// corresponding code block in the block graph.
// @param block_metadata Metadata for a single code block.
BlockGraph::Block* ProcessHotPatchableCodeBlock(
const block_graph::HotPatchingBlockMetadata& block_metadata);
// The image layout that we decompose into.
ImageLayout* image_layout_;
// The address space of the image layout.
BlockGraph::AddressSpace* image_;
// This variable is used to generate increasing IDs for the code blocks.
size_t last_code_block_id_;
// The handle to the module being decomposed.
HMODULE module_;
// The PEImage object representing the module to be decomposed.
std::unique_ptr<base::win::PEImage> pe_image_;
// Maps the section header addresses to section ids.
SectionIdMap section_index_;
} // namespace pe