blob: 6da1a9ba673dc332a5072fe7982084d4317f6552 [file] [log] [blame]
; Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
; Listing generated by Microsoft (R) Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.30729.01
; The original C++ source code was:
; extern "C" int LabelTestFunc(int k) {
; switch (k) {
; case 1:
; case 7:
; case 15:
; return 10;
; case 10:
; case 70:
; case 150:
; return 100;
; case 100:
; case 700:
; case 1500:
; return 1000;
; case 1000:
; case 7000:
; case 15000:
; return 10000;
; default:
; return -1;
; }
; }
TITLE C:\src\
.model flat
PUBLIC _LabelTestFunc
; Function compile flags: /Odtp
tv64 = -4 ; size = 4
_k$ = 8 ; size = 4
ALIGN 4 ; This is required for sample grinder unittests.
_LabelTestFunc PROC
; File c:\src\
; Line 2
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ecx
; Line 3
mov eax, DWORD PTR _k$[ebp]
mov DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], eax
cmp DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], 150 ; 00000096H
jg SHORT $LN10@LabelTestF
cmp DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], 150 ; 00000096H
je SHORT $LN4@LabelTestF
mov ecx, DWORD PTR tv64[ebp]
sub ecx, 1
mov DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], ecx
cmp DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], 99 ; 00000063H
ja SHORT $LN1@LabelTestF
mov edx, DWORD PTR tv64[ebp]
movzx eax, BYTE PTR $LN12@LabelTestF[edx]
jmp DWORD PTR $LN13@LabelTestF[eax*4]
cmp DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], 1500 ; 000005dcH
jg SHORT $LN11@LabelTestF
cmp DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], 1500 ; 000005dcH
je SHORT $LN3@LabelTestF
cmp DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], 700 ; 000002bcH
je SHORT $LN3@LabelTestF
cmp DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], 1000 ; 000003e8H
je SHORT $LN2@LabelTestF
jmp SHORT $LN1@LabelTestF
cmp DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], 7000 ; 00001b58H
je SHORT $LN2@LabelTestF
cmp DWORD PTR tv64[ebp], 15000 ; 00003a98H
je SHORT $LN2@LabelTestF
jmp SHORT $LN1@LabelTestF
; Line 7
mov eax, 10 ; 0000000aH
jmp SHORT $LN8@LabelTestF
; Line 12
mov eax, 100 ; 00000064H
jmp SHORT $LN8@LabelTestF
; Line 17
mov eax, 1000 ; 000003e8H
jmp SHORT $LN8@LabelTestF
; Line 22
mov eax, 10000 ; 00002710H
jmp SHORT $LN8@LabelTestF
; Line 25
or eax, -1
; Line 27
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
ret 0
npad 3
; This label will conflict with the reloc on the next line.
; TODO(rogerm): The symbols generated from assembly don't seem expressive
; enough to generate both data and code labels, so this isn't quite
; reproductive of the label/reloc collision we saw in chrome 17.0.963.12
; (where we were notified of a data symbol, a reloc, and two code labels
; all referring to the same address), but it does trigger the same check.
; More troubling is the case table below, for which we get no data symbol
; from the assembly driven debug info, we just get a code label. This
; causes that label to be interpreted as code.
DD $LN5@LabelTestF
DD $LN4@LabelTestF
DD $LN3@LabelTestF
DD $LN1@LabelTestF
DB 0
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_LabelTestFunc ENDP