blob: e8b295cab3552b62bea116d9aef29d3a207370bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "syzygy/reorder/reorderer.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/json/string_escape.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/block_graph.h"
#include "syzygy/common/defs.h"
#include "syzygy/core/json_file_writer.h"
#include "syzygy/core/serialization.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/omap.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/find.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/metadata.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_file.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_utils.h"
#include "syzygy/version/syzygy_version.h"
namespace reorder {
using block_graph::BlockGraph;
using trace::parser::Parser;
using base::ListValue;
using base::DictionaryValue;
using base::Value;
namespace {
const char kCommentKey[] = "comment";
const char kMetadataKey[] = "metadata";
const char kSectionsKey[] = "sections";
const char kSectionIdKey[] = "id";
const char kSectionNameKey[] = "name";
const char kSectionCharacteristicsKey[] = "characteristics";
const char kBlocksKey[] = "blocks";
bool OutputTrailingBlockComment(const BlockGraph::Block* block,
core::JSONFileWriter* json_file) {
DCHECK(block != NULL);
DCHECK(json_file != NULL);
if (!json_file->pretty_print())
return true;
std::string comment = base::StringPrintf(
if (!json_file->OutputTrailingComment(comment))
return false;
return true;
bool OutputBlockSpec(const Reorderer::Order::BlockSpec& block_spec,
core::JSONFileWriter* json_file) {
// TODO(rogerm): Stop referring to block->addr() and take the address space
// as an input parameter.
DCHECK(json_file != NULL);
// TODO(rogerm): Flesh out support for synthesizing new blocks.
DCHECK(block_spec.block != NULL);
// If no basic-block RVAs are given then the entire block is to be
// used and we can just just the block address.
if (block_spec.basic_block_offsets.empty()) {
if (!json_file->OutputInteger(block_spec.block->addr().value()))
return false;
if (!OutputTrailingBlockComment(block_spec.block, json_file))
return false;
return true;
// Otherwise, we output a pair (two element list) comprising the block
// address and the list of basic-block RVAs.
// Open the outer list.
if (!json_file->OpenList())
return false;
// Output the block address.
if (!json_file->OutputInteger(block_spec.block->addr().value()) ||
!OutputTrailingBlockComment(block_spec.block, json_file)) {
return false;
// Open the inner list.
if (!json_file->OpenList())
return false;
// Output the basic block RVAs.
Reorderer::Order::OffsetVector::const_iterator it =
for (; it != block_spec.basic_block_offsets.end(); ++it) {
if (!json_file->OutputInteger(*it))
return false;
// Close the inner list.
if (!json_file->CloseList())
return false;
// Close the outer list.
if (!json_file->CloseList())
return false;
return true;
// Serializes a block list to JSON.
bool OutputSectionSpec(const Reorderer::Order::SectionSpec& section_spec,
core::JSONFileWriter* json_file) {
DCHECK(json_file != NULL);
// Open the section specification dictionary.
if (!json_file->OpenDict())
return false;
// If the section has an ID in the original image, output the ID.
if ( != Reorderer::Order::SectionSpec::kNewSectionId) {
if (!json_file->OutputKey(kSectionIdKey) ||
!json_file->OutputInteger( {
return false;
// Output the section metadata.
if (!json_file->OutputKey(kSectionNameKey) ||
!json_file->OutputString( ||
!json_file->OutputKey(kSectionCharacteristicsKey) ||
!json_file->OutputInteger(section_spec.characteristics)) {
return false;
// Open the block spec list.
if (!json_file->OutputKey(kBlocksKey) ||
!json_file->OpenList()) {
return false;
// Output each of the block specifications.
Reorderer::Order::BlockSpecVector::const_iterator it =
for (; it != section_spec.blocks.end(); ++it) {
if (!OutputBlockSpec(*it, json_file))
return false;
// Close the block spec list.
if (!json_file->CloseList())
return false;
// Close the section spec dictionary.
if (!json_file->CloseDict())
return false;
return true;
bool LoadBlockSpec(const pe::ImageLayout& image,
const Value* block_value,
Reorderer::Order::BlockSpec* block_spec) {
DCHECK(block_value != NULL);
DCHECK(block_spec != NULL);
block_spec->block = NULL;
// If the block value is a single integer, then we use the entire block.
// Otherwise, we evaluate the value as a pair (represented as a list)
// where the first element is the address and the second element is a list
// of basic-block RVAs.
int address = 0;
const ListValue* rva_list = NULL;
if (!block_value->GetAsInteger(&address)) {
const ListValue* pair = NULL;
if (!block_value->GetAsList(&pair) ||
!pair->GetInteger(0, &address) ||
!pair->GetList(1, &rva_list)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid entry for block specification.";
return false;
// Resolve the referenced block.
core::RelativeAddress rva(address);
const BlockGraph::Block* block = image.blocks.GetBlockByAddress(rva);
if (block == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Block address not found in decomposed image: "
<< address;
return false;
// Read in the basic_block offsets.
bool seen_end_block = false;
if (rva_list != NULL && !rva_list->empty()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < rva_list->GetSize(); ++i) {
int offset = 0;
if (!rva_list->GetInteger(i, &offset)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected value for basic-block offset #" << i
<< " of " << address << " [" << block->name() << "].";
return false;
if (offset < 0 ||
static_cast<BlockGraph::Size>(offset) > block->size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Offset " << offset << " falls outside block range [0-"
<< block->size() << "] for " << block->name();
return false;
// The basic-end block must be last in the block specification. The
// block builder will catch this error but we can meaningfully catch this
// earlier and avoid a lot of computation for nothing.
if (static_cast<BlockGraph::Size>(offset) == block->size()) {
seen_end_block = true;
} else if (seen_end_block) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Encountered basic-end block that is not last in the "
<< "specified ordering.";
return false;
block_spec->block = block;
return true;
bool LoadSectionSpec(const pe::ImageLayout& image,
const DictionaryValue* section_value,
Reorderer::Order::SectionSpec* section_spec,
std::set<size_t>* seen_section_ids) {
DCHECK(section_value != NULL);
DCHECK(section_spec != NULL);
DCHECK(seen_section_ids != NULL);
// Some keys we'll refer to multiple times below.
const std::string section_id_key(kSectionIdKey);
const std::string section_name_key(kSectionNameKey);
const std::string section_characteristics_key(kSectionCharacteristicsKey);
const std::string blocks_key(kBlocksKey);
// Get the section id, if given.
int tmp_section_id = Reorderer::Order::SectionSpec::kNewSectionId;
if (section_value->HasKey(section_id_key) &&
!section_value->GetInteger(section_id_key, &tmp_section_id)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid value for " << section_id_key << ".";
return false;
// Lookup the original section by id, if the id was given. Populate the
// section metadata based on the original section info. The other keys
// will be inspected below to see if any of the metadata needs to be
// over-ridden.
section_spec->id = tmp_section_id;
if (section_spec->id != Reorderer::Order::SectionSpec::kNewSectionId) {
// Lookup the section in the original image layout.
if (section_spec->id < 0 || section_spec->id > image.sections.size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid section id: " << section_spec->id << ".";
return false;
// Make sure this section id does not already exist.
if (!seen_section_ids->insert(section_spec->id).second) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Section ID " << section_spec->id << " redefined.";
return false;
// Copy the metadata into the section spec.
section_spec->name = image.sections[section_spec->id].name;
section_spec->characteristics =
// Possibly over-ride the section name.
if (section_value->HasKey(section_name_key) &&
!section_value->GetString(section_name_key, &section_spec->name)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid value for " << section_name_key << ".";
return false;
// Make sure we've got a section name. This may have come from either the
// the original image (via the section id) or explicitly from the section
// name key.
if (section_spec->name.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Missing a value for the section name. Either a valid "
<< section_id_key << " or valid " << section_name_key
<< " is required.";
return false;
// Possibly over-ride the section characteristics. The characteristics are
// required if the section was not given by id.
if (section_spec->id == Reorderer::Order::SectionSpec::kNewSectionId ||
section_value->HasKey(section_characteristics_key)) {
int tmp_characteristics = 0;
if (!section_value->GetInteger(section_characteristics_key,
&tmp_characteristics)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Missing or invalid value for "
<< section_characteristics_key << ".";
return false;
section_spec->characteristics = tmp_characteristics;
// Get the list of block specifications.
const ListValue* blocks = NULL;
if (!section_value->GetList(blocks_key, &blocks)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid or missing value for " << blocks_key << ".";
return false;
if (!blocks->empty()) {
// Populate the block spec vector.
for (size_t block_idx = 0; block_idx != blocks->GetSize(); ++block_idx) {
const Value* block_value = NULL;
if (!blocks->Get(block_idx, &block_value)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to access item " << block_idx << ".";
return false;
if (!LoadBlockSpec(image, block_value, &section_spec->blocks[block_idx]))
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
const size_t Reorderer::Order::SectionSpec::kNewSectionId = ~1U;
Reorderer::Reorderer(const base::FilePath& module_path,
const base::FilePath& instrumented_path,
const TraceFileList& trace_files,
Flags flags)
: playback_(module_path, instrumented_path, trace_files),
order_generator_(NULL) {
Reorderer::~Reorderer() {
bool Reorderer::Reorder(OrderGenerator* order_generator,
Order* order,
PEFile* pe_file,
ImageLayout* image) {
DCHECK(order_generator != NULL);
DCHECK(order != NULL);
DCHECK(order_generator_ == NULL);
order_generator_ = order_generator;
bool success = ReorderImpl(order, pe_file, image);
order_generator_ = NULL;
return success;
bool Reorderer::ReorderImpl(Order* order,
PEFile* pe_file,
ImageLayout* image) {
DCHECK(order != NULL);
DCHECK(order_generator_ != NULL);
if (!parser_.Init(this)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initialize call trace parser.";
return false;
if (!playback_.Init(pe_file, image, &parser_))
return false;
if (playback_.trace_files().size() > 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Processing trace events.";
if (!parser_.Consume())
return false;
if (code_block_entry_events_ == 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No events originated from the given instrumented DLL.";
return false;
if (!CalculateReordering(order))
return false;
return true;
bool Reorderer::CalculateReordering(Order* order) {
DCHECK(order != NULL);
DCHECK(order_generator_ != NULL);
LOG(INFO) << "Calculating new order.";
if (!order_generator_->CalculateReordering(*playback_.pe_file(),
(flags_ & kFlagReorderCode) != 0,
(flags_ & kFlagReorderData) != 0,
return false;
order->comment = base::StringPrintf("Generated using the %s.",
return true;
void Reorderer::OnProcessStarted(
base::Time time, DWORD process_id, const TraceSystemInfo* data) {
UniqueTime entry_time(time);
if (!order_generator_->OnProcessStarted(process_id, entry_time)) {
void Reorderer::OnProcessEnded(base::Time time, DWORD process_id) {
// Notify the order generator.
if (!order_generator_->OnProcessEnded(process_id, UniqueTime(time))) {
// CallTraceEvents implementation.
void Reorderer::OnFunctionEntry(base::Time time,
DWORD process_id,
DWORD thread_id,
const TraceEnterExitEventData* data) {
DCHECK(data != NULL);
bool error = false;
const BlockGraph::Block* block = playback_.FindFunctionBlock(process_id,
// Handle the error if any occurred.
if (error) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Playback::FindFunctionBlock failed.";
// If no block was found then we simply ignore the event.
if (block == NULL)
// Get the time of the call. Since batched function calls come in with the
// same time stamp, we rely on their relative ordering and UniqueTime's
// incrementing ID to maintain relative order.
UniqueTime entry_time(time);
if (!order_generator_->OnCodeBlockEntry(block,
entry_time)) {
LOG(ERROR) << order_generator_->name() << "::OnCodeBlockEntry failed.";
void Reorderer::OnBatchFunctionEntry(base::Time time,
DWORD process_id,
DWORD thread_id,
const TraceBatchEnterData* data) {
// Explode the batch event into individual function entry events.
TraceEnterExitEventData new_data = {};
for (size_t i = 0; i < data->num_calls; ++i) {
new_data.function = data->calls[i].function;
OnFunctionEntry(time, process_id, thread_id, &new_data);
bool Reorderer::Order::SerializeToJSON(const PEFile& pe,
const base::FilePath &path,
bool pretty_print) const {
base::ScopedFILE file(base::OpenFile(path, "wb"));
if (file.get() == NULL)
return false;
core::JSONFileWriter json_file(file.get(), pretty_print);
return SerializeToJSON(pe, &json_file);
bool Reorderer::Order::SerializeToJSON(const PEFile& pe,
core::JSONFileWriter* json_file) const {
DCHECK(json_file != NULL);
// Open the top-level dictionary and the metadata dictionary.
if (!json_file->OpenDict())
return false;
// Output the filecomment.
if (!json_file->OutputKey(kCommentKey) ||
!json_file->OutputString(comment)) {
return false;
// Output metadata.
PEFile::Signature orig_sig;
pe::Metadata metadata;
if (!metadata.Init(orig_sig) ||
!json_file->OutputKey(kMetadataKey) ||
!metadata.SaveToJSON(json_file)) {
return false;
// Open list of sections.
if (!json_file->OutputKey(kSectionsKey) ||
!json_file->OpenList()) {
return false;
// Output the individual block lists.
SectionSpecVector::const_iterator it = sections.begin();
for (; it != sections.end(); ++it) {
const SectionSpec& section_spec = *it;
if (section_spec.blocks.empty())
if (!OutputSectionSpec(section_spec, json_file))
return false;
// Close the list of sections.
if (!json_file->CloseList())
return false;
// Close the outermost dictionary.
if (!json_file->CloseDict())
return false;
return true;
bool Reorderer::Order::LoadFromJSON(const PEFile& pe,
const ImageLayout& image,
const base::FilePath& path) {
std::string file_string;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(path, &file_string)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read order file to string";
return false;
// Read in the JSON file. It should be a dictionary.
const DictionaryValue* outer_dict = NULL;
std::unique_ptr<Value> value(base::JSONReader::Read(file_string).release());
if (value.get() == NULL || !value->GetAsDictionary(&outer_dict)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Order file does not contain a valid JSON dictionary.";
return false;
// Load the metadata from the order file, and ensure it is consistent with
// the signature of the module the ordering is being applied to.
pe::Metadata metadata;
PEFile::Signature pe_sig;
const DictionaryValue* metadata_dict = NULL;
if (!outer_dict->GetDictionary(kMetadataKey, &metadata_dict) ||
!metadata.LoadFromJSON(*metadata_dict) ||
!metadata.IsConsistent(pe_sig)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Missing, invalid, or inconsistent " << kMetadataKey << ".";
return false;
// Load the comments field.
if (outer_dict->HasKey(kCommentKey) &&
!outer_dict->GetString(kCommentKey, &comment)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid " << kCommentKey << " value. Must be a string.";
return false;
// Grab the sections list.
const ListValue* order = NULL;
if (!outer_dict->GetList(kSectionsKey, &order)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Missing or invalid " << kSectionsKey << ".";
return false;
// Allocate the expected number of sections.
// Iterate through the elements of the list. They should each be dictionaries
// representing a single section. We'll also track the sections descriptions
// we have already seen.
std::set<size_t> seen_section_ids;
for (size_t index = 0; index < order->GetSize(); ++index) {
const DictionaryValue* section = NULL;
if (!order->GetDictionary(index, &section)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Item " << index << "of " << kSectionsKey
<< " list is not a dictionary.";
return false;
if (!LoadSectionSpec(image, section, &sections[index], &seen_section_ids))
return false;
return true;
bool Reorderer::Order::GetOriginalModulePath(const base::FilePath& path,
base::FilePath* module) {
std::string file_string;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(path, &file_string)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read order file to string.";
return false;
std::unique_ptr<Value> value(base::JSONReader::Read(file_string).release());
if (value.get() == NULL || value->GetType() != Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Order file does not contain a valid JSON dictionary.";
return false;
const DictionaryValue* outer_dict =
reinterpret_cast<const DictionaryValue*>(value.get());
std::string metadata_key("metadata");
const DictionaryValue* metadata_dict = NULL;
if (!outer_dict->GetDictionary(metadata_key, &metadata_dict)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Order dictionary must contain 'metadata'.";
return false;
pe::Metadata metadata;
if (!metadata.LoadFromJSON(*metadata_dict))
return false;
*module = base::FilePath(metadata.module_signature().path);
return true;
: time_(),
id_(0) {
Reorderer::UniqueTime::UniqueTime(const UniqueTime& other)
: time_(other.time_),
id_(other.id_) {
Reorderer::UniqueTime::UniqueTime(const base::Time& time)
: time_(time),
id_(next_id_++) {
Reorderer::UniqueTime& Reorderer::UniqueTime::operator=(const UniqueTime& rhs) {
time_ = rhs.time_;
id_ = rhs.id_;
return *this;
int Reorderer::UniqueTime::compare(const UniqueTime& rhs) const {
if (time_ < rhs.time_)
return -1;
if (time_ > rhs.time_)
return 1;
if (id_ < rhs.id_)
return -1;
if (id_ > rhs.id_)
return 1;
return 0;
size_t Reorderer::UniqueTime::next_id_ = 0;
} // namespace reorder