blob: 2f38b5a4ffa0da822bded7debbf5381ae5a41f1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/rtl_utils.h"
#include <memory>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/debug/alias.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/heap_checker.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/runtime.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/asan/shadow.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/common/scoped_last_error_keeper.h"
#include "syzygy/agent/common/stack_capture.h"
namespace {
// The asan runtime manager.
agent::asan::AsanRuntime* asan_runtime = NULL;
} // namespace
namespace agent {
namespace asan {
void SetAsanRuntimeInstance(AsanRuntime* runtime) {
asan_runtime = runtime;
void ReportBadMemoryAccess(const void* location,
AccessMode access_mode,
size_t access_size,
const AsanContext& asan_context) {
// Capture the context and restore the value of the register as before calling
// the asan hook.
// Save the last error value so this function will be able to restore it.
agent::common::ScopedLastErrorKeeper scoped_last_error_keeper;
// We keep a structure with all the useful information about this bad access
// on the stack.
AsanErrorInfo bad_access_info = {};
// We need to call ::RtlCaptureContext if we want SegSS and SegCS to be
// properly set.
bad_access_info.context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_INTEGER | CONTEXT_CONTROL;
// Restore the original value of the registers.
#ifdef _WIN64
// TODO(loskutov): add more x64 registers or eliminate this piece of code.
bad_access_info.context.Rip = asan_context.original_rip;
bad_access_info.context.Rax = asan_context.original_rax;
bad_access_info.context.Rcx = asan_context.original_rcx;
bad_access_info.context.Rdx = asan_context.original_rdx;
bad_access_info.context.Rbx = asan_context.original_rbx;
bad_access_info.context.Rbp = asan_context.original_rbp;
bad_access_info.context.Rsp = asan_context.original_rsp;
bad_access_info.context.Rsi = asan_context.original_rsi;
bad_access_info.context.Rdi = asan_context.original_rdi;
bad_access_info.context.Eip = asan_context.original_eip;
bad_access_info.context.Eax = asan_context.original_eax;
bad_access_info.context.Ecx = asan_context.original_ecx;
bad_access_info.context.Edx = asan_context.original_edx;
bad_access_info.context.Ebx = asan_context.original_ebx;
bad_access_info.context.Ebp = asan_context.original_ebp;
bad_access_info.context.Esp = asan_context.original_esp;
bad_access_info.context.Esi = asan_context.original_esi;
bad_access_info.context.Edi = asan_context.original_edi;
bad_access_info.context.EFlags = asan_context.original_eflags;
common::StackCapture stack;
// We need to use the relative stack id so that for the same stack trace we
// get the same value every time even if the modules are loaded at a different
// base address.
// Check if we can ignore this error.
if (asan_runtime->ShouldIgnoreError(stack.relative_stack_id()))
bad_access_info.crash_stack_id = stack.relative_stack_id();
bad_access_info.location = location;
bad_access_info.access_mode = access_mode;
bad_access_info.access_size = access_size;
bad_access_info.error_type = UNKNOWN_BAD_ACCESS;
bad_access_info.block_info.alloc_stack_size = 0U;
bad_access_info.block_info.alloc_tid = 0U;
bad_access_info.block_info.free_stack_size = 0U;
bad_access_info.block_info.free_tid = 0U;
bad_access_info.block_info.milliseconds_since_free = 0U;
bad_access_info.corrupt_ranges = NULL;
bad_access_info.corrupt_range_count = 0;
// Make sure this structure is not optimized out.
// TODO(sebmarchand): Check if the heap is corrupt and store the information
// about the corrupt blocks if it's the case.
bad_access_info.heap_is_corrupt = false;
// Accesses to the first 64k of the memory (invalid address) should not be
// reported by SyzyASAN unless we detect a heap corruption or if it has been
// requested by the user. By returning early, we let the unhandled exception
// filter do the heap corruption check. The check is not done here because we
// don't want to duplicate the work.
if (!asan_runtime->params().report_invalid_accesses &&
bad_access_info.location <
reinterpret_cast<void*>(Shadow::kAddressLowerBound)) {
// Report this error.
void ContextToAsanContext(const CONTEXT& context, AsanContext* asan_context) {
DCHECK(asan_context != NULL);
#ifdef _WIN64
asan_context->original_rax = context.Rax;
asan_context->original_rbp = context.Rbp;
asan_context->original_rbx = context.Rbx;
asan_context->original_rcx = context.Rcx;
asan_context->original_rdi = context.Rdi;
asan_context->original_rdx = context.Rdx;
asan_context->original_rip = context.Rip;
asan_context->original_rsi = context.Rsi;
asan_context->original_rsp = context.Rsp;
asan_context->original_eax = context.Eax;
asan_context->original_ebp = context.Ebp;
asan_context->original_ebx = context.Ebx;
asan_context->original_ecx = context.Ecx;
asan_context->original_edi = context.Edi;
asan_context->original_edx = context.Edx;
asan_context->original_eip = context.Eip;
asan_context->original_esi = context.Esi;
asan_context->original_esp = context.Esp;
asan_context->original_eflags = context.EFlags;
void ReportBadAccess(const void* location, AccessMode access_mode) {
AsanContext asan_context = {};
CONTEXT context = {};
ContextToAsanContext(context, &asan_context);
ReportBadMemoryAccess(location, access_mode, 1U, asan_context);
void TestMemoryRange(Shadow* shadow,
const uint8_t* memory,
size_t size,
AccessMode access_mode) {
if (!shadow || size == 0U)
// TODO(sebmarchand): This approach is pretty limited because it only checks
// if the first and the last elements are accessible. Once we have the
// plumbing in place we should benchmark a check that looks at each
// address to be touched (via the shadow memory, 8 bytes at a time).
if (!shadow->IsAccessible(memory) ||
!shadow->IsAccessible(memory + size - 1)) {
const void* location = shadow->FindFirstPoisonedByte(memory, size);
// If this check hits, either you've lucked on a time-of-check race, and
// there's a genuine bug in the call stack above, or else there's a bug
// in the runtime.
CHECK(location != nullptr);
ReportBadAccess(location, access_mode);
} // namespace asan
} // namespace agent